If Rasmussen is reliable, and I believe it is, as of 12 July only about 21% of America’s probable voters strongly support Barack Obama. So from whence comes all that Obama campaign money in a sputtering economy? That dismal “strong approval” percentage fluctuates a bit, but has rarely gone much higher in recent months. (These are the folks who will support Barry no matter what he does.) And unfortunately, polls do not impeach Presidents.
Which brings me to the spineless parasites who inhabit both the US Senate and the US House of Representatives. They all know that the recently released Obama birth certificate is a bald-faced fraud- yet they do nothing about it. All members of Congress, although their collective intellectual capacity is apparently only slightly superior to a canvas bag of baseballs, know that Barack Hussein Obama is a crook- and that he feloniously released a phony birth document as a last-ditch effort to stay in office.
Moreover (gotta toss this in), upon fair review of the bloody aftermath of Raila Odinga’s failed Kenyan presidential bid (violence stoked by Obama’s personal appearances as a US Senator for his Luo cousin), even the street urchins of Mombassa have long determined that Barry was therefore an accessory to hundreds of murders of Christians by enflamed Muslims.
From WND’s piece by Jerome Corsi released 31 May 2011: “Vogt's criminal complaint asserts: ‘I have irrefutably proven that the Certificate of Live Birth that President Obama presented to the world on April 27, 2011, is a fraudulently created document put together using the Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator programs, and the creation of this forgery of a public document constitutes a class B felony in Hawaii and multiple violations under U.S. Code section Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47, Sec.1028, and therefore an impeachable offense.’ ”
And from WND’s piece by Bob Unruh released 11 July 2011: “Vogt, who describes himself as an expert in documents, typesetting, imaging, scanners and document imaging programs and has owned Archive Index Systems since 1993, referenced the widely broadcast White House event when officials, including then-White House Counsel Robert Bauer and Obama's communications director Daniel Pfeiffer, released the purported Hawaiian ‘Certificate of Live Birth…’ ‘Everything that came out of the mouths of both these men and the president's was carefully orchestrated and scripted. It also implies that the president's contingency plan was that in case the forgery was detected, that one or both of them would take the blame,’ Vogt concluded.”
Just what does it take, folks? This double-speaking Kenyan conman makes Lyin’ Lyndon, Tricky Dick and Slick Willie all look like Vatican choir boys!
And Congress? No real guts! No solemn devotion to duty! No authentic honor! No appreciable love of country! Furthermore, that disparaging assessment apparently includes every single 2012 Presidential hopeful- none of whom will touch this explosive issue with a ten-foot pole! And please don’t hand me that dribble about Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney or Ron Paul having a more important agenda that would be damaged by calling a thieving, lyin’ bilge rat a thieving, lyin’ bilge rat!
Admittedly the “gate” suffix has been overused ad nauseam- but Certifigate is the biggest impeachment story since Watergate! This is such a colossal fraud that it makes Slick Willie’s Presidential transgressions seem trivial!
Heaven help us! It seems as though there is a concerted effort BY BOTH THE CORRUPT WASHINGTON BUREAUCRACY AND THE LAMESTREAM MEDIA to purposely ignore this fraud and travesty until all Hell does break loose- namely widespread armed rebellion! Excessive taxation without adequate representation was enough to spark the last American revolt!
With all the Obama (foreign?) campaign money pouring into a gargantuan piggy bank (pun intended) that already holds much more than a billion bucks, why wait to unseat the usurper in 2012? Do it now, you wimpy Congressional cowards! Have you no living love of country? Have you no viable integrity? Is all your patriotic blather simply lip service to our Constitution? Are you all hopelessly committed to yourselves before your country? Your paltry paychecks before our precious liberty? Will you spit on the memory of our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen who gave their lives to preserve your freedom? Now hear this, all you limp-wristed, weak-kneed Congressional parasites! We the People will hold you accountable for your treasonous and despicable dereliction of duty- and so will God Almighty!
Richard Allan Jenni
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