NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Father, we come before you and humbly ask that you forgive us of our sins and that you forgive us as a people for turning our backs on you over the years and allowing our lights to slowly grow dim and allowing darkness to cover our land.

We have fallen short, the Church has grown lazy and selfish. We weren't praying and fighting for righteous and holiness sake but, we're more concerned with our own worldly gains. For this we are paying the price but yet Father, many of us still point our fingers at others and try and put the blame elsewhere. Your Word said in Matthew, "You hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of your own eye; and then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your brother's eye".

I pray Father that we come to your Call in 2 Chron 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

It is not your Will Father that you destroy this land but our will when we do not do as you have required of us. Father, time is nothing for you, the days are numbered but you are the one that does the numbers and controls time. This Nation can be saved and restored if we do what is pleasing in your sight.

Father, I pray for your Grace to instill upon each believer in Christ Jesus to repent and do as you require so that you may heal our land in Jesus precious name, Amen.

To God be the Glory, Honor and Power for ever and ever, Amen.

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Nahum 1 >>
King James Bible

The Burden of Nineveh
(Jonah 1:1-3)

1The burden of Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite.

2God is jealous, and the LORD revengeth; the LORD revengeth, and is furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies.

3The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.

4He rebuketh the sea, and maketh it dry, and drieth up all the rivers: Bashan languisheth, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon languisheth.

5The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein.

6Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him.

7The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

8But with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkness shall pursue his enemies.

9What do ye imagine against the LORD? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time.

10For while they be folden together as thorns, and while they are drunken as drunkards, they shall be devoured as stubble fully dry.

11There is one come out of thee, that imagineth evil against the LORD, a wicked counseller.

12Thus saith the LORD; Though they be quiet, and likewise many, yet thus shall they be cut down, when he shall pass through. Though I have afflicted thee, I will afflict thee no more.

13For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder.

14And the LORD hath given a commandment concerning thee, that no more of thy name be sown: out of the house of thy gods will I cut off the graven image and the molten image: I will make thy grave; for thou art vile.

15Behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace! O Judah, keep thy solemn feasts, perform thy vows: for the wicked shall no more pass through thee; he is utterly cut off.

I also appreciate the peace that prayer brings but for too many years Christians have sat in the pews and did not cry out to their government to NOT allow abortion and infanticide.  If 75,000 Catholics and countless Christians in this nation would jam the telephone lines to the white house, email and fax then some of our "leaders" would hear us.  We are letting each other down if we do not cry out and esp. we are letting the Lord down.  There is so much evil in dc tht. we r turning a blind eye too.  I will not and have not been silent.  If there is an abortion (Family Planning or Planned Parenthood) in your town go and pray in front of it.  Talk to those tht. want to end their babies life.  Speak out even when being fed to the lions.

The Mathematical Proof for Christianity Is Irrefutable

By Dan Delzell , Special to CP
May 28, 2013|6:58 am

It is impossible that Christianity is not God's revelation of truth to man. Simply impossible. The math proves it beyond question. It doesn't take faith to believe that one plus one equals two, and it doesn't take faith to identify the religion which has mathematical certainty in its corner.

God didn't have to give us mathematical proof of His existence, but He did it anyway. God didn't have to give us proof of Christianity, but He chose to do so. And God didn't have to give us proof of His love for us, but that is exactly what He did. The proof is irrefutable.

I live in Nebraska where I serve as a pastor. Imagine someone covering this entire state in silver dollars 6 feet deep. Then mark one coin and bury it anywhere across the state. Next, blindfold a man and have him choose one coin. The odds that he would choose the marked coin are the same odds of getting 8 prophecies all fulfilled in one man. God gave us about 300 fulfilled prophecies in the Person of Jesus Christ.

Here are 8 of those 300 prophecies:

(1) The Messiah will be born in Bethlehem. (Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1; Luke 2:4-6)
(2) The Messiah will be a descendant of Jacob. (Numbers 24:17; Matthew 1:2)
(3) The Messiah will enter Jerusalem as a king riding on a donkey. (Zechariah 9:9; Mark 11:4-11)
(4) The Messiah will be betrayed by a friend. (Psalm 41:9; Luke 22:47,48)
(5) The Messiah's betrayal money will be used to purchase a potter's field. (Zechariah 11:13; Matthew 27:9,10)
(6) The Messiah will be spat upon and struck. (Isaiah 50:6; Matthew 26:67)
(7) The Messiah's hands and feet will be pierced. (Psalm 22:16; John 20:25-27)
(8) Soldiers will gamble for the Messiah's garments. (Psalm 22:18; Luke 23:34)

There is no way one man could have fulfilled all 8 of these prophecies unless God was making it happen. Who else controls history? Who else could give us such irrefutable proof for Christianity? The odds are one in one hundred quadrillion, or 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000.

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This mathematical proof was calculated by Professor Peter Stoner. He was chairman of the mathematics and astronomy departments at Pasadena City College until 1953. He then went to Westmont College in Santa Barbara, California, where he served as chairman of the science division.

You don't have to be a mathematics professor to see that this evidence is irrefutable. No one would pick the marked coin under those conditions. No one but God could have given us these biblical prophecies, and then brought them to fulfillment right before our eyes. It is impossible that Christianity is false. The math proves it, and the Man behind the math rose from the dead, just as it had been foretold.

It doesn't take faith to see how the Bible could only have come from God. It does take faith, however, to accept Jesus as your Savior and to believe in God's promise of eternal life. God has done everything to make this way open to you. If you choose to reject it in spite of the overwhelming evidence and in spite of God's love for you, you will be walking away from an open door to paradise.

Some people won't accept proof for the Bible even when it is irrefutable. Man, by nature, is not very good at accepting the evidence which God has laid out for us. The bias against God and against the supernatural is so strong that even irrefutable evidence is viewed with suspicion and doubt.

Never mind the fact that the prophecy about Christ's crucifixion was given hundreds of years before that type of execution was being used. And who but God could have identified Bethlehem 700 years before Christ was born? You really have to have a closed mind to miss the supernatural quality of the Bible, especially when you really start to dig into it. The historical and mathematical conclusions all point to God's plan of salvation through His Son.

Here is an idea. Try looking at this mathematical proof as if you didn't have any bias against God and against the supernatural, and see how that approach works for you. The end result of your honest evaluation may shock you, and then it will change you from the inside out. That is what happens whenever man embraces the truth as revealed to us in Scripture.

One plus one equals two. Old Testament history plus New Testament fulfillment equals irrefutable proof. This is why Christianity is not a "blind faith." It is a faith built on immovable facts. Are you ready to have that firm foundation in your life? Or do you plan to finish out your time here on this planet with nothing more than an unreasonable bias against God?

No one ever said man is going to always be reasonable. That's the tragic thing about the human soul ever since sin entered the world. There are some biases which go even deeper than common sense and mathematical certainty. That's what our sin does to us, and this is why you and I need the Messiah. We need Jesus because we are sinners. We have broken God's law. And God has been gracious enough not only to give us His only Son, but even to give us conclusive proof for Christianity.

So it's no surprise to find that every other belief system and every other religion lacks even a hint of mathematical evidence, let alone irrefutable proof. The followers of those religions are no less sincere, but the foundation for their faith is not based on irrefutable evidence. Where is your faith based today? Do you have a bias against God which is keeping you from considering the mathematical certainty which supports Christianity?

If so, God still loves you, and there is still hope. Many former unbelievers who are now Christians know just what you are going through. This is a critical time for you to consider your sin against God, and your need for His forgiveness.

But don't take my word for it. Instead, accept the irrefutable proof which our Creator has kindly given us in the Old and New Testaments. He loves you far more than you can fathom. He proved it at the cross, and through the fulfilled prophecies. You would have to be blind to miss it.

Thank you Gordon.

Photo: Isaiah 42:22 More at <a rel=nofollow href=

One other thing that is often overlooked  concerning the death of Christ.  His life was NOT taken from him; rather, he gave it up for us.  "When the soldiers stabbed him to make sure he would be dead it says there came forth  blood and water."  John 19:30 then John continues in vs 32-34 - VS 34 says, "Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water."  NIV

That is what happens when a person's heart breaks. Science has proven that.  The heart will bleed forth blood and water.  And John was a doctor and he states, "The man who saw this has given testimony, and his testimony is true."

Thoughts that can help your day:

1 Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, 

but it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout.

2. So why is a car's windshield so large and the rear view mirror so small? 
Because our past is not as important as our future. So, look ahead and move on.

3. Friendship is like a book. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write.

4. All things in life are temporary. If it’s going well, enjoy it, that won't last long. 
If it’s going badly, don't worry, that won't last long either.

5. Old friends are gold! New friends are diamond! If you get a diamond, 
don't forget the gold! Because to hold a diamond, you always need a base of gold!

6. Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, God smiles from 
above and says, "Trust, it's just a bend, not the end!"

7. When God solves your problems, you have faith in His abilities; 
when God doesn't solve your problems, He has faith in your abilities.

8. A blind person asked St. Anthony, "Can there be anything worse than 
losing eye sight?" He replied, "Yes, losing your vision!"

9. When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them; sometimes, 
when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.

10. Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace .


Thanks to W.M. for sharing the above content.



My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame But wholly lean on Jesus' name On Christ the solid rock I stand All other ground is sinking sand All other ground is sinking sand Whoa-oh, The Solid Rock On Christ the solid rock I stand Whoa-oh, The Solid Rock All other ground is sinking sand

When darkness veils his lovely face I rest on His unchanging grace In every high and stormy gale My anchor holds within the veil On Christ the solid rock I stand All other ground is sinking sand All other ground is sinking sand

Whoa-oh, The Solid Rock On Christ the solid rock I stand Whoa-oh, The Solid Rock All other ground is sinking sand

My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness
When He shall come with trumpet sound O may I then in Him be found Dressed in His righteousness alone Faultless to stand before the throne On Christ the solid rock I stand All other ground is sinking sand All other ground is sinking sand



Please pray for your government. If you are not in the USA, it doesn't matter,
because our heavenly Father knows where you live.

Praying For The Government

1Tim 2:1............Heavenly Father, I give thanks for our government.
1 Tim 2:2...........I pray for all men and women having authority over us in any way. 
Prov. 1:23..........Pour out Your Spirit upon them and make Your Word known to them. 
Ps 25:21...........Cause them to be men and women of integrity, obedient concerning us, 
1 Tim 2:2...........that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty. 
Prov. 2:10..........Let wisdom enter their hearts, and let knowledge be pleasant to them.
Prov. 2:11..........Let discretion preserve them and understanding keep them, 
Prov. deliver them from the way of evil and from evil men. 
Psalm 1:1..........Make their hearts and ears attentive to godly counsel, 
2Chr 20:32.........doing what is right in your sight.
Prov. 2:21..........Let the upright dwell in our government. 
Heb 12:27..........Cause there to be a shaking in all areas.
Prov. 2:21..........Let those complete and blameless before You stay. 
Prov. 2:22..........and cut off the wicked. Let the unfaithful be rooted out. 
1Cor 4:5............Bring to light what is hidden in darkness, 
1Cor 4:5............and expose the secret aims of the hearts.
Rev 2:5.............Let this nation remember from where they have fallen,
Rev 2:5.............repenting, and returning to doing their first works,
1Chr 22:19........setting their hearts and their souls to seek the Lord,
2Chr 7:14..........humbling themselves, praying, and turning from their wicked ways. 
2Chr 7:14..........Then hear them, O Lord, and forgive their sins and heal our land. 
Acts 26:18........Open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light. 
Heb 3:13...........Soften the hearts that are hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. 
Ps 107:20..........Deliver them from their destructions. 
2Pet 3:9............Father, You have been longsuffering toward us, 
2Pet 3:9............not willing that any should perish, 
2Pet 3:9............but that all should come to repentance. 
Isa 49:22...........Raise up a standard in this nation. 
Zech 10:1..........Cause the rains of Your Spirit to flood this land 
Hab 3:2.............and revive Your work in the midst of us. 
Isa 59:16...........Raise up intercessors for this nation 
2Cor pull down strongholds over this land. 
Isa 40:5............And let the glory of the Lord be revealed.

"{PRAYER}" is the answer.







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