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Obama's Muslim Brotherhood Ties |
Obama's Muslim Brotherhood Ties Barack Obama has declared that all opposition groups should have representation in the next Egyptian government, which essentially ensures that the Muslim Brotherhood will be part of that government. The Brotherhood is the largest opposition group in Egypt, so it will probably end up in the driver's seat in any new regime, and steer Egypt toward becoming an Islamic state inveterately hostile to the United States. So why isn't Obama working to limit the Brotherhood's scope and influence? Maybe because he doesn't really have a problem with the Brotherhood, despite its hostility to America. He made sure to invite Brotherhood leaders to attend his notorious speech to the Islamic world in Cairo, Egypt, in June 4, 2009. Starting in the earliest days of his administration, he showed an intense desire to establish friendly ties with Brotherhood-linked organizations-despite the Brotherhood's stated goal of "eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within." Obama first reached out to the Brotherhood when he chose the leader of a Muslim Brotherhood-linked group that had been named an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case to give a prayer during his inauguration ceremonies. Ingrid Mattson, then-president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), offered this prayer at the National Cathedral on Obama's Inauguration Day-despite the fact that the ISNA has admitted its ties to the Brotherhood. The previous summer, federal prosecutors rejected a request from the ISNA to remove its unindicted co-conspirator status. Obama didn't ask Mattson to explain the ISNA's links to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. On the contrary: He sent his senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, to be the keynote speaker at the ISNA's national convention in 2009. Even worse, in April 2009, Obama appointed Arif Alikhan, the deputy mayor of Los Angeles, as assistant secretary for policy development at the Department of Homeland Security. Just two weeks before he received this appointment, Alikhan (who once called the jihad terror group Hezbollah a "liberation movement") participated in a fund-raiser for the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). Like the ISNA, MPAC has links to the Muslim Brotherhood. In a book titled In Fraternity: A Message to Muslims in America, co-author Hassan Hathout, a former MPAC president, is identified as "a close disciple of the late Hassan al-Banna of Egypt. "The MPAC-linked magazine The Minaret spoke of Hathout's closeness to al-Banna in a 1997 article: "My father would tell me that Hassan Hathout was a companion of Hassan al-Banna. ... Hassan Hathout would speak of al-Banna with such love and adoration; he would speak of a relationship not guided by politics or law but by a basic sense of human decency." The late al-Banna, of course, was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Terror researcher Steven Emerson's Investigative Project has documented MPAC's indefatigable and consistent opposition to virtually every domestic anti-terror initiative. Its magazine The Minaret has dismissed key counterterror operations as part of "[t]he American crusade against Islam and Muslims." For his part, while Alikhan was deputy mayor of Los Angeles, he blocked a Los Angeles Police Department project to assemble data about the ethnic makeup of mosques in the Los Angeles area. This was not an attempt to conduct surveillance of the mosques or monitor them in any way. LAPD Deputy Chief Michael P. Downing explained that it was actually an outreach program: "We want to know where the Pakistanis, Iranians, and Chechens are so we can reach out to those communities." But Alikhan and other Muslim leaders said that the project manifested racism and "Islamophobia," and the LAPD ultimately discarded all plans to study the mosques. The Muslim Brotherhood is a pro-Sharia group. Obama's chief adviser on Islamic affairs, Dalia Mogahed, is a pro-Sharia Muslim. In their Gallup survey published under the hubristic title "Who Speaks for Islam? What A Billion Muslims Really Think," Mogahed and Saudi-funded dhimmi, or non-Muslim, pseudo-academic John Esposito cooked their data to increase the number of Muslim "moderates," counting as "moderate" Muslims who wanted Sharia rule, hated America , supported jihad-martyrdom suicide bombing, and opposed equality of rights for women. Mogahed also defended Sharia on a British TV show. With Brotherhood operatives in the American government and working closely with it, thanks to Barack Obama, it's no surprise that he would have no problem with their being part of the Egyptian government too. _________________________________________________________________ Home » Politics » US Politics » The Ulsterman Report: Valerie Jarrett and The Muslim Brotherhood The Ulsterman Report: Valerie Jarrett and The Muslim BrotherhoodPublished by Ulsterman on February 27, 2011 For most Americans Valerie Jarrett, senior adviser to President Barack Obama, remains largely an unknown. To DC Insiders, she has positioned herself as the true power in the Oval Office – a woman who, like the President, has direct links to the Muslim world, both past – and present.Weeks after widespread Middle East chaos first erupted, and with a growing number of nations now poised to join the likes of Egypt and Libya into all out rebellion, some are finally questioning the role played by the Obama White House in helping to hasten these events. Of primary concern is the reasoning behind Barack Obama’s quick repudiation of Egypt’s Mubarak, and near silence regarding Libya’s Gaddafi. Why such a disparity in tone between one uprising vs another? As was noted in a previous report, Mubarak, though certainly a dictator of some 30 years in power, was, outside of Israel, America’s strongest ally in the Middle East. Gadaffi was instead a 40 year enemy of the United States – a figure engaged in terrorism, and repeated anti-American rhetoric. And yet, within hours of the Egyptian uprising, Obama demanded Mubarak step aside, while days went by during the Libyan uprising, and Obama said nothing. Perhaps the answer to this disparity can be found with President Obama’s closest and most powerful adviser – Valerie Jarrett. Read more in US Politics
Despite the information being easily accessed, most Americans are likely still unaware that Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran, and spent her first five years in that country. Like Barack Obama, Jarrett’s initial experience was not as an American, but an American/Muslim hybrid. According to an American Spectator report in August of 2008, the Obama campaign had initiated an aggressive program to hide Jarrett’s Iranian background. This program received significant help from certain media figures who were only too happy to comply with the Obama camp’s request that Jarrett’s Middle East ties were not made a public matter – even as declared Jarrett its “Iranian of the Day” that same month of August. Also during that same time period, Barack Obama admitted to the New York Times that, “I trust her (Jarrett) to speak for me, particularly when we’re dealing with delicate issues” and that he ran every important decision by her first. Jarrett’s family history is rife with radical ties, including those of her father-in-law Vernon Jarrett, a supporter of such communist-American icons of the 1940s as Langston Hughes. Vernon Jarrett was the strongest link to Chicago’s Hyde Park environment that would be of such great influence on Valerie Jarrett, and then through her, shape both Barack and Michelle Obama’s adult outlook upon American and its place in the world. Again largely ignored by the media in 2008, Chicago’s Hyde Park was home to such radical figures as the socialist Arnold Wolf, an anti-Israel rabbi (yes, those do in fact exist) who had pushed for increased support for the terrorist PLO. At around that same time Rabbi Wolf was also deeply involved with the Chicago Communist Party. Mr. Wolf declared in a 2008 Chicago Sun Times interview of other Hyde Park elites’ excitement over the political potential of a young Barack Obama a decade earlier, declaring they believed to have found in Obama, “A guy who could sell our product, and sell it with splendor!” Some of those other Hyde Park leftist elites excited over the prospects of Barack Obama included domestic terrorists turned educators Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorn, Tony Rezko, (a Syrian-American) Democrat Socialist member Jackie Grimshaw, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakahn, and yes - Valerie Jarrett, already a central player in the Daley-run Chicago political machine, and prior to that, a member of the Harold Washington mayoral administration. Washington too was deeply involved with what some have described as the Chicago Communist Network. Within just a few short years of having been introduced to these radical Chicago figures, Barack Obama found himself as a newly elected State Senator, an author of a highly publicized book (though his own past showed little evidence of having a proclivity for writing, unlike his close neighbor Bill Ayers) and on an astonishing fast-track to national politics, all the while being guided/programmed by the Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett. So this brings us to more recent events in the Middle East, and the seemingly contradictory message coming out of the Obama White House regarding uprisings throughout that region – and the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood both on those uprisings, and the muddled response of President Obama. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood was constantly rebuked by the Mubarak regime – a regime that had for decades helped keep the peace between the Muslim world and Israel. Within hours of an uprising breaking out, President Barack Obama, who admitted every decision he makes is first run by Valerie Jarrett, spoke out against longtime American ally Hosni Mubarak and demanded the longtime Egyptian ruler step aside. It is in Egypt where the Muslim Brotherhood was founded, though since that time it has spread its considerable influence throughout the Muslim world. President Obama’s very public stance against Mubarak was in stark contrast to uprisings a year earlier in Iran (the birthplace of Valerie Jarrett) that saw a tepid response from the Obama administration – nary a word was spoken against the Iranian regime, or support given to the cause of the protesters. Then came Libya, and again, similar to the lack of response President Obama had given to the Iranian uprising of a year earlier, and in stark contrast to the strong response given just a week prior regarding Egypt, Barack Obama said nothing. No words of support. No condemnation of Libya and its 40-year ruler Muammar Gaddafi, a man who had long supported terrorist attacks against America for decades – much like his Iranian counterparts. So in essence, the Obama administration’s almost immediate response toward Hasni Mubarak, a figure who had been an essential ally to the United States in the always-volatile region of the Middle East, was to demand he relinquish power in favor of the uprising – an uprising largely manufactured by the Muslim Brotherhood. But in the case of Libya, a nation long ruled by an anti-American state-sponsored terrorism madman, the Obama administration remained all but silent – much as it had done with Iran, also a nation that remains a bastion of anti-American terrorist activities. Surely these responses, or lack thereof, were manufactured at least in part by Valerie Jarrett, the figure President Obama admits he seeks approval from regarding all decisions. Ah, and now the plot thickens even further, for just this week, Kamal al-Halbavi, a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood gave a statement indicating his organization’s strong approval of the Iranian government for its “role in consolidating unity and solidarity among the Muslim countries throughout the world.” Al-Halbavi went on to also directly praise the leadership of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the very figure who has repeatedly declared the need to destory Israel, boasted of being able to recruit “hundreds of suicide bombers a day”, and the belief that Islam’s intent is to “rule the world.” A 2010 New York Times article cited the following regarding the Obama administration’s ever increasing involvement with Muslim groups – led of course by Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett: Muslim and Arab-American advocates have participated in policy discussions and received briefings from top White House aides and other officials on health care legislation, foreign policy, the economy, immigration and national security. They have met privately with a senior White House adviser, Valerie Jarrett. Perhaps it is simple coincidence that the Muslim Brotherhood was given broad support by the Obama administration it its attempts to overthrow longtime American ally Hasni Mubarak in Egypt. And perhaps it is yet more coincidence that the Obama administration then remained largely silent when a similar uprising took place in Iran. And yes, it must be yet more coincidence that at the same time the Iranian-born Jarrett-led Obama administration was giving scant support to the protests in Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood was declaring its continued support for the Iranian regime and its radical anti-American president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, calling Ahmadinejad, “…the bravest man in the Muslim world.” The very man whose government has slaughtered vast numbers of its own people in order to keep them subservient. But what of Libya you say? President Obama did finally speak out in support of the uprising in Libya, more than a week after those protests began. These statements were read by Barack Obama on February 23rd. Guess what group spoke for the first time in support of the Libyan uprising just a day prior to Obama’s own words? The Muslim Brotherhood – they did not give their own official support for the uprising until February 22nd – and only until after that statement from the Muslim Brotherhood came out did Barack Obama personally speak to the issue. But of course, this is all just more coincidence layered upon more coincidence…right? ________________________________________________________ Obama quietly builds ties with Muslim BrotherhoodBack-door talks with movement vowing end of West, rule of IslamPublished: 02/01/2011 at 9:02 PM by Aaron Klein
JERUSALEM – President Obama and top administration officials have an extended history of reaching out to the organization representing the main opposition now in Egypt’s unrest, quietly building ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and its worldwide allies. Even today, as throngs are flooding the streets of Egyptian cities targeting the regime of President Hosni Mubarak, a key U.S. ally in the Middle East, the White House seemingly has been championing the protests. The Muslim Brotherhood seeks to spread Islam around the world, in large part using nonviolent means. Hamas and al-Qaida are violent Brotherhood offshoots. Muslim Brotherhood members reportedly were invited to attend President Obama’s 2009 address to the Muslim world from Cairo. Khaled Hamza, editor of the Muslim Brotherhood website, confirmed at the time that 10 members of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary bloc received official invitations to attend Obama’s historic speech. Also in 2009, the Egyptian daily newspaper Almasry Alyoum ran a report claiming Obama had met with U.S. and European-based representatives of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood that year According to the report, the Brotherhood members requested that news of the meeting not be publicized. They expressed to Obama their support for democracy and the war on terror. The newspaper also reported Brotherhood members communicated to Obama their position that the Muslim Brotherhood would abide by all agreements Egypt has signed with foreign countries, implying that if they took power in Egypt they would continue that country’s peace treaty with Israel. Besides contact with the Muslim Brotherhood itself, there have been multiple reports the past two years of behind-the-scenes contact with Hamas, which was founded as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas maintains a close alliance with the Brotherhood; in fact, the Brotherhood’s new leader, Muhammad Badi, serves as a de facto lead spiritual guide for Hamas. Multiple top leaders of Hamas in Gaza claimed to WND several times they passed messages to Obama through dignitaries who visited the Gaza Strip, including Jimmy Carter and Sen. John Kerry – both of whom have a close relationship with the White House. Kerry, for example, reportedly accepted a letter for Obama from Hamas leaders in Gaza during a February 2009 visit to U.N. installations in the coastal territory. Karen Abu Zayd, the U.N. relief agency chief in Gaza, told the BBC the Hamas letter had been received by his agency and passed on to an unnamed American official. In November 2008, WND first quoted Hamas officials stating they would be sending a letter to Obama. Immediately after that month’s elections, Ahmed Yousef , Hamas’ chief political adviser in Gaza, called Obama’s win a “historic victory” for the world and told WND that Hamas was sending a letter of congratulations to the president-elect. Obama ties to Brotherhood’s U.S. allies It is not just Obama’s reported contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood and the group’s allies in the Middle East that have raised questions. The Obama administration also has evidenced a working relationship with several U.S.-based Islamist organizations that are listed by the Brotherhood as “likeminded” organizations. One such group is the Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA, a radical Muslim group that was an unindicted co-conspirator in a scheme to raise money for Hamas. ISNA was named in a May 1991 Muslim Brotherhood document – “An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America” – as one of the Brotherhood’s likeminded “organizations of our friends” who shared the common goal of transforming countries into Muslim nations. The White House relationship with the ISNA began even before Obama took office. One week before the presidential inauguration, Sayyid Syeed, national director of the ISNA Office for Interfaith and Community Alliances, was part of a delegation that met with the directors of Obama’s transition team. The delegation discussed a request for an executive order ending “torture.” ISNA President Ingrid Mattson represented American Muslims at Obama’s inauguration, where she offered a prayer during the televised event. Mattson also has represented ISNA at Obama’s annual Ramadan dinners, including the last such event in which Obama announced support for the rights of Muslims to build an Islamic cultural center and mosque two blocks from the site of the 9/11 attacks. In June 2009, Obama’s top aide, Valerie Jarrett, invited Mattson to work on the White House Council on Women and Girls, which Jarrett leads. That July, the Justice Department sponsored an information booth at an ISNA bazaar in Washington, D.C. Also that month, Jarrett addressed ISNA’s 46th annual convention. According to the White House, Jarrett attended as part of Obama’s outreach to Muslims. It was an ISNA-sponsored event that held a February 2010 question and answer session with Obama’s top adviser on counter-terrorism, John Brennan, who came under fire for controversial remarks he made at that session, ... Another Muslim Brotherhood “likeminded” organization that was welcome at the White House was the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR. Egypt blames White House for fomenting uprising Meanwhile, tens of thousands of Egyptian protesters today thronged Cairo’s Tahrir Square ahead of a “million man march” protest due to take place later in the day to mark seven days of anti-government demonstrations in the country. WND quoted a senior Egyptian diplomat stating the Egyptian government suspects elements of the current uprising there, particularly political aspects, are being coordinated with the U.S. State Department and Obama administration. The senior Egyptian diplomat told WND the Mubarak regime suspects the U.S. has been aiding protest planning by Mohamed ElBaradei, who is seen as one of the main opposition leaders in Cairo. ElBaradei, former International Atomic Energy Agency chief, has reinvented himself as a campaigner for “reform” in Egypt. He is a candidate for this year’s scheduled presidential elections. ElBaradei arrived in Cairo just after last week’s protests began and is reportedly being confined to his home by Egyptian security forces. He is seen as an ally of the Muslim Brotherhood. This past weekend, the London Telegraph reported the U.S. Embassy in Cairo in 2008 helped a young dissident attend a U.S.-sponsored summit for activists in New York, while working to keep his identity secret from Egyptian state police. The Telegraph would not identify the dissident, but said he was involved in helping to stir the current protests. The report claimed the dissident told the U.S. Embassy in Cairo that an alliance of opposition groups had a plan to topple Mubarak’sgovernment. The disclosures, contained in U.S. diplomatic dispatches released by the WikiLeaks website, show American officials pressed the Egyptian government to release other dissidents who had been detained by the police. The White House has been almost openly championing the unrest in Egypt. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Obama both reportedly voiced support for an “orderly transition” in Egypt that is responsive to the aspirations of Egyptians. Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough, speaking in a White House webcast, also urged the government and protesters in Egypt to refrain from violence. Egyptian officials speaking to WND, however, warned the Muslim Brotherhood has the most to gain from any political reform. Worldwide Islamist revolution The Obama administration’s support for the unrest is strikingly reminiscent of Jimmy Carter’s support of the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979, which marked the birth of modern Islamist expansion now seemingly sweeping the Mideast. In fact, some Muslim clerics already are calling the riots in Egypt simply an extension of 1979′s Islamist conquests. “Thirty-one years after the victory of the Islamic Republic, we are faced with the obvious fact that these movements are the aftershocks of the Islamic Revolution,” said Iranian cleric Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, as reported by Iran’s Radio Zamaneh. “The fate of those who challenge [our] religion is destruction.” Speaking of media and government leaders, Khatami added, “They want to highlight the labor, liberal and democratic issues, but the most important issue, which is the religious streak of these protests, [is] being denied.” The leader of Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood, Hammam Saeed, warned that the unrest in Egypt will spread across the Mideast until Arabs succeed at toppling leaders allied with the United States. “The Americans and Obama must be losing sleep over the popular revolt in Egypt,” Saeed said at a sympathy protest held outside the Egyptian Embassy in Amman. “Now, Obama must understand that the people have woken up and are ready to unseat the tyrant leaders who remained in power because of U.S. backing.” And on the Internet, the Middle East Media Research Institute reports, prominent Salafi cleric Abu Mundhir Al-Shinqiti issued a fatwa in the website Minbar Al-Tawhid Wal Jihad encouraging the protests in Egypt, claiming Islamist jihadis are now on the verge of a historic moment in the history of the Islamic nation, an “earthquake” he likened to the Sept. 11 attacks in New York City. Brotherhood declares war on U.S. Multiple prominent U.S. commentators also have been claiming the Muslim Brotherhood is a moderate organization and denying any Islamist plot to seize power. In November, the Brotherhood’s new supreme guide, Muhammad Badi, delivered a sermon entitled, “How Islam Confronts the Oppression and Tyranny.” “Resistance is the only solution,” stated Badi. “The United States cannot impose an agreement upon the Palestinians, despite all the power at its disposal. [Today] it is withdrawing from Iraq, defeated and wounded, and is also on the verge of withdrawing from Afghanistan because it has been defeated by Islamist warriors.” Badi went on to declare the U.S. is easy to defeat through violence, since it is “experiencing the beginning of its end and is heading toward its demise.” ________________________________________________________________________ |
Published: 02/24/2010 at 8:27 PM by Aaron Klein
![]() ISNA President Ingrid Mattson |
JERUSALEM – A radical Muslim group that was an unindicted co-conspirator in a scheme to raise money for Hamas has an extensive relationship with the Obama administration, WND has learned.
Last week, President Obama’s top adviser on counter-terrorism, John Brennan, came under fire for controversial remarks he made in a speech to Mu.... The event was sponsored by the Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA.
ISNA is known for its enforcement of Saudi-style Islam in mosques throughout the U.S. It was named by the Justice Department as an unindicted co-conspirator in its case against the Holy Land Foundation in Texas, which was found guilty in 2008 of raising money for the Hamas terrorist organization. Last year, Holy Land founders were given life sentences for “funneling $12 million to Hamas.
The Obama White House has deep ties to ISNA.
The relationship began even before Obama took office. One week before last year’s presidential inauguration, Sayyid Syeed, national director of the ISNA Office for Interfaith and Community Alliances, was part of a delegation that met with the directors of Obama’s transition team. The delegation discussed a request for an executive order ending “torture.”
Straight from the mouths of the real people: Get “Schmoozing with T...
ISNA President Ingrid Mattson represented American Muslims at Obama’s inauguration, where she offered a prayer during the televised event.
Mattson also represented ISNA at Obama’s Ramadan dinner at the White House.
Last June, Obama’s top aide, Valerie Jarrett, invited Mattson to work on the White House Council on Women and Girls, which Jarrett leads.
In July, the Justice Department sponsored an information booth at an ISNA bazaar in Washington, D.C.
Also that month, Jarrett addressed ISNA’s 46th annual convention. According to the White House, Jarrett attended as part of Obama’s outreach to Muslims.
‘Burn down the master’s house’
Discover the Networks notes ISNA, through its affiliate, the North American Islamic Trust – a Saudi government-backed organization – reportedly holds the mortgages on 50 to 80 percent of all mosques in the U.S. and Canada.
“Thus the organization can freely exercise ultimate authority over these houses of worship and their teachings,” states DTN.
ISNA was founded in 1981 by the Saudi-funded Muslim Students’ Association. The two groups are still partners. WND previously attended an MSA event at which violence against the ....
“We are not Americans,” shouted one speaker, Muhammad Faheed at Queensborough Community College in 2003. “We are Muslims. [The U.S.] is going to deport and attack us! It is us versus them! Truth against falsehood! The colonizers and masters against the oppressed, and we will burn down the master’s house!”
ISNA was named in a May 1991 Muslim Brotherhood document – “An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America” – as one of the Brotherhood’s likeminded “organizations of our friends” who shared the common goal of destroying America and turning it into a Muslim nation, according to Discover the Networks.
Islam scholar Stephen Schwartz describes ISNA as “one of the chief conduits through which the radical Saudi form of Islam passes into the United States.”
According to terrorism expert Steven Emerson, ISNA “is a radical group hiding under a false veneer of moderation” that publishes a bi-monthly magazine, Islamic Horizons, that “often champions militant Islamist doctrine.” The group also “convenes annual conferences where Islamist militants have been given a platform to incite violence and promote hatred,” states Emerson. Emerson cites an ISNA conference in which al-Qaida supporter and PLO official Yusuf Al Qaradhawi was invited to speak.
Emerson further reports that in September 2002, a full year after 9/11, “speakers at ISNA’s annual conference still refused to acknowledge Bin Laden’s role in the terrorist attacks.”
Also, ISNA has held fundraisers for terrorists, notes Discover the Networks. After Hamas leader Mousa Marzook was arrested and eventually deported in 1997, ISNA raised money for his defense. The group also has condemned the U.S. government’s post-9/11 seizure of Hamas’ and Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s financial assets.
With research by Brenda J. Elliott
NEW YORK – The recently discovered 1979 newspaper article by Vernon Jarrett – the father-in-law of senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett, opens a new dimension to understanding Obama’s youth, as Vernon Jarrett was a close friend of Obama’s Communist Party-activist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.
The connections were not lost on Joel Gilbert, the filmmaker whose documentary “Dreams from My Real Father” argues Davis, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, was the biological as well as ideological father of Barack Obama, not the Kenyan who came to the University of Hawaii in 1959.
The Nov. 6, 1979, column by Vernon Jarrett in the St. Petersburg In..., editor of the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell, Mont.
Joel Gilbert’s “Dreams from My Real Father” is available at WND’s S...
In the column, which originally appeared in the Chicago Tribune Nov. 2, 1979, Jarrett reported a proposal by Islamic radical and former Black Panther Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Monsour, the lawyer previously known as Donald Warden, to work on behalf of Saudi Arabia and OPEC to provide $20 million for 10 years to aid 10,000 minority students each year.
Davis and Vernon Jarrett were close friends in Chicago and colleagues at the Chicago Defender and the Chicago Star, two communist-run newspapers in the 1940s.
In early 1948, Davis and Jarrett served together on the publicity committee of the Citizen’s Committee to Aid Packing-House Workers, a communist-organized labor union that represented workers in the meatpacking industry.
“Very possibly Vernon Jarrett’s path crossed that of Frank Marshall Davis when Barack Obama, Frank Marshall Davis’ son, needed financing to attend Harvard,” Gilbert said.
“Remarkably,” he continued, “Obama was in Chicago at the time, and Jarrett was on the scene to find politically favorable funding from a former Black Panther turned Black Muslim in the person of Khalid Al-Monsour, who had a convenient relationship with one of the richest men in the world – Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal.”
Gilbert carried the relationships full circle. As a former colleague of Davis in Chicago, he said, Jarrett had reason to want to connect Obama with al-Mansour’s funding program.
“But it doesn’t end there,” Gilbert continued. “Very possibly, Jarrett helped finance Frank’s son, possibly explaining why Obama would later return to use the connection once again, when he sought to get his wife, Michelle Obama, hired into Chicago Mayor Harold Washington’s office by none other than Valerie Jarrett, daughter-in-law of Vernon Jarrett.”
Gilbert noted the 1979 article also sheds light on the claim that veteran New York power broker and well-known attorney Percy Sutton intervened at the request of al-Mansour to write a letter of recommendation to get Obama into Harvard Law School.
“All it would have taken was for Vernon Jarrett to introduce Obama, the son of Frank Marshall Davis, to Al-Monsour,” Gilbert continued.
As WND reported in 2009, Sutton, then an octogenarian, explained on the New York-produced “Inside City Hall” television show that al-Monsour brought Obama to his attention.
Sutton said al-Mansour told him about Obama in a letter: “There’s a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends left there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?”
Gilbert said al-Monsour might have known he could fund Obama through the Saudi prince, but first Obama had to get accepted into Harvard Law School for the plan to work. Al-Monsour realized Sutton had the necessary connections to make his recommendation credible to the Harvard Law School admittance committee, Gilbert said.
Gilbert also noted the 1979 article explains why Obama was so well accepted in the Chicago-based Muslim community, including by pro-Palestinian professor Rashid Khalidi and Syrian-born Democratic fundraiser Tony Rezko, who is now serving a prison sentence for fraud and bribery.
“Rezko and his many Arab-American partners funded Obama’s political campaigns, his state Senate races, his failed congressional race and his U.S. Senate campaign,” Gilbert explained. “It appears Obama’s academic career funders handed him off to Rezko’s Arab network to advance Obama’s political career. To what ends?”
Gilbert wondered if financial indebtedness to the Saudis might explain why Obama was so deferential as to bow to the Saudi king upon meeting him for the first time, at the G20 meeting in London in 2009.
“What did the Arab funders expect in return from Obama in return for the academic and political funding?” Gilbert asked.
“Is Barack Obama and the United States itself subject to blackmail, revealing the source of his academic funding, from those Arab funders if he does not follow their wishes?”
Gilbert continued speculating.
“Does the Jarrett-Al-Monsour connection dating from the time Obama went to Harvard explain why Obama has conducted an open-door policy for the Muslim Brotherhood to penetrate the White House, the State Department and even the U.S. military? How about Obama’s hostility toward Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu? Maybe the roots there go back to 1979 as well.”
WND reported the testimony of Allen Hulton, a U.S. Postal Service carrier who delivered mail to the home of Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers’ parents in suburban Chicago. Hulton says he was told by Mrs. Ayers that she and her husband helped finance Obama’s education at Harvard Law School.
“One thing is certain,” Gilbert concluded. “Obama comes out of a nexus of people in Chicago that includes not only Frank Marshall Davis and Vernon Jarrett but also Tony Rezko, Valerie Jarrett and the Bill Ayers family.”
He said the 1979 article “strongly suggests Obama used all of these connections to advance himself politically, and none of these connections were accidental.”
Despite the information being easily accessed, most Americans are likely still unaware that Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran, and spent her first five years in that country. Like Barack Obama, Jarrett’s initial experience was not as an American, but an American/Muslim hybrid. According to an American Spectator report in August of 2008, the Obama campaign had initiated an aggressive program to hide Jarrett’s Iranian background. This program received significant help from certain media figures who were only too happy to comply with the Obama camp’s request that Jarrett’s Middle East ties were not made a public matter – even as declared Jarrett its “Iranian of the Day” that same month of August. Also during that same time period, Barack Obama admitted to the New York Times that, “I trust her Jarrett to speak for me, particularly when we’re dealing with delicate issues” and that he ran every important decision by her first.
Jarrett’s family history is rife with radical ties, including those of her father-in-law Vernon Jarrett, a supporter of such communist-American icons of the 1940s as Langston Hughes. Vernon Jarrett was the strongest link to Chicago’s Hyde Park environment that would be of such great influence on Valerie Jarrett, and then through her, shape both Barack and Michelle Obama’s adult outlook upon American and its place in the world. Again largely ignored by the media in 2008, Chicago’s Hyde Park was home to such radical figures as the socialist Arnold Wolf, an anti-Israel rabbi yes, those do in fact exist who had pushed for increased support for the terrorist PLO. At around that same time Rabbi Wolf was also deeply involved with the Chicago Communist Party. Mr. Wolf declared in a 2008 Chicago Sun Times interview of other Hyde Park elites’ excitement over the political potential of a young Barack Obama a decade earlier, declaring they believed to have found in Obama, “A guy who could sell our product, and sell it with splendor!”
by Aaron Klein
Fresh from an interview dustup with the Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity, the first Muslim elected to Congress still is unable to explain evidence that his association with the anti-Semitic, anti-white Nation of Islam was much closer than he has claimed.
Newspaper reports from the 1990s indicate Ellison was known as a supporter and activist for Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, even speaking on behalf of the controversial group as a “representative.”
The information and timeline provided by the newspaper reports are at odds with Ellison’s public explanation of his association with the group.
During his first campaign for Congress, in 2006, Ellison wrote a letter to the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota & the Dakotas claiming he had never been a Nation of Islam member.
Immediately after he was sworn in to Congress in 2006, he posed for photographs with then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with their hands on a copy of the Quran.
Ellison’s congressional office in Washington did not reply to a WND request for comment.
Tuesday night, Ellison was invited to talk with Hannity about the looming budget sequester, as WND reported. Responding to Hannity’s montage of President Obama’s statements about the upcoming automatic budget cuts, Ellison opened by declaring, “Quite frankly, you are the worst excuse for a journalist I’ve ever seen.” The interview went downhill from there. (See video of the interview at the end of this article).
In the letter to the Jewish group, Ellison further claimed that his association with the Nation of Islam was limited to an 18-month period in which he was helping to organize the Minnesota contingent at the 1995 Million Man March.
Ellison’s claims are contradicted by the newspaper finds, which place him as a Nation of Islam “representative” in 1997 and supporter in 1998.
In 1997, he delivered a statement for the Nation of Islam, apparently serving as the group’s spokesman while being described as a Nation of Islam “representative.”
The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported the episode Feb. 3, 1997. The case involved Joanne Jackson, the executive director of the Minneapolis Initiative Against Racism, or MIAR, who found herself in hot water for controversial comments about Jews.
Jackson was a Nation of Islam supporter who had been quoted as stating, “Jews are among the most racist white people I know.”
The Star Tribune reported “the appearance of Twin Cities representatives of Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam at the MIAR’s board meeting on Monday.” Among the “representatives” was Ellison, according to the report.
The article said Ellison read comments on behalf of the Nation of Islam.
The Tribune noted Ellison used his religious name of Muhammad in reading the statement to the board in defense of Jackson.
“[We] stand by Ms. Jackson,” Ellison said. “We stand by the truth contained in the remarks attributed to her, and by her right to express her view without sanction. Here is why we support Ms. Jackson: She is correct about Minister Farrakhan. He is not a racist. He is also not an anti-Semite.”
Ellison also said Farrakhan’s representatives in the Twin Cities have a “sincere desire to talk over the tensions between the black and Jewish communities with reason and truth.”
The report said the statement “also criticized the board, questioning ‘whether MIAR has the requisite understanding, knowledge or resolve to be an initiative against racism.’”
“It appears that MIAR’s first initiative against racism should be directed at itself, or at least the 11 board members who voted to dismiss Joanne Jackson,’” the Tribune said.
WND also found an April 5, 1998, article in the Star Tribune describing Ellison as a well-known Nation of Islam supporter.
“Ellison, a newcomer to DFL politics, is well-known in the black community as the former head of the Legal Rights Center and a supporter of Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam,” the article said.
Ellison’s affinity for the Nation of Islam traces back at least to his days as a law student in 1989 and 1990.
Keith Ellison-Muhammad
The reported in 2006 that Ellison had used the names Keith X Ellison and Keith Ellison-Muhammad during his student days, writing columns in a student newspaper that defended Farrakhan against accusations of anti-Semitism.
In another student column, Ellison called for a separate nation for blacks.
Minnesota Public Radio reported in 2006, during Ellison’s first run for Congress, that he was also a member of the Black Law Student Association and was criticized for sponsoring anti-Semitic speakers at the University of Minnesota.
Dan Weiss, a University of Minnesota Law School classmate of Ellison’s, told MPR at the time, “My recollections of Keith are of that person who was very much in support of the Nation of Islam and their messages they tried to convey to the larger community.”
Ellison later promoted Farrakhan’s Million Man March, appearing on stage for the speech of Nation of Islam activist and spokesman Khalid Abdul Muhammad.
In an April 2011 interview with Sean Hannity, Ellison was asked if he thought the Nation of Islam should be “investigated” by the government.
“I’m more of a constitutionalist, Sean,” Ellison said. “You and I must agree that we wouldn’t just investigate a group because we don’t agree with them. We gotta have more than that. You’d agree with that, right? Wouldn’t you agree with that?”
See Hannity’s Tuesday night interview with Ellison:
With additional research by Brenda J. Elliott
I have no problem identifying ALL muslim politically centered groups as anti-America AND terrorist.
To think otherwise is foolish and without logic BUT with much political correctness.
Why does anyone any longer hold the opposite view?
Just the fact that most of the world's nations have seen muslim population numbers soaring and the terrorist organizations creating and organizing government overthrow throughout the middle east ever since Obama entered our White House should be the biggest tip off. Are people BLIND??? or just stupid???
Annette's article map should be a call to action by the agents of our government who are charged by law to protect We the People. I sure don't see THAT happening! In fact, what I SEE, is our government buying up all our ammo, identifying you and I and our returning veterans as terrorist, and giving aid and comfort to our next enemy, right here inside our nation's borders. But then why would the most powerful man in the world do otherwise? He's one of THEM.
I think a lot of people are confused concerning the Muslim Brotherhood. We seem to want to make them a separate entity from the other groups, such as Hamas, Hezbollah, etal. Please take a look at these maps of the United States:
Read each of the names of all the various groups who have terrorist camps set up right here inside the borders of our own country! The one thing they ALL have in common is THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD! That is because the MB is the spearhead of each of these organizations despite their rhetoric to the contrary. That is why you see ONLY the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House. They would like to make it appear that they are at odds with these other groups, but they are the actual head for each of the various organizations. Keeping the enemy confused as to who is the real enemy is very important in any battle.
Written on Sunday, February 24, 2013 by Sean Aland
With many unanswered questions still looming large from the Fast and Furious investigation, Occupy Wall Street, and the 9-11 Attack on the American consulate in Benghazi it is time to ask whether the Obama administration with its reckless policies to “fundamentally change America” is guilty of sedition or perhaps even treason.
Webster’s defines sedition as, Crime of creating a revolt, disturbance, or violence against lawful civil authority with the intent to cause its overthrow or destruction. Because it is limited to organizing and encouraging opposition to government rather than directly participating in its overthrow, sedition is regarded as falling one step short of the more serious crime of treason. In the U.S. the display of a certain flag or the advocacy of a particular movement….(such as anarchism, or communism).
Knowingly illegally arming Mexican drug cartels to gain evidence to abridge the second amendment is violence against lawful civil authority, even if it does not result in the murder of a law enforcement official, which Fast and Furious did. This administration supported the Occupy Wall Street (OWS), a movement that was rife with socialists and anarchists calling for the overthrow of our government and economy, often resorting to violence with the blessings of former advisors. The Failed Gun running operation to arm Libyan rebels in Benghazi resulted in the consulate being overrun and four American lives being lost. Without delving into the administration’s policies, these three cases show an obvious tie to “organizing and encouraging opposition to government” as well as “advocacy” in the case of the OWS movement.
Treason is defined as, Offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one’s country or of assisting its enemies in war. In the U.S., the framers of the Constitution defined treason narrowly—as the levying of war against the U.S. or the giving of aid and comfort to its enemies…
In all three of the examples mentioned above the administration directly or indirectly assisted our enemies in time of war. In the case of Benghazi and Fast and Furious the gun running provided aid… to our enemies. If they used the weapons against us did they levy war? The drug cartels are enemies of the U.S. Further, OWS wants to undermine our economy, which was Al-Qaida’s goal on 9-11. Both of these examples are a form of domestic terror. Since the Libyan rebels were assisted by the Muslim brotherhood that came from Egypt and has the same goals as Al-Qaida, the administration is guilty of encouraging terrorism against the U.S. Ask, were the weapons given to the rebels passed through to Al-Qaida and used against us in the consulate attack?
We have seen the lack of cooperation by the DOJ in the Fast and furious Investigation, praise for the OWS demonstrations by the president, and the great Benghazi cover-up after the Consulate attack , yet we still do not know the truth regarding guns, intelligence, security, and missing weapons. The administration shared the bogus story regarding a video about Mohammed the pedophile and womanizer as the cause of the attack. Then the State Department said it was a planned 9-11 terrorist attack and not a demonstration about a video. What will the next STORY be? We have heard that the president knew, did not know, went to bed, never called, etc. which brings to mind something I was told as a child: “When you tell the truth, the story doesn’t change.” One thing is certain, with all the changes to the Benghazi story that have come out of the Obama Administration, someone is lying and others are covering it up.
Call it the total incompetence of this administration with guns and OWS or the A,B, C, foreign policy, (Appease, Apologize, Bow down to out of a Lack Courage in the Face of Crisis), that actually led to this latest round of terrorist attacks. The Obama Administration has ignored the truth about Fast and Furious, hoping it will go away. Now it appears they are doing the same with the Benghazi gun running operation. Whatever the facts are the American people deserve to know what occurred and why in each circumstance. Is this administration guilty of sedition and or Treason? The policies point to it and the actions scream it. The Obama camp has yet to truthfully respond about any of these cases, and continues to be evasive, unclear, and confusing
very effectively, with full media protection and complicity.
Brigitte Gabriel, a leading expert on Islamic extremism stated “It is such a shame that in our country today, we have an administration that is not forthright and truthful, and is more concerned with public appearances and elections than protecting America. It is shameful the way this administration has handled national security and foreign policy, to the point where we have become the laughingstock of our enemy…”
Sedition and treason aside, our lack of response only emboldens militant Islamists who understand and respect strength, not the weakness continually shown by this administration.
The president took the following oath of office “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” –Article II, Section 1, Constitution of the United States
With his administration bordering on sedition and treason, it is time for Obama to not only protect and defend the constitution but, as he stated in 2008, it is time for some “transparency, honesty and Change” before any more damage occurs to our nation.
There's no question in MY mind that Obama is a product of Islam and that his election was in part financed by terrorist monies. His operatives in our White House include many muslims other than Valerie Jarret, most remain unamed.
Obama has singled out various muslim organizations for special treatment and has given our tax money to muslim causes without consent of our congress.
He has already told us if things go wrong in the world he will be standing with the Islamic world not the West.
How much more does one have to know before you are "well advised" as to the Obama heart and soul?
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