My prayer today for Obama, his family and henchmen is from Psalms 69
23. May their table before them become a trap, and [their hope] for peace become a snare.
24. May their eyes become dark, so they cannot see; constantly cause their loins to slip.
25. Pour out Your fury upon them, and may Your burning wrath overtake them. .
26. May their palace be desolate; in their tents let there be no dweller. .
27. For You-those whom You smote they pursued, and about the…Continue
There used to be a time when our politicians could inspire Americans to reach for the worthwhile goals that once made us a great nation.
We were able to face myriads of daunting challenges and nothing was ever too difficult for us to overcome with courage and conviction.
Think back to the very beginning when our leaders were able to lead us in a revolt against the most powerful nation on earth at the time.
The British never dreamed we would be able to successfully oust them from… Continue
If you look closely at the picture above, you will note that all the Marines pictured are bowing their heads. That's because they're praying.
This incident took place at a recent ceremony honoring the birthday of the corps, and it has the
ACLU up in arms. "These are federal employees, " says Lucius Traveler, a spokesman for the ACLU , "on federal property and on federal time. For them to pray is clearly an establishment of…Continue
Karla Comfort received a lot of looks and even some salutes from people when she drove from Benton, Ark., to Camp Pendleton, Calif., in her newly-painted, custom Hummer H3 March 2. The vehicle is adorned with the likeness of her son, 20-year-old Lance Cpl. John M. Holmason, and nine other Marines with F Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division who where all killed by the same improvised explosive device blast in Fallujah, Iraq, in December.…
With government spending at nearly 25 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and headed for more than 40 percent of national output, according to the liberal Progressive Policy Institute, how will the Democrats pay for it all?
The evidence points toward the way big-government, slow-growth Europe does it: the value added tax (VAT).
Working as a hidden sales tax that you don’t get to see on your…Continue
RICK NOTE: I am only posting this to attempt to get further confirmation. I am unable to find another source of this claim. I am hoping others have found additional information.
Former GOP presidential candidate Sen. John McCain of Arizona is defending his former running mate, Sarah Palin, against the “vicious attacks” the left has leveled against her.
“I’ve never seen anything like it in all the years that I’ve been in politics,” McCain told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren this week.
McCain avoided mention of some of the harshest attacks on her that have come…Continue
Some of the nation's wealthiest and most powerful law firms have donated hundreds of millions of dollars in free legal services to terror suspects at the Guantanamo Bay prison.
Their work, bolstered by left-wing activists groups, has helped to free, or force the transfer, of hundreds of…Continue
Well well well ain't that something the King of Saudi Arabia (the one alleged President Fakakteh Insane Obama bowed to) has invited Obama's grandma Sarah to Saudi Arabia
How come her own flesh and blood grandson hasn't invited her to the USA yet? Not for the inauguration, not for Thanksgiving not to show her America not to honor her to sleep in the White House (MissHell's mama lives there with them 24/7) not to take her out of her squalid village and show her Disney Land or one of the…Continue
Want to have some real fun this CHRISTMAS???
Send the ACLU a CHRISTMAS CARD this year.
What a clever idea!
Yes, Christmas cards for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) the group who has been trying so very hard to throw our Christmas observance under the bus!
This is coming to you early so that you can get ready to include an important address to your Christmas Card list this year.
Once again, the real news in France is conveniently not being
Reported as it should. To give you an idea of what's going on in that country where there are now between 5 and 6 million Muslims and about 600,000 Jews, here is an E-mail that came from a Jew living in France .
Please read! "Will the world say nothing - again - as it did in
Hitler's time?" He writes: "I AM A JEW -- therefore I am forwarding
Nov. 23, 2009 / 6 Kislev 5770
By Mark Steyn | My radio pal Hugh Hewitt said to me on the air the other day that Barack Obama “doesn’t know…Continue
The PC-Police be dammed ! When Keith Ellison ran for and was elected to congress in the 2006 mid-term election he was the darling of the PC world and the Democratic leadership -- America's First Muslim Congressman a perfect example of the diversity of this nation. Despite the fact that there were warning signs about his "friends".
Soon after his election he joined with the most powerful woman in the world, Nancy Pelosi to try and create a federal law against profiling. Its no…Continue