DATE September 10, 2009
To Real Conservatives:
Citizens In Action – Request for Group Partnership
Many grassroots activism groups have been working independently to affect government change. To date, our separate efforts have been ignored by our elected representatives and the mainstream media. We, at Citizens In Action are committed to change this.
Our strategy is to unite the hundreds of Pro-Constitution online groups to form a stronger, more forceful, larger body of partnered groups that will enhance membership and participation and also further the cause(s) and beliefs of each partnered group, without taking sovereignty away from these groups. As a unified chain of linked groups, all will be taking action to restore America to its roots--the roots, values, and morals of our founding fathers. In addition to the direct benefits group partnership offers to each linked group, it also creates something more important, “a force to be reckoned with".
So how does this work?
* We add your logo and website link to our website. You add our logo and link to your website. It is that simple.
For additional support from Citizens In Action you may also do the following:
* Add yourself or a representative, as a member to our site and you will be able to receive political action request” broadcast messages. Our typical broadcast messages are intended to engage members and member groups to communicate to our government representatives regarding political and/or legislative issues affecting our constitution and the freedom of our citizens.
* Visit our
FAX Center to send a FAX in your name and let your voice be heard. Our FAX center is fast, friendly, and free!
* Initiate your own actions by emailing a request to our Alert Center. This will notify Citizens In Action to publish your action via our alert widget. To send an alert, give us the details, date, time, and URL in an email message to
* Copy our alert widget to your site to make it available to your group. We have an energetic and skillful staff and membership that does a great job in keeping apprised of current and important issues affecting our nation and “we the people”.
Please let me know if this request meets with your approval and we can begin to work together to create the reciprocal website links needed to allow our groups to work more effectively to achieve our mutual goals.
Bruce Riley
Board of Directors
Citizens In Action
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