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Durn Tootin’, Folks- I’m Rootin’ For Kadhafi!

As the international banking cartel tightens its noose on Libya, notorious Obama lapdog and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has now announced, as triumphantly reported by Al Jazeera, that we will now “recognize the TNC (Libyan Rebel Council) as the legitimate governing authority for Libya.”

Mouammar Kadhafi, however you may spell his name or whatever you may think of him, is a victim of US Government foreign policy run amuck. Moreover, Barack Obama, the darling of the Muslim Brotherhood and apparent mortal enemy of Israel, has by his unilateral war on Libya clearly demonstrated his treasonous intentions to dismember the US Constitution. 

Think Mouammar the Inane is worse than Barack the Insane? Think again! Prior to our attack on Libya, Kadhafi was no real threat to the United States. Obama has now become the greatest threat to our national security since the rise of both Adolf Hitler and the military avarice of Imperial Japan. As a means to ensure his domestic food supply, Kadhafi provided his farmers with a near-miraculous water project that is the envy of the Middle East. Obama, in contrast, has turned the Great Central Valley of California into a vast wasteland- and made us more dependent on foreign foodstuffs. Kadhafi has done everything possible to secure his borders- despite a merciless onslaught by the United Nations made possible by the acquiescence and duplicity of Obama. Our president has allowed our southern border to become more porous than ever- despite the nonsensical denials that spew forth from the mealy mouth of Janet Napolitano.

If I could with a single keystroke delete either Kadhafi or Obama from power, it would be a no-brainer. Mouammar did not bring the USA to the brink of a devastating depression. Barack did that! The Libyan president did not saddle us with a crushing national debt. Our president did that!        

I’ll bet no private parts are being fondled in Libyan airports (if any are still left standing). Obama’s TSA has transgressed the last frontier of human decency- humiliating and violating us with apparent impunity.   

Hey, at least Kadhafi has enough sense not to arm his enemies! Obama is clearly responsible for running thousands of guns to Mexican drug lords. Can it get worse that that?

Obama champions the inflationary fiat currency of the Fed. Kadhafi was intent on returning his country to the gold standard. Personally, I think this is what the Libyan war is all about. 

I could go on- but you get the point. 

And after the flurry of irrefutable proof that Barack Obama has substantially documented his status as both a criminal and an illegal alien by submitting yet another bogus birth certificate, why has no prominent member of Congress stepped forth to impeach this imposter? 

Have we no integrity remaining in Washington? What say you, Michele Bachmann? Allen West? Ron Paul? Afraid to soil your souls with the indelible ink of truth? Is all your patriotic bravado simply insipid lip service and blithering blather?

Hope you don’t classify me as a Jane Fonda, but right now I’m rooting for Kadhafi. That’s right, folks. Whose government is next to tumble? Israel? Mexico? California?  

As the international banking cartel (New World Order or whatever you wish to label this sinister shadow government) tightens its lethal tentacles around the American economy, who will stand up on Capitol Hill and demand the removal of the NWO Kenyan standard-bearer? Who in Congress will REALLY stand up for the Constitution?

Our borders are being overrun by illegal aliens- people who pose both an economic burden and a terrorist threat to the US. Our ability to produce our own food is being purposely debilitated by insane overregulation. We stand on the brink of a devastating depression that will make the “great” depression look like good times. Our runaway national debt has no realistic cure other than absolute default. Our military families, already sadly overburdened by the Bush administration, have been ruthlessly abused by the Obamanites. Taxation without representation has made its biggest comeback since King George raped our thirteen Colonies. Durn tootin’, folks- I’m rootin’ for Kadhafi!
Richard Allan Jenni
Ocean City, New Jersey
Real Conservatives

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Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on August 3, 2011 at 7:19pm
Comment by Sandra on July 19, 2011 at 7:58pm
Excellent article as always. Isn't it amazing how when governments decide they want to go after another leader just for the minerals they have? It is all about greed. I agree, he was not a threat and never was. What we have in the WH is more of a treat than most any other person on this planet. Maybe  Kadhafi just didn't want to play ball in the corrupt NWO schemes... Some days I honestly think they really want WWIII.
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on July 19, 2011 at 1:27pm
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on July 19, 2011 at 8:10am

Senator Rubio on the ever-rising Debt Ceiling:

Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on July 19, 2011 at 12:52am

This important video was uploaded way back on 20 July 2009. Not much has changed since- except that Obama has told many more lies and committed many more crimes with apparent impunity...

Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on July 19, 2011 at 12:41am

How about James Johnson of Ohio for President? Works for me!

Comment by Vivian Blink on July 18, 2011 at 8:27pm

Glad to hear you say this, Allan, my friend! I too would love to see this evil, narcissist dictator's illegal move on Libya defeated and his efforts backfire in his face!....(Both of them LOL).  As for him being impeached....well I doubt that will happen, since according to a Harvard law professor recently,if congress were to impeach him they would be recognizing him as a legal sitting president, making it impossible for the person who replaces him to serve in a legal capacity. I don't understand this concept entirely, but it kinda makes sense when you think about it for awhile. Wow, what a horrible can of worms the libs and blind sheeple opened up with their idiotic votes in 2008. I'm with you...if we continue with this evil, empty suit for another year and a half, we will find ourselves in a depression far greater than 1929-1939. and I'm sure will continue far longer..for generations

if the Lord doesn't take over and end it for us. Actually, my prayers are becoming more and more a plea for just that. "Keep your eyes on Israel". As goes Israel in these goes the world. God will only permit just so much. 

Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on July 18, 2011 at 7:53pm
Comment by Your Uncle Sam on July 18, 2011 at 2:35pm

Of all the extremist Muslims out there, we gotta get the Obummer! Yak, dude!


Comment by Rich P on July 18, 2011 at 2:08pm
I agree with you Rich. For some reason I have also hoped Kadaffy Duck would survive and retake the country. The devil you know(in this case is better than the devil you know is coming. I mean the Islamic fundamentalist devil that is.






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