I can't hardly stand it anymore. He is on TV right now growing goverment more. Expanding the FDIC to private industry. Giving more power to the Federal Reserve. If I hadn't read The Morning Bell by the Heritage Foundation, I wouldn't know what he is doing. But I know, it is a big take over of our economy, with more regulations. Growing Government bigger and bigger. To understand his double talk, I recommend to everyone to sign up for e-mails from the Heritage Foundation, Monday trough Friday.…
Added by Linda Maddox on September 14, 2009 at 12:33pm —
Former Soviet spy and McCarthy-era figure Whittaker Chambers wrote that in America, socialism could only come to power by deception. What better way to deceive the people than through a beautiful smile?
Professionally speaking, Barack Obama has the most attractive smile of any U.S. president in memory. The smile is a prominent part of his public persona, a striking feature in physical appeal and personal likability.
President Obama's glittering dentition must be…
Added by Jane Smith on September 13, 2009 at 8:11pm —
Schwarzenegger favors raising the state's renewable-energy mandate to 33 percent and bringing in more energy through wind, solar, and geothermal sources, but he has yet to take a stance on the bill. The EPA is running my state of California. Anyone who lives in California, please call, write, fax, e-email, the governor and tell him California cannot afford this Cap & Tax. California is one of the most taxed states in the Nation. This will drive more businesse's out and leave the rest of us…
Added by Linda Maddox on September 13, 2009 at 11:11am —
What we can do to show the country as a whole, and to show the mainstream media what is REALLY going on at these townhall meetings and at the president's speeches as he campaigns his way across America to push for his agenda which will bankrupt our glorious nation:
Each of us, when we know of a speech Obama will give and where it will be given, should attend said meeting and take photos -- most specifically and importantly, the parking areas to see if folks are arriving in buses…
Added by Elizabeth Parella on September 13, 2009 at 11:11am —
Wonderful post about Glenn Beck, and he IS an American hero...many thanks! One thing to remember throughout this is that the Color of Change, the SEIU, ACORN, and other like organizations are molded in the manner of what Jesse Jackson has been doing for many, many years. They EXTORT corporations to do their will. They THREATEN boycotts and all manner of business disruptions to get what they want. They BULLY banks into giving loans to folks who cannot afford them and do not understand the terms…
Added by Elizabeth Parella on September 13, 2009 at 1:08am —
1 Comment
America and Me is a lovely posting depicting what so many have done for this country.... Now we must do OUR part, no matter how young or old, no matter the color of our skin or the religion we live by, no matter our economic status, no matter heterosexual or homosexual or bisexual or whatever-sexual, no matter employed or unemployed or under-employed, no matter our personal circumstances, no matter if we have or have not served our country on the battlefield of foreign wars. We have OUR OWN…
Added by Elizabeth Parella on September 11, 2009 at 3:30pm —
1 Comment
It is a shame that the man who actually communicated what we all want to say to Obama and the Democrats is being vilified. Now the far left is filling his future opponents coffers with money. $700,00.00 to date. I propose that every Tea Party Patriot, 9-12 project patriot, Ron Paul supporter, Constitution Loving Patriots donate at least $1.00 token donation to Rep. Joe Wilson's campaign and show Washington that we want people that understand us in the White House.
After all WE THE…
Added by lauralas on September 11, 2009 at 11:28am —
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I don't have a gun, but this is very important. Please go to www.nationalgunrights.org, read up on what this administration has in store for us. I stand up for any right that they want to take, this is all about FREEDOM!
Added by Linda Maddox on September 11, 2009 at 10:39am —
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DATE September 10, 2009
To Real Conservatives:
Citizens In Action – Request for Group Partnership
Many grassroots activism groups have been working independently to affect government change. To date, our separate efforts have been ignored by our elected representatives and the mainstream media. We, at Citizens In Action are committed to change this.
Our strategy is to unite the hundreds of Pro-Constitution online…
Added by Bruce Riley on September 10, 2009 at 6:16pm —
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For those who may have missed it last night, Rep. Joe Wilson had the audacity to tell the truth in the Capitol Building last night. I know, this is rather shocking to hear that the truth might actually still be spoken in those chambers from time to time. Even more shocking is the outburst was directed at the almighty President Obama, who, at that very moment, was; in…
Added by Ronald Williams on September 10, 2009 at 12:05pm —
The back door is still open to a national health plan...so watch out... Obama has once again done his campaign dance to speak to (and we'll not say speak WITH as there's none of that!) the American people, trying to calm their fears about this onerous change at a time of economic freefall. We must read whatever concoction comes out of committee, the House, and/or the Senate to be voted on to ensure it will not enslave us all in a plan which will crash and burn, with the resultant severe…
Added by Elizabeth Parella on September 10, 2009 at 9:56am —
1 Comment
As the church lady on SNL used to say, in response to Ronald Williams' excellent posting: "Isn't that conveeeeeeeeenient!" Yes, the liberals will bring up religion to villify those who are just fighting for their rights. And it is grand, isn't it, that those same liberals are spending so much time trying to discredit the majority of the American public? The more they squeal like pigs, the more folks jump to the conservative side and say NO...NO to more spending...NO to Cap & Trade...NO to…
Added by Elizabeth Parella on September 9, 2009 at 6:50pm —
1 Comment
I have seen a growing number of liberal articles being printed which attempt to paint conservative Christians as hippocrites for opposing the healthcare reform bill. Let me first say that I am overjoyed that modern day liberals could take the time out of their busy day to find and crack open a bible, but am disturbed that they seem to have had an ulterior motive in doing so.
Apparently the new attack is to refer to any passage in which Jesus refers to the “poor” or “sick” and claim…
Added by Ronald Williams on September 9, 2009 at 1:11pm —
1 Comment
Everyone needs to contact your Senator TODAY to vote to block cloture on the confirmation of Cass Sunstein. The United States Capitol switchboard number is (202) 224-3121.
If you have Democrat friends who hunt or own guns, it is vital you contact them and explain their gun rights are at risk if Sunstein is confirmed
If you want any information before you call, check out www.stopsunstein.com
Added by Ned Tyson on September 9, 2009 at 9:46am —
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Hey Maureen I agree,,,But it's...Bwarney Frwank....:)).................CES
Added by christopher e. savard on September 8, 2009 at 3:10pm —
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I recently sent a comment to Bruce Riley about a message that I received from him. The message contained information about another group he belongs to that I found especially valuable, yet it has not shown up here on this site. Either I did something wrong or I am too impatient. I had urged him to send the information to the whole group in a blog, as I found it very valuable, and used it immediately to send three different faxes to my three NV representatives. That is what we all need to…
Added by Edie Boudreau on September 8, 2009 at 2:26pm —
Now is the time to stand. Our nation is under siege. Without a doubt within my heart I have been called again to defend my country. As a young man, may heart called to volunteer. With joy I went forth, and again as an older person of today, that joy has arisen again. It will be an honor to stand and let my presents be known. With two voices this time, my wife with the same understandings and encouragement will stand with me. One nation under God; God bless America and we will see you in D.C.
Added by Mike Marling on September 7, 2009 at 7:08pm —
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I'm for tossing all the politicians out--not only the well-known corrupt representatives who brought our country to its current crises, but all those who are not doing the jobs they were elected to do. That includes those who simply send form letters to friendly, helpful constituents who aren't ranting at them, but just asking questions about where they stand on certain issues. Once elected, they become so full of themselves that their only concerns are their careers and corresponding perks,…
Added by Edie Boudreau on September 7, 2009 at 5:30pm —
1 Comment
Wayne Mercier just blogged a great list of questions for politicians to answer. I have a few more. We did not elect these representatives in the House and Senate to sit on their hands. Why aren't they asking the same questions? Why aren't they objecting to the appointment of all these Czars--or at least demanding that they be vetted and limited to just a few? Is Obama so uninformed and so ill-equipped to do his own job?
Who is the ogre that is frightening not only the politicians,…
Added by Edie Boudreau on September 7, 2009 at 4:49pm —
Brave New World: "A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced because they love their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned... to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers." Aldous Huxley
Book? "The Post American World"
An American Coup - November 2006-2009
The Coup…
Added by Jane Smith on September 7, 2009 at 2:15pm —