NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Former Soviet spy and McCarthy-era figure Whittaker Chambers wrote that in America, socialism could only come to power by deception. What better way to deceive the people than through a beautiful smile?

Professionally speaking, Barack Obama has the most attractive smile of any U.S. president in memory. The smile is a prominent part of his public persona, a striking feature in physical appeal and personal likability.

President Obama's glittering dentition must be acknowledged as first-class packaging, literally the world's first trillion-dollar smile. When coupled with high oratorical ability, political potency is evident. But packaging is one thing, content another.

Our smiling president is hell-bent on bringing the huge health care system under government thumb, despite already ample intrusion. Since most voters are happy with their health care, the campaign requires drastic acts of salesmanship. In one pitch, Tom Daschle shamefully described U.S. health care as "islands of excellence in a sea of mediocrity," belying the facts and insulting millions of high-performing and hard-working health care professionals.

Obama-style health reform is simply the latest manifestation of the relentless march toward socialism. The super-rich and power-addicted political pawns dictate the laying low of a recalcitrant America. How dare primitive masses preach freedom and truth, God and patriotism? The governing class abandoned these eons ago.

In truth, it's all about power. Power-mongers hate individualism and moral certainty. Supreme power demands everyone dancing to one tune. Government must dominate every aspect of daily life, or disorder beckons and wealth is insecure. Any excuse suffices for creating a national crisis mentality, the proven matrix for radical, anti-constitutional "change." As ever, a leftist media makes straight the path. Stalin would be proud. Most Americans are not smiling.

Assuredly, guns are the next stomping ground in the socialist manifesto. These Americans and their guns! Socialist hegemony does not tolerate competing power. Radical icon Mao Zedong knew the cause-and-effect relation of gun ownership and political power. Guns in private hands? Strictly verboten.

The correct diagnosis is that behind Obama's dazzling smile is an attack on Americanism, a push to destroy traditional American culture in favor of global socialist order. Much progress has been made, much remains.

The press-reviled Whittaker Chambers defined socialism as "communism with the claws retracted." America won the Cold War, the majority rules. Correct? "But of course, comrades. Of course!"

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Comment by Elizabeth Parella on September 15, 2009 at 8:41am
The more he smiles, the more he talks, the more we lose our freedom.... Thankfully he is an empty suit and has no clear-cut PLAN...just a lot of generalizations, repeated over and over and over again, ad nauseam. He leaves the "plan" to others to implement...and there are so many cooks it's a gobblety-gook conglomeration of all kinds of pork and crappola with every special interest donator having input.
Comment by Kathryn Ball on September 14, 2009 at 9:33pm
He is quite the package. Attractive, charming, can read a teleprompter better than most.................

BUT, he has no soul. He is one scarey dude and we need to watch very carefully. He appears impervious to criticism [I truly thought he was terribly thin-skinned].......regardless of criticism from any corner, he just stays on message. His 'self conficence' is unnerving.......he repeats his 'message' over and over and over and over and..............
Perhaps thinking that if the lie is repeated often enough with no scrutiny of the sock puppet media, the peasants will believe him.
Do we have the courage to call him on his deception?
At least 1,000,000 patriotic US citizens did just that on 9/12/09 in Washington DC. Are any of you as underwhelmed by the media coverage as I am????????????????????
They have passed out of the land of 'relative' into the land of 'IRRELEVANCE', ALL of them....ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSMBC and, yes, even FOX was relatively quiet.
How funny is it that the perky Katie Couric, Diane Sawyer, Charles Gibson, Matt Lauer et al are ALL being paid millions of dollars for doing NOTHING to imform the American People of the TYRANNY being put on us by the federal government.
Journalism as we KNEW it, is DEAD.
Any sponsers of any of these news programs are wasting their money? Fools, one and all!
Comment by Linda Maddox on September 14, 2009 at 12:50pm
He stood up and smiled today on TV, while he is growing the FDIC and making more regulations to police our economy! He smiles while he is stealing our economy and our FREEDOM! When is Congress going to wake up and realize their job and FREEDOM is next on his agenda!






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