Confutatis Maledictis, Flammis Acribus Addictus: Voca Me Cum Benedictis.
M-1 Garand's Banned by E.O.
According to Dudley Brown, Executive Director, National Association for Gun Rights, President Obama has effectively circumvented my 2nd Amendment rights and affected a defacto gun ban by decree.
I am referring to a report that states that President Obama signed an Executive Order to prohibit re-importation of approximately 1 million M-1 Garand rifles &… Continue
Our volunteers have been hard at work trying to get as many Federal candidates as possible to complete our 2010 Candidate Survey.
This survey is designed to both influence candidates and lawmakers while working to help voters see through the fog to determine which candidates really oppose Amnesty Vs. those that just say that but actually support a temporary worker, guest worker,…Continue
Added by Ila on September 30, 2010 at 4:54pm —
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I am 70 years old and have lived under twelve Presidents. I have voted in every presidential election since 1962. I was an Area Campaign Manager for Ronald Reagan. I am somewhat of a student of American History. That said, I am seeing something today I have never seen in any previous election. The level of involvement defies description. This election is not about parties, but…
Still Don't Believe In The New World Order? Here's some quotes if you're still confused.
Revelations From Great And Powerful Men
"We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money." Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in Foreign Affairs (July/August 1995)
Confutatis Maledictis, Flammis Acribus Addictus: Voca Me Cum Benedictis.
WEDNESDAY - September 29, 2010
Hello once again from the Association Of Gun Ownin' SUV Drivin' Vast Right Wing Jingoistic Conspirators.
I am sure that most of us saw film clips of so called comedian Steven Colbert in his lame attempt to be humorous while testifying, ( I guess that was what he was doing), before some useless Congressional Committee on Immigration. This entire… Continue
On November 17, 1989, riot police suppressed a peaceful student demonstration in Communist-ruled Prague. The event sparked a series of popular demonstrations from November 19 to late December. By November 20, the number of peaceful protesters assembled in Prague had swollen from 200,000 the previous day to an estimated half-million. A… Continue
Obama said during the campaign that he had visited 57 states... Well if you add the provinces of Canada to the 50 states of the US you have a total of 57...Maybe he was just thinking ahead?? North American Union ???? Regardless this is a troubling video and we need to question with boldness....
Confutatis Maledictis, Flammis Acribus Addictus: Voca Me Cum Benedictis.
Why not or is Rep Issa against LTC Lakin's rightful due process?
>>>"Issa has promised to ramp up his probes into the Obama administration,
but his spokesman said he would not pursue the "birther" controversy and that the congressman has not spoken about the issue."
< First, what "controversy"? To request a birth certificate? Fact: the public, including me, does not… Continue
Confutatis Maledictis, Flammis Acribus Addictus: Voca Me Cum Benedictis.
Ever had a tooth ach that couldn't be remedied on an ASAP notice.
I had one that will stay with me till my dying day, one that made my
coworkers cringe when they found out what I had to do and did do.
I used the phone book and called a number of dentists for an extraction
or whatever would remedy the problem. All replied that I had to have an
appointment which was two to three days… Continue
America’s founding fathers warned against unbridled growth of government that would eventually and inevitably destroy our individual liberty. Their dim view of the limitless expansion of federal government was in my view the driving force behind the US Constitution. However, these early patriots also warned…
Two Retreat Options Without Buying Land, by Brad in Texas
By James Wesley, Rawles a href="">> on September 1,
2010 8:06 PM
No one has to tell a prepper that land is expensive, and purchasing
suitable retreat property without financing it is difficult or
impossible for most. Worse yet, as things continue unraveling a rural
alternative seems to become more necessary by the… Continue
I now concede that the Kenyan birth certificates below are likely phony- but the wealth of anecdotal evidence from Kenya yet convinces me that Barry was born there. In any case, his Kenyan-born father was NOT an American citizen.…