NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

My (Further) Impressions Of Last Night’s GOP Debate…

Posted this comment on TPN after several pages of lively comment: “Forgive me, folks- but I have little patience with anyone who thinks Obama putting up a laughable (only nobody's laughing but Chris Matthews) phony birth certificate is perfectly fine. Moreover, that most recent forged document is either merely shoddy work- or clearly intended to be the ultimate insult to the American people. I really do try to be respectful to those who comment on my blogs- even though I often feel like fair game in a shooting gallery here on TPN. Nevertheless, I do draw a line in the sand- the line of demarcation between profitable political debate- and smoke blown by blithering idiots. Thus, I do occasionally delete comments- especially when my good name (which I post in full) is deprecated by some coward hiding behind a silly screen name. Thanks, all of you, for this stirring political debate- and let's beat Obama!”

CNN’s John King, however, REALLY took a beating in those comments! He received more bad press than any of the candidates! My take was simply that for CNN, John did a “fine job.” I’d take him over Billy O’Reilly (and his snide comments) any day. Also, the fact that “John impressed me more than the candidates themselves- with the exception of Michele Bachmann” doesn’t say much for the other six.

And I also posted THIS comment on my blog: “Face it! Palin isn't gonna run, and neither is West- not in 2012 anyway. Don't like John King? Come on, folks! It's CNN!  Nevertheless, I still thought King was more fun to watch than 6 out of the 7 candidates- the glaring exception being Michele Bachmann. By comparison, Michele was electrifying. The Minnesota Congresswoman made a believer out of me! I'll be watching her in the opinion polls! And sorry, I still think Newt and Herman are pompous windbags. Right now I am solidly in Bachmann's camp- and I'm a Mormon saying that! Romney needs a few lessons from Ron Paul about the Fed and its (apparently intentional) disastrous monetary policy. I hope Michele can capture America's imagination just like Sarah did. Most of all, I feel in my heart that I can TRUST Michele Bachmann to keep her word.”

Now I could be wrong, folks- but I don’t think Sarah Palin will run this time around. And I don’t blame Sarah one bit! She’s taken a Hell of a beating over the last two years- and it has taken a grievous toll on her personal life. Nevertheless, she continues to fight doggedly for America, tells the TRUTH- and in my book is one fine lady. And as I said before (obviously commenting on that infamous Tina Fey satire), “I don’t give a damn if Sarah CAN see Russia from her house!” And yes, some folks actually lectured me a while back about Sarah not really saying that.

Yes, I did at one point back a Romney-Palin ticket, but Mitt is already (in my estimation) beginning to fade and apparently Sarah ain’t running.

As for Allen West, he’s a wonderful man and a true patriot! Nevertheless, he is dangerously close to the point of no return (if he hasn’t passed it already) for a credible 2012 Presidential bid. A late start means less money raised- and less time to effectively compete in a rough and tumble GOP primary. And that contest probably WILL get ugly, despite the many softballs tossed by John King Monday night- and the superficial camaraderie displayed by the candidates themselves.

Finally, let’s continue to focus on the real enemy here. Barack Hussein Obama! That includes all parties tied to Barry’s political apron strings (either by choice or circumstance), including the international banking cartel,  global communists, Islamic fanatics- and even the Mexican drug lords. In short, Obama is bent on destroying America and will continue to accept help from anyone who shares that nefarious goal.

In that regard, it was Congressman Ron Paul, and ONLY Congressman Paul, who exhibited genuine anger Monday night over what the Kenyan Prince is doing to America. The time constraints notwithstanding, I expect Ron would have said much more- but so much still flies right over our predominantly uninformed-unthinking-obtuse mainstream American heads- a collective cranial incapacitation almost synonymous with drunken stupor!

Our nation is in serious trouble. Where was the real anger on Monday night? The genuine outrage? We face the real possibility of a violent revolution by grassroots America- accompanied by an economic calamity unmatched in our tumultuous history. Our liberties are vanishing like the hoarfrost before the rising sun! Neither our federal government nor our news media can be trusted! Did I mention Barry Obama is an utter fraud? A brash imposter? A ruthless criminal? Yes, my patriot friends- where was the genuine anger?

Views: 30


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Comment by Sandra on June 18, 2011 at 10:15am
Just saw where AL Gore is backing Mitt Romney, be afraid very afraid!  (Sorry had to delete the other msg, errors in spelling)
Comment by Freedom Is Not Free on June 18, 2011 at 1:25am

As usually I love your freshness on your writing, but I have serious concerns about most all the participants, yes I like Michelle... but I don't believe she's strong enough to hold the position because the damage is way to big, and she need's to have someone as strong or more to be able to fix those very problems... the only thing I see, it's that if a good woman holds the position maybe values and decor will came to play in politics on this Nation, I said good woman because Hilary is the devil on skirt, as others on that side of the fence.

  I can't support RP because seems that his only strength and where he base all his suppose running knowledge is on the FR, but I see him and his base as disguise liberals, not libertarians... he accuse this Republic of being the direct cause of radical islam, (no respect, I don't capitalize the names) he don't apologize as the one we have, but he accuse and it's as bad, he believe that we should be getting alone and befriend muslims, I believe to be very dangers and it's the same path that this bastard, traitor, fraud is taken this Nation, he don't need no more help and we don't need as Republic such friends, that goes completely against the Constitution... some issues must be weight here I believe, and those are , legal drugs, ( all kind ) the troops are criminals, because they are killing millions of innocents in foreign countries,etc... now that is his base, following their leader, if that is good and not make people think twice something is wrong.

  His stand are so left, that sometimes is difficult to see the libertarian and easier to see the liberal. that is my take about RP. If he's for muslims, he can't be for the Constitution, they are not pair, totally oppose one another.


  Mitt was my candidate on 08 since them I have place more attention on issues and dig on everyone, I believe that he is great family man, has great knowledge in business but... he screw few times on big issues, and his stand on some things are not conservative... I can't support him, but looks very presidential, but looks don't save countries.


  Newt is a globalist and on my book a traitor, while speaker of the house, has make deals behind the back of congress and the people with UN.

  Herman is support by Newt, in fact Newt got in the race to push Herman, he's intent is to go out, remember this words because it's going to happen. I have on this one inside info.


  So really what is what we have? Not much if I must said.  Reason why I don't discard West, his base is growing every day, as soon he decide what he's going to be, thousands are already ready to take the streets, just wait for the word, he never said yes or not, and his district right now is helping to take him on this quest... remember Ike and how he got to be President... so just stand up and speak up, but be observant because I have the feeling that we have not yet receive the big one, and none of those that we have in the panel will really make difference, West is the only one, who can beat "it" as well unite the people no matter the ideology...


  Thank you my friend.



Comment by Sandra on June 15, 2011 at 6:56pm
NOT Romney, Bachman was good, still to early...
Comment by Your Uncle Sam on June 15, 2011 at 11:24am

"Right now I am solidly in Bachmann's camp- and I'm a Mormon saying that! Romney needs a few lessons from Ron Paul about the Fed and its (apparently intentional) disastrous monetary policy."

Did he really say that on TPN? Works for me!

Comment by Jim Delaney on June 15, 2011 at 11:04am
A proud and engaged conservative, I strongly support Ron Paul on many of his fundamental constitutional and economic principles; however, in other areas he is, for me anyway, way overboard. In short, to advance America's interests and to restore constitutional order, we all need to get behind a conservative who can win--and that's simply not Ron Paul. At the risk of possibly offending his supporters, let's please get serious and win back the White House. Please!






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