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Sandra's Blog (1,650)

A Regulating-the-Internet-Map for JuliusGenachowski

al-Qaeda has a make-your-own bomb manual on the Internet

A Regulating-the-Internet-Map for JuliusGenachowski

 By Judi McLeod  Tuesday,January 4, 2011

image `Net Guy’ Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowskiseems to share the same problem as Big Sis US Secretary of Homeland JanetNapolitano: both give a free ride to al-Qaeda, training theirinvestigative skills only on rank and file…


Added by Sandra on January 4, 2011 at 9:49pm — No Comments

Atheism Revisited/Atheists: Meaningless lives in a mindless, soulless, heartless,pointless universe

Atheists: Meaningless lives in a mindless, soulless, heartless,pointless universe

Atheism Revisited

 By JimO'Neill  Monday, January 3, 2011

“Religion and morality are the essential pillars of civilsociety.”­George Washington (1732-1799) First President of the UnitedStates of America

“To claim that [his] rhetoric makes Hitler a Christian is to confusepolitical opportunism with personal conviction.  Hitler…

Added by Sandra on January 4, 2011 at 9:44pm — No Comments

The Lamest Duck of All


Added by Sandra on January 3, 2011 at 10:45pm — No Comments

Here's huge news on GMOs

Here's huge news on GMOs:

Japan is canceling grain import contracts with Australia due to GMO contamination of the crops. It's another huge blow for Monsanto:…


Added by Sandra on January 3, 2011 at 9:08pm — 1 Comment

Ron Paul, Stop The Police State

Added by Sandra on January 3, 2011 at 8:48pm — No Comments

George Soros: The United States Must Stop Resisting The Orderly Decline Of The Dollar, The Coming Global Currency And The New World Order

George Soros: The United States Must Stop Resisting The Orderly Decline Of The Dollar, The Coming Global Currency And The New World Order

Courtesy of Michael Snyder of Economic Collapse

[George Soros] In the video you are about to see, George Soros talks

about "the creation of a New World Order", he discusses the

need for a "managed decline" of the U.S. dollar and he talks at



Added by Sandra on January 3, 2011 at 7:14pm — 1 Comment

Modern day union is often little more than governments and their union supporters bleeding the public dry in order to subsidize a political party and a union leadership

Modern day union is often little more than governments and their union supporters bleeding the public dry in order to subsidize a

political party and a union leadership that brings in the votes for that


Who Will Protect the People from the Unions?

 By Daniel Greenfield  Sunday,

January 2, 2011

It is often forgotten that one of the causes of the evolution of the


Added by Sandra on January 2, 2011 at 6:54pm — No Comments

Reid Will Open January Senate Session With a Power Grab Attempt/Reid's Rules Scheme to Rewrite Defeat

Reid's Rules Scheme to Rewrite Defeat

Reid Will Open January Senate Session With a Power Grab Attempt

 By Jerry McConnell  Sunday, January 2, 2011

If American citizens needed more proof that Harry Reid, the scumbag

Senator of the once-proud state of Nevada, but which now should hang its

collective head for voting Reid back into the United States Senate, his

latest nasty venture for unbridled power should…


Added by Sandra on January 2, 2011 at 6:48pm — No Comments

EPA’s Texas power grab

Hollywood climate monsters are a lousy basis for energy and economic policy

EPA’s Texas power grab


Paul Driessen: Paul Driessen and Willie Soon  Saturday, January 1,


Paul Driessen and Willie Soon,

Any Texas granddaddy will tell you he’s seen it all, when it comes to

weather and climate extremes. Tornadoes, hurricanes, heat waves,

blizzards, droughts, flash floods, and storms that bring…

Added by Sandra on January 1, 2011 at 8:31pm — No Comments

This is a SECRET program, they videoed Houston found two cities doing this - The Noose is tightening?

This is a SECRET program, they videoed Houston found two cities doing this, you can COUNT on the fact they are doing this all over.  Welcome to the Police State. 

Added by Sandra on January 1, 2011 at 1:21pm — No Comments

Happy New Year Everyone!

Added by Sandra on December 31, 2010 at 7:23pm — 2 Comments

TSA Christmas memo defies facts

Not only does the memo skew facts of the public perception, Pistole also praised the TSA under his own "wise financial stewardship"

TSA Christmas memo defies facts

 By Doug Hagmann  Friday, December 31, 2010

A memorandum dated 24 December 2010 signed by TSA Director…


Added by Sandra on December 31, 2010 at 7:15pm — No Comments

Without a free and thriving press there is no America!/FOX Rocks, CNN Dumps as the Internet Pumps

Without a free and thriving press there is no America!

FOX Rocks, CNN Dumps as the Internet Pumps

 By Dave Macy  Thursday, December 30, 2010


scored again with the top rated cable tv shows, outpacing MSNBC

and CNN by a country mile. But before you think…


Added by Sandra on December 30, 2010 at 8:50pm — No Comments

One Man’s Solutions for America are Lacking/Three Solutions Where Republicans Can Lead America

Three Solutions Where Republicans Can Lead America

One Man’s Solutions for America are Lacking

 By Jerry McConnell  Thursday,

December 30, 2010

Though he is considered by many, including myself to be an

“establishment” Republican, Newt Gingrich unquestionably does have a lot

of ‘know-how’ and practical savvy for governmental affairs, especially


Added by Sandra on December 30, 2010 at 8:38pm — 1 Comment

Happy New Year Everyone!

Added by Sandra on December 30, 2010 at 7:08pm — 1 Comment

The outrageous numbers behind the food safety bill and why this same $1.4 billion would be better spent elsewhere:

Despite all the food safety hype and fear-mongering, did you know that e.coli transmitted through food only kills 78 people a year in America? (Source: CDC).

In fact, if you actually do the math on food borne fatalities and what's being addressed by the recent Food Safety Modernization Act, it turns out that the U.S. government is going…


Added by Sandra on December 28, 2010 at 9:26pm — No Comments

*The problem with being a ‘useful idiot’ is that when you are no longer useful, you are no longer just an idiot

The problem with being a ‘useful idiot’ is that when you are no longer useful, you are no longer just an idiot

The Vacuum Under the Soetoro Sombrero

 By Joseph A Olson, PE 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The problem with being a ‘useful idiot’ is that when you are no longer

useful, you are no longer just an idiot.  When a useful idiot no

longer controls his niche political market, he becomes an…

Added by Sandra on December 28, 2010 at 9:02pm — No Comments

Hillary Stepping Down?

Added by Sandra on December 27, 2010 at 9:02pm — 1 Comment

The TSA is back to its thuggish ways

The TSA is back to its thuggish ways now with an armed raid on an airline pilot who criticized the agency in a YouTube video. The message is clear: If you criticize the

TSA, you will be terrorized by its agents!…


Added by Sandra on December 27, 2010 at 7:51pm — No Comments

Governments Prepare For Warming as Solar Activity Declines And Cooling Continues

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) position that the sun has nothing to do with global warming or climate change

Governments Prepare For Warming as Solar Activity Declines And Cooling Continues

 By Dr. Tim

Ball  Monday, December 27, 2010


A British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)…


Added by Sandra on December 27, 2010 at 7:20pm — 2 Comments






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