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“Diary of Kremlin Insider” Reveals Soviet Control of British Labor Party

Posted on November 10th, 2009 by David-Crockett

Excellent article that adds further evidence to what many of us are already saying for ages namely that conspiracy of tyranny and usurpation holding our great nation in its grip is but part of a globally operating cabal that has with us for decennia if not longer. After the Russian revolution Moscow became its main base of operation or maybe better its main launching pad.

As for the question asked at the end of the article “…Just how many leading members of the Democratic Party in the U.S.A. are KGB agents and facilitators?” my answer would be that (1) the now defunct KGB was but an instrument of the “Global Shadow Government” just like the NSDAP was (2) we should ask “how many Demopublican leading members are agents for those who controlled the KGB and the Gestapo for that matter.

We are looking at a multi-headed monster of whom the various heads are seemingly in conflict with each other but in reality are the actors in the theatre of deception. As Christians we know its name.

- David Crockett

The Post & Email published

by John Charlton

(Nov. 10, 2009) — While many Americans are already aware of the Marxist takeover of the U.S. Federal Government through Barack Hussein Obama and his coterie of Weatherman, Socialists and Communists; many are unaware that the Soviet Union was working simultaneously in the United Kingdom for the same goals: establishment of a Communist state quietly, from within.

There is now neither doubt nor basis to deny the allegations in the United Kingdom, with the publication of a diary of Anatoly Chernyaev, a Kremlin insider, who was the contact-man for leading Communist-infitrators in the United Kingdom.

Such is the report, not of some conspiracy-theorist, but of one of the leading newspapers of Britain, The London Mail, in article published just days-ago on Nov. 6, 2009.

While the entire article is worth reading, some excerpts which show parallels to Communist infiltration in the U.S.A. are worth quoting here. First, the article introduces the historical background:

Just how deep the tentacles of communism reached into the heart of British government has now been revealed with the emergence of an extraordinary diary by Anatoly Chernyaev, the Soviet Union’s contact man with the West at the icy height of the Cold War.

Meticulously detailed and written by hand on lined notepaper, the diary has come to light in the U.S. National Security Archive. . . .

It tells the story of a ’special relationship’ not between Britain and America – but between the British Labour Party and Soviet communists.

It was a relationship that lasted more than 30 years, right up to Margaret Thatcher’s arrival as Prime Minister in 1979 and beyond.

Indeed, one of the most shocking of the diary’s many revelations is how Labour leaders Michael Foot and Neil Kinnock colluded with the Soviet communists to try to beat their ‘common enemy’, Margaret Thatcher.

But more worrying, perhaps, is the fact that the document shows in stark detail how the political ideology of so many of those who govern us today was shaped by the unspeakable communist creed of the Soviet Union.

The unpalatable truth is that many ministers in Government today rose through the ranks of a British socialist movement that was heavily influenced – and even controlled – by the Kremlin in Moscow.

Svetlana Savranskaya, Director of Russia Programmes at the U.S. archive, describes Chernyaev’s diary as ‘the single most authoritative source on Soviet policy-making in the last 20 years’.

It’s explosive contents have only just emerged because the pre-1985 entries remained untranslated until now.

Chernyaev was deputy in the Soviet International Department and later an adviser to President Mikhail Gorbachev. Today, he is 88 and lives in obscurity outside Moscow.

And while many senior members of the Labour Party and union movement will be appalled at his revelations, the old KGB hand himself is delighted his memories are being published.

Then it names names, of British KGB agents:

Above all, the intimate co-operation between Moscow and the trades unions which nearly brought the country to its knees in the Sixties and Seventies has been an utterly taboo subject.

It is true that tantalising slivers of information have emerged over the years.

As the Mail revealed last month, Transport and General Workers’ Union leader Jack Jones – who received effusive praise from Prime Minister Gordon Brown when he died in April this year – was a paid agent for the USSR.

In exchange for information, he used to take cash handouts from his Soviet handler in London, Oleg Gordievsky, even as late as the 1980s.

But that was just the beginning. Leading Labor Party members openly intended the Communist takeover of the Kingdom:

One of the key figures in this murky affair was Ron Hayward, the Labour Party’s general secretary between 1972 and 1982, who died in 1996.

He told Chernyaev at meetings in Moscow and London that he was determined to provide a ‘genuine socialist government’ for Britain.

‘To achieve that, he believes he must break the Labour Cabinet,’ recorded Chernyaev at the time.

It is clear from the diary that Hayward envisaged a real Soviet-style system in Britain, with the Party General Secretary (ie Hayward himself) – not a Prime Minister selected by MPs – at the very top. He would refer to himself openly as the ‘party leader’.

More specifically, he informed the Soviets that he wanted to develop a cadre of young activists to prepare for Communist rule.

‘I am the first Labour leader in British history who is not afraid to come out alongside Communists with the same agenda’, he said, boasting that he prepared like-minded young people, put them in the right places and helped them to become prominent.

Hayward was so bold that he brought a KGB agent into England to conduct brainwashing sessions on leaders of the Labor Party:

In 1974, when Harold Wilson was Labour Prime Minister, Hayward smuggled Chernyaev into the heart of the Labour Party conference to try to spread the Kremlin’s influence still further.

The objective of the Kremlin in these sessions was the take over of the labor unions:

And it was in the unions where Chernyaev’s International Department aimed to infiltrate the deepest.

But when Kitson sobered up, he and Chernyaev concocted a plan to send a team of Russians to the Scottish TUC conference ‘to deliver the Soviet point of view’.

They arranged another brainwashing session with union leaders in London. Later in 1980, in Blackpool in October, Chernyaev openly attended a TGWU-sponsored drinks reception on the eve of the Labour Party conference.

The diary says that Jenny Little, then secretary of the international group of the Labour’s National Executive Committee, which oversees policy-making, played a pivotal role in Chernyaev’s extraordinary access.

And some leading British statesmen, were promoted to power by these Communist infiltrators precisely because they were fellow travelers in the long-term plan to overthrow the United Kingdom:

It is not just the Left’s close connection with the Soviet Union, but the lasting influence of that connection that should concern us all.

One of Jack Jones’s brightest proteges, after all, was Gordon Brown.

The decision to give the young Scotsman his first and only safe seat, Dunfermline East, was made by two TGWU senior officials – one of them was Jack Jones, the other the drunken Alec Kitson. Both were friends of the Kremlin.

The union’s patronage was ubiquitous. Neil Kinnock and Tony Blair, as well as Cabinet ministers Margaret Beckett, Harriet Harman and John Reid, were all sponsored by TGWU and made their Labour Party careers thanks to it.

The control the Soviets had over Labour, its leadership and aspiring politicians, is still having a profound impact on Britain.

Seeing that President George Bush was a close collaborator with Tony Blair, it should scarcely surprise Americans that he has refused to oppose Obama’s takeover of the U.S. government.

In a related article, The London Mail disclosed how a leading Labor Party official sold secrets to the KGB for decades.

The question of the day is: “Just how many leading members of the Democratic Party in the U.S.A. are KGB agents and facilitators?”

Thanks to Yitzchok D., for sharing the above content.

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Comment by Linda Maddox on November 10, 2009 at 10:50pm
Thanks for the info!






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