NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Lyndon Long Hid His Trail Of Blood, But Barack Won’t Be So Lucky!

I now concede that the Kenyan birth certificates below are likely phony- but the wealth of anecdotal evidence from Kenya yet convinces me that Barry was born there. In any case, his Kenyan-born father was NOT an American citizen.

Also, the prevailing sentiment among Americans who have tenaciously studied Zero’s birth is that he was most certainly NOT born in Hawaii- in spite of unrelenting media hype to the contrary. If Barry’s legitimate Hawaiian birth record ever surfaces, it will surely indicate that he was born elsewhere.

Much money, time and effort have been expended on Barry’s behalf to obscure his mysterious past to a point of utter secrecy, but truth will ultimately prevail.

It is my fervent hope that LTC Terry Lakin will be exonerated when Obama’s fraud and crimes are fully exposed. More importantly, when the men and women of our military are commanded to risk life and limb on foreign soil, they and their families are entitled to full confidence that those orders to battle are lawful and binding. Lyin’ Lyndon Baines Johnson managed to conceal his long trail of blood and horror until long after he was safely nestled in the depths Hell- but Bald-faced Barack Hussein Obama will not be so fortunate…

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Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on September 29, 2010 at 2:29pm
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on September 29, 2010 at 10:34am
Comment by valerie eggers on September 28, 2010 at 10:46am
Agreed Richard. But this only makes my question more aggravating for me. WHY won't anyone on the Right touch this? I don't know about Michael Savage, he's pretty gutzy so may be he has. But the conservative talk show circuit has been mummm! And, why would the Left want this issue pursued (if as Beck says they do) unless it's part of some other plan or complementary plan for their agenda. This Nov election should shed some light.
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on September 28, 2010 at 10:36am
Good observation, Valerie. The bottom line in all this, however, is indisputable: Barack Sr. was a foreign national lacking American citizenship- so Barack Jr. cannot be a natural born American citizen. Actually, I think most of the perceived nuclear fallout is actually fear of being called a "birther" by the left. Serious ridicule hurts their ratings- and lower ratings cost them money.

While I still believe Obama was NOT born in Hawaii, that is actually a secondary issue regarding eligibility- compared to his father's British citizenship.
Comment by valerie eggers on September 28, 2010 at 10:02am
There's GOT to be some reason that Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingram, Coulter and the rest won't touch this issue. I just can't buy into a theory that says they're ALL "in on it." I suspect it's more likely that they know something we do not. I, personally, do not believe that Obama is Constitutionally eligible to hold the office he does but there must be more to this then I can see. Maybe it IS because this coup is just "too big to fail." Perhaps it IS the fallout that terrifies these conservatives. I do remember Beck saying that pushing this issue was/is exactly what the Left wants. I do not undersand that but????? I will be reading the WND article. Maybe it will shed some light.
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on September 28, 2010 at 8:36am
Fantastic article from WND addressing Glenn's failure to discuss Zero's ineligibility.

And check this one out in regard to target Terry Lakin...
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on September 27, 2010 at 6:23pm
Or maybe just another good reason to get out the vote!

Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on September 27, 2010 at 11:18am
Without an "HONEST" presentation and televised answer by Obama himself, the nation CANNOT know whether or not our president is actually a "citizen" or not.
Wouldn't a caring, honest, intelligent person do whatever was necessary to dispell ANY doubts among his constituents regarding his citizenship??? How would he expect to move forward with any agenda without the full participation of his fellow country men who questioned his birth rights?
Until Obama himself tells me and the rest of the world he is a citizen born in Hawaii, and meets all of the requirements called for in the US constitution, I will NOT call, I will not accept Obama, as my president.
Comment by valerie eggers on September 27, 2010 at 10:41am
I don't know, Obama has been pretty darned successful so far in hiding his documentation of eligibility. It may NEVER come to the surface. And, that's a disgusting thought.






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