NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

"Issa has promised to ramp up his probes into the Obama administration,

Confutatis Maledictis, Flammis Acribus Addictus: Voca Me Cum Benedictis.

Why not or is Rep Issa against LTC Lakin's rightful due process?

>>>"Issa has promised to ramp up his probes into the Obama administration,
but his spokesman said he would not pursue the "birther" controversy and that the congressman has not spoken about the issue."
< First, what "controversy"? To request a birth certificate? Fact: the public, including me, does not know.
That's because no valid birth certificate has been provided, especially to LTC Lakin. If one has been, someone should make it public, if "only" to save the career (and possibly life) of one of our military.
Hey, Repubs...Is Issa against LTC Lakin and our military's right to due process?
Does Issa then have documented proof of POTUS eligibility per the natural born citizen clause of the Constitution?
If so, he should provide it to LTC Lakin, so he can fulfill his orders and not get fried for doing his perceived duty, and to the general public, so we can all move on to uniting our country.
And if Issa does not have the required documentation, he should provide all help possible in obtaining it, thereby helping LTC Lakin, Mr. Obama and the country.
Re Jordan Fabian's comments below...
>>>"Activists who have expressed skepticism of Obama's American citizenship have been labeled "birthers."
<"Labeled"? By whom? Still, that excludes us anyway because we are not "skeptical", and are making no accusations; in fact, we voted for Mr. Obama. And we too just don't way or the other.
More importantly, skepticism about Mr. Obama being a "citizen" is totally irrelevant. The issue here is whether or not he is a "natural born citizen" per the POTUS eligibility clause/requirement in the Constitution. And no valid birth certificate or related document has been released that we know.
"Obama was born in Hawaii,..."
< Jordan Fabian, how do you know? We don't.
>>> and the White House released a digitally scanned image of his birth certificate. But that has failed to silence arguments that he was not born in the U.S.

Again, we don't know if he's eligible or not...and we're not taking sides herein. Still, creative distortion in "journalism" serves no beneficial purpose in bringing about a proper resolution of this issue.
So, please, just stick to the facts.

----- Original Message -----
From: William Baer Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 11:01 PM
Subject: Issa supposedly will NOT go after NBC
Dem Whip: GOP majority will issue birther subpoenas

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) warned Republicans will investigate President Obama's birthplace if they take over Congress.
Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House, said Republicans will grind the government to a halt by issuing subpoenas against the Obama administration over a number of issues if they take power. He predicted that "gridlock" in Congress would "define" Obama's first term if Republicans win the House, but expressed confidence his party would prevail.
Clyburn noted that Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the ranking Republican on the House Oversight panel, has said will will issue "subpoenas everywhere" if Republicans win the majority.
"The White House will be full-time responding to subpoenas about where the president may or may not have been born, whether his mother and father were ever married, and whether his wife's family is from Georgetown or Sampit," Clyburn said in an interview published Monday on, an African-American news website. "That will define the next two years of the president's administration.
Issa has promised to ramp up his probes into the Obama administration,
but his spokesman said he would not pursue the "birther" controversy and that the congressman has not spoken about the issue.
"The Democratic Caucus doesn’t take Jim Clyburn seriously – Americans shouldn’t take his ridiculous claims seriously either," said Issa spokesman Kurt Bardella in an e-mail. Bardella noted that Issa has already released his "blueprint for oversight" that focuses on investigating the expansion of government.
Clyburn spokeswoman Kristie Greco called Bardella's point a "nervous overreaction."
"Perhaps he [Bardella] would like us to forget that the former Chairman of Government Oversight, Rep. Burton [R-Ind.], is a co-sponsor of the birther bill and Reps. McHenry [R-N.C.] and Fortenberry [R-Neb.] have raised question about the origin of the President’s birth. Does Darrell Issa take his fellow committee members seriously?” Greco wrote in an e-mail.
Some Republican congressional candidates and lawmakers have raised questions about Obama's country of birth and citizenship since he took office. Activists who have expressed skepticism of Obama's American citizenship have been labeled "birthers."
The so-called birther bill, or H.R. 1503, is a measure that would require proof of citizenship from presidential candidates. It was introduced by Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.) in March 2009.
Obama was born in Hawaii, and the White House released a digitally scanned image of his birth certificate. But that has failed to silence arguments that he was not born in the U.S.
In the minority, Issa has gone after the administration on several issues including their alleged intervention in the Pennsylvania and Colorado Democratic Senate primaries.
But Clyburn suggested that those investigations will turn from political issues into Obama's personal life if the GOP takes over the House.
Clyburn blamed conservative media for the phenomenon and said others could rebut those views if the Fairness Doctrine, a government policy abolished in the 1980s that required broadcasters to give both sides equal time on political programs, was still in place.
"Twenty-five years ago, we didn't have Rush Limbaugh spewing hate all day, every day, and others on the radio, and we didn't have a TV station dedicated to misrepresenting the facts and people making $20 million to go out and say what they know not to be true," he said. "This has created an atmosphere of toxicity."

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Comment by Lynn O on September 29, 2010 at 1:57pm
P.S. and for anyone who thinks I feel this way because he is Black. No - he is half-black and half-white, and I could care less if he is Pink w/purple polka dots. I do not like the man nor any of his utopian half-baked socialists ideas. He is the worst of the liberal idiots that want to destroy this country. My answer to any and all that do not like this country is simple - there are boats, planes leaving everyday. I am sure there is somewhere on this planet a country that is more in tune with what you want and believe - go live there. I would help pay your way.
Comment by Lynn O on September 29, 2010 at 1:52pm
Do not call me a "birther" - I could care less where the idiot was born. I truly believe he is not Constitutionally eligible to serve and even the state department has come out and agreed with me. His father was not and never became a US Citizen. End of story. Not Constitutionally eligible. Period.
This issue is about the Congress not investigating because Nancy Pelosi does not want it investigated - she is the one whose signature is on the paperwork submitting that he was eligible to be the Democratic nominee and that my friends - is TREASON. Add to that is the fact that Obama refuses to release any of his personal paperwork to the public, even something as simple as his grade school records. Makes you wonder what he will put into his Presidential Library when he gets around to doing that. I believe he has classified all of his records for far more notorious reasons - and none of them has to do with where his mom stopped to drop him. Just my humble opinion. And yes, I pray for LTC Lakin everyday.






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