NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

America has slowly become a strange land ruled by corruption and bribes rather than by righteousness and law. We have, for example, a President who frivolously commits our military to foreign warfare without even minimal regard for Congressional approval- and who cheerfully whistles the same tune as the decadent UN Security Council. Indeed, Barack Hussein Obama has even rubbed his fecal arrogance in our faces by displaying a pathetically forged birth certificate supposedly signed by a local registrar named “U. K. L. Lee!”

I vividly remember discussing the upcoming Presidential election of 1952 with my good friend Geoffrey Goodman one warm fall day on our school playground. I turned eight that October. I was in fourth grade. After a lively discussion, Geoffrey finally convinced me that Ike was a better choice than Adlai- primarily due to Eisenhower’s military credentials. 

In stark contrast, we now have a President with no credible credentials whatsoever! No military experience, no college records, no substantial employment history- not even a legit birth certificate!

Eight years later, twice as old and in my third year of high school, I needed no political tutoring to comprehend that Richard Milhous Nixon was a dark figure. Instead, I backed the Senator from Massachusetts. Whatever Jack’s shortcomings may have been, two of his personal “profiles in courage” still set an example for anyone aspiring to the Presidency. John Fitzgerald Kennedy had the guts to end our military involvement in Vietnam- and also cripple the Federal Reserve by once again issuing our own national currency.

In stark contrast, we now have a President who thrives on abusing our military- and who is apparently OWNED AND CONTROLLED by the same folks who own and operate the Fed.

I wish this open-ended nightmare were confined to Barry Obama, but it is not. We have a spineless Congress that caters to Obama’s every whim. “The lady doth protest too much, methinks?” The Taxed-Enough-Already cheered the new Republican-controlled House, but in reality there has been much less hope and no significant change. Obama still does whatever he wants- wildly dancing above the law to lurid foreign music. Our staggering federal deficit still paralyzes our economy with fear and taxation as we teeter ever closer to total economic collapse. Yes, food and energy prices continue to soar as our real estate values steadily plummet. Our southern border still serves as a virtual welcome mat for every illegal migrant and terrorist miscreant who wishes to further burden our faltering economy. And who needs foreign terrorists? The DOJ, CIA, TSA and EPA have their own vicious reign of terror! Moreover, we are further enslaved by federal judiciary which has been apparently bought off by the executive branch.

But sadly, this is not all. Obamanite foreign policy has been so feckless and reckless that we also stand on the brink of a third world war. And as if neocon nation-building wasn’t sufficiently nightmarish, we now have an NWO-controlled, communist-inspired and Islam-infested administration bent on destabilizing or flat-out toppling one foreign government after another- all on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood. Think gasoline prices are high now? Wait a few more months! Even George W. Bush wouldn’t unilaterally declare war on Libya! Moreover, Moamer Kadhafi is an absolute angel compared to Fidel Castro- or even Barack Obama, for that matter. At least Kadhafi had the foresight and benevolence to provide water for his farmers.

So what is the answer? Assassination? No! Military coup? No! Wait for the 2012 Presidential election? No! 

Believe it or not, Obama has unwittingly handed us the golden solution on a silver (PDF?) platter by recently issuing that outrageously fraudulent birth certificate. That felonious act alone is sufficient to quickly remove him from the Presidency if folks like Michele Bachmann and Rand Paul would truly stand up for America and not worry about being castigated as a Birther.

You can bet all of Congress knows that latest Obama birth certificate is an utter fake! Are they afraid of black backlash? Muslim rage? Who knows! I can tell you this much, however! Whoever leads the charge toward Obama’s eventual impeachment will dwarf all other Presidential contenders in 2012!

“Not a Birther,” you say? Maybe it’s time to finally believe, folks. What Glenn Beck once called a distraction has now, thanks to Barry Obama himself, become the centerpiece of our temporal salvation. And once this liberating snowball starts careening down the mountain, other Presidential crimes will be rolled into the mix. I have long said Barry Obama will be gone by late this summer. Sure as Hell hope I’m right…

Richard Allan Jenni
Ocean City, New Jersey
Real Conservatives

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Comment by Your Uncle Sam on June 30, 2011 at 12:19am

Congress and federal agencies also refuse to investigate Obama’s alleged felonies: forged birth documents and Selective Service registration and a stolen Social Security Number

Obama’s ineligibility: Proof that Congress is lying

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- Lawrence Sellin  Wednesday, June 29, 2011

For patriotic Americans, this is our Cuban Missile Crisis. Make Congress blink.

Congress has always known that Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen and has never been eligible to be President, yet they continue to lie to the American people.

They are covering up their disregard for the Constitution and their dereliction of duty.

Congress and federal agencies also refuse to investigate Obama’s alleged felonies: forged birth documents and Selective Service registration and a stolen SocialSecurity Number.

The United States is now at a turning point in history.

Will the country be governed by laws or by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats and their beneficiaries, the wealthy special interests?

If our country no longer has any honest leaders, it will be the responsibility of ordinary citizens to restore the Constitution and the rule of law.

In doing so, patriotic Americans will be viciously opposed, denounced and denigrated by those corrupt politicians, powerful financiers and the main stream media.

Nevertheless, we must now stand our ground in order to save our country.

Abraham Lincoln said that the American people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.

Dean Haskins has produced an excellent video explaining how the Obama Administration and the Congress are lying to the American people.


Lawrence Sellin 

Lawrence Sellin Most recent columns

© Canada Free Press 2011

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a recently retired colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve. He is a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq.


Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. receives hate mail

Comment by Your Uncle Sam on June 24, 2011 at 11:22pm

Obama’s ineligibility: Our Lexington and Concord moment is coming

- Lawrence Sellin  Friday, June 24, 2011

imageIn a February 13, 1818 letter to H. Niles, John Adams wrote:

“But what do we mean by the American Revolution? Do we mean the American war? The Revolution was affected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations…This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution.“

The first “shots” of the Second American Revolution have not been fired, but the battle lines have been drawn.

There is now a radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the American people.

Petitioning the current Congress for the redress of grievances is futile. Members of Congress have turned a deaf ear to the voices of their constituents.

The present occupiers of the US Government openly violate the Constitution, are hopelessly corrupt and politically correct, have brought us to the brink of bankruptcy, have opened our borders to illegal immigration and have permitted a fifth column promoting Sharia law to infiltrate our society.

They can no longer be trusted as guardians of our posterity.

Not a week goes by without yet another document analyst claiming that his Certificate of Live Birth presented by Obama at his press conference on April 27, 2011, is a forgery.

Clear evidence has been presented that Obama has a stolen Social Security Number and that his Selective Service registration is also a forgery.

As John Adams also said:

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

There indeed are evil people in America, who passionately want to destroy our republic.

There are deluded and partisan liberals, who confirm in their own minds that they are noble and righteous by blindly supporting Obama.

The Democrats are tethered to Obama’s disastrous, radical agenda.

The Republican “opposition”, which has succumbed to Obama’s psychological warfare, is paralyzed by the fear of being branded a “racist” if they challenge him in any way.

Both the Democrats and Republicans in Congress are consumed by self interest and have forgotten their duty to their constituents and country.

Has our government degenerated to such an extent that Obama can stand before the country, boldly lie, present an obviously forged document as proof that he is eligible to be President and nothing is done?

In my opinion, the answer is “yes”. We now have a rogue government, which knowingly violates the Constitution and refuses to enforce the law when it affects their own personal interests.

It no longer matters to me why they are doing it, but that they are clearly ignoring their oaths of office.

To me, those who are perpetrating this “Misprision of felony” are traitors and must be removed from their positions of authority. They no longer have either credibility or the trust of the people.

Obama is laughing in our faces, knowing that he has cowered his opposition simply by name-calling. If it was not so pathetic, that, too, would be laughable.

Like the militia at Lexington and Concord, it is now the responsibility of ordinary Americans to restore the Constitution and save the republic.

To our cowardly politicians and government officials, I can only offer the words spoken by Samuel Adams in 1776:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!”

Lawrence Sellin 

Lawrence Sellin Most recent columns

© Canada Free Press 2011

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a recently retired colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve. He is a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. receives hate mail

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on June 24, 2011 at 8:32pm



Comment by Your Uncle Sam on June 24, 2011 at 4:34pm

Adobe engineer doubts Obama birth certificate

Concludes 'something digital came between the paper and the glass'

Posted: June 24, 2011
12:15 am Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2011 WND


President Obama
Gary Poyssick, an early employee ofsoftwaregiant Adobe System Inc., continues to maintain there is something "fishy" about the Obama long-form birth certificate released by the White House.


"What the White House released is not a simple scan," Poyssick told WND. "Something digital came between the paper and the glass."

Poyssick was at the San Jose-basedtechcompanywhen it counted no more than 14 employees, and he continues to advise and write on Adobe software products

Poyssick, who today devotes his energies torunning The Online Fisherman in Tampa, Fla.,has written more than 50 titles about Adobe software, theprintingindustry, coding and programming, website development and workflow management.

"Get the New York Times best-seller Where's the Birth Certificate? ...

His initial reaction was to declare the birth certificate an outright forgery.

"I could have done a much better replica myself, if the president had asked,"Poyssick told The Political Sandbox blogwhen the birth certificate first appeared and he opened the document inAdobeIllustrator. "The guy that did this is a bimbo in that he forgot to 'flatten' his works to soften the background edges so the fake letters blended, softly into the green paper.

Observing that the birth certificate document had multiple layers when opened in Adobe Illustrator, Poyssick was amazed the White House had released an electronic PDFfilethat had not been "flattened" so as to remove all evidence that it had been modified.

Read more:Adobe engineer doubts Obama birth certificate






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