NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

First, I have an important correction to make- but it changes nothing! Both Barry Obama and his recently released birth certificate are still imposters. Turns out the infamous "Mr. U K L Lee” (Ukulele) was actually “Mrs. V (Verna) K L Lee” and a legitimate local registrar. Thank you, WTPOTUS!

And now, yet another important correction- perhaps much more significant. I was under the mistaken impression that Barry Obama might be immune to prosecution for treason, because he’s an alien (not from Mars, just Kenya).

Indeed, this could be (should be?) another case in US legal history where a non-citizen is charged with treason. Normally, you'd think US citizenship would be required to commit treason against the US- but since Obama has been domiciled in the White House (and especially since he swore allegiance to the US when inaugurated), I should expect treason to be an appropriate charge for his “high crimes and misdemeanors” against America and the death penalty an appropriate penalty if convicted.

The relevant Supreme Court decision was RADICH V. HUTCHINS, 95 U.S. 210 (1877).

Also, non-citizens may serve in our military (although not as commissioned officers) and are subject to the same legal constraints. Why not the commander-in-chief? Uh, the thief-in-chief?

According to a petition filed on his behalf, Radish was "a foreigner, domiciled during the year 1864 in Texas, who, in order to obtain permission of the rebel government to export his cotton, sold at a nominal price, and delivered to its agents or officers for its use, an equal amount of other cotton, which he subsequently redeemed by paying a stipulated sum there for, directly contributed to the support of the enemy, and gave him aid and comfort. Out of such a transaction no demand against such agents or officers can arise which will be enforced in the courts of the United States."

MR. JUSTICE FIELD delivered the opinion of the Court: "If at the time the transaction took place which has given rise to the present action, the plaintiff was a subject of the Emperor of Russia, as he alleges, that fact cannot affect the decision of the case or any question presented for our consideration. He was then a resident of the State of Texas and engaged in business there. As a foreigner domiciled in the country, he was bound to obey all the laws of the United States not immediately relating to citizenship, and was equally amenable with citizens to the penalties prescribed for their infraction. He owed allegiance to the government of the country so long as he resided within its limits, and can claim (Page 95 U. S. 212) no exemption from the statutes passed to punish treason, or the giving of aid and comfort to the insurgent states. The law on this subject is well settled and universally recognized. Carlisle v. United States, 16 Wall. 147. The case presented by the petition is without merit."

But now the liberals will clamor, “Treason? What treason?”

First, treason is broadly defined as giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Moreover, I have long contended that our enemies are the global communists, the Muslim extremists, the drug lords of Mexico and the international banking cartel- not necessarily in that order of importance. And yes, Barack Hussein Obama is an imposter, a fact dramatically substantiated by the recent release of an obviously fraudulent birth certificate (Mrs. Verna K L Lee notwithstanding).

And the specific charges of treason? I would normally leave that task to brighter brains than mine, but here are a few suggestions.

After Barry posed as a natural-born US citizen (obviously with the aid of intentional lousy vetting) and illegally gained the US Presidency, has he not aided and abetted the global communist cause by turning our country sharply toward socialism? Has he not aided and abetted the Islamic Fundamentalist cause (especially the Muslim Brotherhood) by his unilateral declaration of war on Libya without Congressional approval? Did not his administration supply thousands of firearms to the drug lords of Mexico? Did he not strengthen the position of the international banking cartel by plunging our nation hopelessly in debt?

And that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, folks. What we have here is the biggest scandal in American history- and Congress apparently is complicit- doing nothing about it.

And by the way, all that jawboning over the “debt ceiling” is tantamount to calling the fire department after you’ve torched yer own house and watched it burn to the ground!

Well, maybe one more correction- or simply a clarification. I just said this was the biggest scandal  in American history. It might well be the biggest scandal in WORLD history…
Richard Allan Jenni
Ocean City, New Jersey
Real Conservatives

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Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on July 25, 2011 at 8:32pm
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on July 22, 2011 at 11:34am

Miss the W yet?

Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on July 21, 2011 at 9:03pm

RNC Head Demands Holder Investigate Obama’s “Apparent Crime”


Although the Republican Party is often too complicit or cowardly to hold President Obama accountable for his actions, it is finally showing some tenacity in investigating Obama’s “apparent crime” of partisan fundraising inside the White House. On Monday, Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus wrote a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder “to request a Department of Justice investigation into an apparent crime committed by President Barack Obama.” In late June, Obama recorded the “Dinner with Barack and Joe” video, asking Democratic donors to enter a raffle to win dinner with the president and vice president, in the White House Map Room.

The Hatch Act makes it illegal to “solicit…a donation of money or other thing of value in connection with a Federal, State, or local election, while in any room or building occupied in the discharge of official duties.”

Priebus wrote, “The Map Room has been used for a myriad of official duties, including the administration of the oath of office to President Obama by Chief Justice Roberts and the launch of ‘The Campaign to Cut Waste.’”

“If President Obama recorded the video in the Map Room, then it appears he has committed a crime under federal law.”

Priebus noted in the letter he could have called for the appointment of a special prosecutor but reconsidered because of the public expense — a consideration never afforded the public by the Democratic Party. However, he rightly judged he stands little chance of receiving a just investigation from Eric Holder. “Under your leadership,” he wrote, “the Department of Justice has consistently ignored the law in order to protect the President politically.” He cited Holder’s refusal to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in federal law and his dismissal of the Black Panther voter intimidation case.

Read More at Floyd Reports by Ben Johnson, the White House Watch

Comment by Sandra on July 21, 2011 at 8:03pm
An interesting well written item as always. He has committed treason on more than one occasion. He also knows by the time the courts catch up with him, it maybe to late? We have to do all we can to insure he is gone next time around! I always learn something new from your blogs and they are so simple to follow... Thanks Allan as always!






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