I often come up with what I plan to write on during my morning run. For some reason, ideas seem to bounce into my brain housing group (military term) as I am punishing myself physically. Today, I decided to put politics in the background; somewhat, and talk about life in general. Don't worry, I promise not to become a philosopher, as I do not feel that is a respectable occupation. If you spend your entire life thinking about things you'll never accomplish anything. Life is a combination of… Continue
What Was Once Patriotic Is Now Suddenly Considered Treason!
During the Bush administration, leaks out of the Pentagon, State Department, and CIA that would undermine national security were routinely praised by the Democrats and mainstream media as patriotic.
Now that leaks are coming out showing just how inept Barack Obama’s foreign policy dithering has become, leakers must be shut down. The administration is insisting that the Pentagon do something about all the… Continue
By now, the script should be disturbingly familiar. Whether in the Middle East, or increasingly in America, a fanatical Muslim blows up or goes on a shooting spree, killing many. This is quickly followed…Continue
Let me say up front, I don't think President Obama is to blame for the Fort Hood shootings, and I don't think it's fair to say otherwise.
But (you knew there had to be a "but"), that doesn't mean Obama won't pay a political price for Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's rampage.
At first blush, it seems distasteful to take a political yardstick to the pain suffered at Fort Hood. But if we are to consider this incident part of…Continue
A firemen was on Fox News today, asking us to sign a petition on thebravest.com!
These terriorist are being brought to the United States and will be tried in our courts, not military courts.
They could be let go! This brave firemen who's friends died on 9/11, doesn't believe the Obama administration is making the right decisions. I agree with him!
They have already brought some of them to New York, we may not be able to stop them, but I will support this Fireman, I…
Alert To All Patriots. Please go to the website below and sign their petition.
All of these evil terrorists, should have been executed a long time ago. STOP THIS P.C. MADNESS !!!!
Recently, Congress voted down a bi-partisan bill that would have ensured that the terrorists who brought death and destruction to our homeland on September 11, 2001 would be tried as war criminals in military courts, not as common criminals tried… Continue
According to witnesses, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan entered a medical facility at Fort Hood, prayed briefly, then shouted "Allahu akbar" before he began gunning down American troops. Now I don't know which to be more afraid of: Muslims or government-run health care systems.
President Obama honored the victims by immediately warning Americans not to "jump to conclusions" -- namely, the obvious conclusion that the attack was… Continue
We are living in the age of scam artists and con men or women. So the information below may be helpful when the Census people come knocking at your door.
WARNING: 2010 Census Cautions from the Better Business Bureau
Be Cautious About Giving Info to Census Workers by Susan Johnson
Below please find a nugget from The Heritage Foundation which, in very clear terms, presents the thuggery and theft by the SEIU.... And this union is so well-represented in the White House.... Where are the investigations? Where are the court battles? Who is standing up to the thugs employed by the White House???
One may well take some comfort in that the SEIU is losing membership and, much more importantly, is spending money like drunken sailors to the point of their own extinction.… Continue
{{{ Chaplain Tom Cole simple solution the Gold in Fort knox should immediately solve our debt problem. Burn all the script/fiat money, and return the Silver Certificate!
$12,000,000,000,000 in Debt - America must and can be Deficit Free!}}}
A pal of mine sent this to me which states, with unequivocal candor, what happened at Fort Hood and how not only the media but the Armed Forces and our esteemed Traitor of the United States (a/k/a TOTUS, Teleprompter of the United States, and the current occupant of the White House) have "blamed" this on so many things there are no more excuses to think up:
Why haven’t any of you used the simple power of the United States Code mandates that are directly on point??
Like, as in, uhm?.. U.S.C. Title 44, Chapter 22: “PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS“
[Thank veteran Congress members for passing the Presidential Records Act of 1978]
The statutory law of the United States Code is extremely clear, even often in multiple ways, that:
a) the AG *cannot* represent/defend Obama in any challenge that involves a question of his citizenship, for the…Continue
How Could Our Government Ever Allow this to Happen Just for the Sake of Political Correctness?
On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of 2009, the innocent wounded of Fort Hood will remember their fallen friends, and wonder how a man dressed in the Army uniform was allowed to infiltrate their base and go on a jihad right there in their midst. How a man who had been observed by so many as acting in a suspicious manner and yet he was allowed to continue because they…Continue
If George Bush had done any of the following, he would have been chastised for every one of these incidents with no mercy from the hound dog media or anyone else. The double standard is hypocritical and frightening !
If George W. Bush had been the first President to need a teleprompter installed to be able to get through a press conference, would you have laughed and said this is more proof of how he inept he is on his own and is really controlled by smarter men behind the…Continue
As you walk up the steps to the building which houses the U.S Supreme Court you can see near the top of the building a row of the world's lawgivers and each one is facing one in the middle who is facing forward with a full frontal view ... it is Moses and he is holding the Ten Commandments!
BEYOND TREASON ! Bribes ! National Security ! Eligibility ! WHO WILL PROSECUTE ???
Former Clinton Senior Advisor, Dick Morris, reports on the sweet deal created to help pass healthcare. As you are aware, Dick Morris is an astute political operative and forecaster. His reports and commentaries are more right on than not, and he is more pro-capitalism and constitution-supportive than…Continue
Excellent article that adds further evidence to what many of us are already saying for ages namely that conspiracy of tyranny and usurpation holding our great nation in its grip is but part of a globally operating cabal that has with us for decennia if not longer. After the Russian revolution Moscow became its main…Continue
Did you know that the ACLU American Civil Liberties Union has filed a suit to have all military cross-shaped headstones removed from military memorial parks?
and another suit to end prayer from the military completely. Oh, they're making great progress! The Navy Chaplains can no longer even mention Jesus' name in prayer thanks to the wretched ACLU!
And now we have the…Continue