NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Hello, America.
As long as President Trump continues to be persecuted by Democrat accusations, as was Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh, I figure “turnabout is fair play.” In this case, however, I’m inclined to believe the allegations are true.
First, consider the plight Tara Reade who has risked her reputation, her livelihood and her life to stand up against Democrat criminal sexual perversion- which, like other criminal “missteps” by the party faithful, shall likely be LARGELY ignored by Mainstream Media.
Death, you ask? On May 8, 2023, Lawrence Richard of Fox News wrote: “Tara Reade, who has accused President Biden of sexually assaulting her in the 1990s, tweeted a cryptic message about death before she potentially testifies to Congress following an invitation from Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz. ‘I want to make something clear. If something happens to me, all roads lead to Joe Biden,’ Reade wrote Sunday afternoon. ‘Joe Biden and DNC political machine threats, bullying and intimidation over the last three years will not work.’ ‘I am not suicidal,’ she added. The message includes a promise to testify before Congress, to address ‘what happened and what’ she knows.” Reade worked as a staff assistant in Biden’s office from 1992 to 1993 when he was a U.S. Senator. ‘I should not be under investigation nor am I a foreign agent. I am a private citizen. I was a former staffer of Joe Biden’s that has chosen to step forward to tell the truth,’ Reade continued. She added: ‘The tactics using intimidation and bullying to silence me and suppress me using DOJ and FBI and social media will not work. Leave me alone. I will testify under oath in Congress if asked to do so and tell what happened and what I know.’ ‘The Biden corruption must end. Period,’ Reade said.”
From Andrew Stanton of Newsweek on December 12, 2022: “Tara Reade, who accused President Joe Biden of sexual assault, said she would ‘not be silenced’ after asking House Republicans to investigate her assault allegations. Reade worked as a Senate staffer for Biden in 1993, which is when she said he sexually assaulted her. She has said that in addition to making her feel uncomfortable- as other women have also alleged- she also accused Biden of pushing her against a wall and digitally penetrating her. Biden has vehemently denied these allegations."
Then there’s Lucy Flores- another Democrat. From Nicole Goodkind of Newsweek on March 29. 2019: “Joe Biden has been accused by Lucy Flores, a former member of the Nevada State Assembly, of unwanted kissing and touching while he served as Barack Obama's vice president in 2014. Flores, who penned an essay for the Cut about her experience with the possible 2020 presidential candidate, said that Biden had volunteered to campaign on her behalf during her ultimately unsuccessful run for lieutenant governor in Nevada. After speaking at an event, Flores said Biden grabbed her shoulders, smelled her hair and then kissed her on the back of the head. 'My brain couldn't process what was happening. I was embarrassed,' wrote Flores. 'I couldn't move and I couldn't say anything. I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me.' Kissing someone on the back of the head hardly qualifies as sexual assault, but it does highlight a habit of Biden's- getting very close to female friends and supporters. ‘I'm not suggesting that Biden broke any laws,’ wrote Flores. 'But the transgressions that society deems minor (or doesn't even see as transgressions) often feel considerable to the person on the receiving end.’ A video of Biden putting his hands on Stephanie Carter, wife of former Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, and whispering intimately into her ear gained some criticism by the media in 2015. Awkward photos of Biden kissing Senator Chris Coons’ young daughter, kissing supporters on the lips and even bringing a motorcyclist onto his lap also exist.”
The attached photo of Joe lip-smacking Hillary also came from Goodkind article.
And, from an article by Amanda Arnold of the Intelligencer on April 5, 2019, we find six more accusers:
“Amy Lappos: When Amy Lappos was a congressional aide for U.S. representative Jim Himes in 2009, she claims that Biden touched and rubbed his nose against hers during a political fundraiser. ‘It wasn’t sexual, but he did grab me by the head,’ she told Hartford Courant on April 1. ‘He put his hand around my neck and pulled me in to rub noses with me. When he was pulling me in, I thought he was going to kiss me on the mouth.’ After the incident, Lappos didn’t file a formal complaint. 'He was the vice president,' she told the Courant. ‘I was a nobody.’
D.J. Hill: D.J. Hill was one of two women to come forward with allegations in the New York Times, which referred to Biden’s conduct as ‘tactile politics’ in a report published on April 2. At a 2012 at a fundraising event in Minneapolis, Hill alleges that Biden rested his hand on her shoulder, and then started to move it down her back, which left her feeling ‘very uncomfortable. ‘Only he knows his intent,’ she told the Times, adding, ‘If something makes you feel uncomfortable, you have to feel able to say it.’
Caitlyn Caruso: In the same Times report, a woman named Caitlyn Caruso claimed that after sharing the story of her sexual assault at a University of Nevada event in 2016, Biden hugged her ‘just a little bit too long’ and laid his hand on her thigh. ‘It doesn’t even really cross your mind that such a person would dare perpetuate harm like that,” she told the Times. ‘These are supposed to be people you can trust.’
Ally Coll: On April 3, Ally Coll told the Washington Post that at a 2008 reception, Biden squeezed her shoulders, complimented her smile, and held her ‘for a beat too long.’ A young Democratic staffer at the time, Coll said her initial reaction was to shrug it off. But she told the Post she now feels the alleged incident was inappropriate, adding, ‘There’s been a lack of understanding about the way that power can turn something that might seem innocuous into something that can make somebody feel uncomfortable.’
Sofie Karasek: In 2016, Sofie Karasek was photographed holding hands and touching foreheads with Biden at the Oscars, where she stood alongside 50 other sexual-assault survivors during Lady Gaga’s performance. It was a moment that soon went viral, and was described then by the Post as ‘powerful.’ But in the Post’s report published this week, Karasek says she believes that Biden violated her personal space. She also told the Post that she wasn’t impressed with Biden’s two-minute-long video response to the growing unwanted-touching allegations against him- in which he never says he’s sorry- as he ‘didn’t take ownership in the way that he needs to.’ ‘He emphasized that he wants to connect with people and, of course, that’s important,’ she told the publication. ‘But again, all of our interactions and friendships are a two-way street… Too often it doesn’t matter how the woman feels about it or they just assume that they’re fine with it.’
Vail Kohnert-Yount: In the same Post report, Vail Kohnert-Yount alleged that when she was a White House intern in the spring of 2013, Biden ‘put his hand on the back of [her] head and pressed his forehead to [her] forehead ’when he introduced himself, and that he called her a ‘pretty girl.’ She was ‘so shocked,’ she said, ‘that it was hard to focus on what he was saying.’ Though she told the Post that she doesn’t believe Biden’s conduct constituted sexual misconduct, she described it as ‘the kind of inappropriate behavior that makes many women feel uncomfortable and unequal in the workplace.’ ”
Finally, you might this story about Ashley Biden’s diary in the Daily Mail by Jose Lambiet and Josh Boswell updated June 22, 2022: A Florida woman who found Ashley Biden's private diary is being investigated by the FBI – not for stealing the journal but for selling it, DailyMail has learned. The diary's explosive contents include Ashley's speculation that showering with her father, then-Senator Joe Biden, as a young girl may have contributed to her sex addiction. 'I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate),' she wrote in a January 2019 entry.”
This version of the Ashley’s diary snippet appears in a New York Post article by Maureen Callahan dated July 8, 2022: “The Ashley Biden diary is the most recent example of a blanket media blackout, a July 2019 excerpt going viral two weeks ago. Read this and defend it as non-newsworthy: ‘Was I molested,’ the author writes. ‘I think so- I can’t remember specifics, but I do remember trauma. Hyper-sexualized @ a young age… I remember being somewhat sexualized with Caroline; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate).’ She also wrote that she was in treatment ‘for sexual trauma.’ ”
This is not intended to be a complete exposé regarding Creepy Joe’s habit of improper physical behavior around the opposite sex- but if and when another accuser surfaces, you will have a bit of background information.
One last question: “If Trump could be so easily impeached three times- the third, occurring when the Democrats were afraid Donald was STILL the President- ya think the Republicans could manage impeaching Creepy Crooked Joe Biden at least once?”
Love you all.
Dickie Allan
Photo: “Former Senate Minority Leader Senator Harry Reid waits as Hillary Clinton and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden kiss during a portrait unveiling for the outgoing senator on Capitol Hill, on December 8, 2016.” (BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)
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