NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

There used to be a time when our politicians could inspire Americans to reach for the worthwhile goals that once made us a great nation.
We were able to face myriads of daunting challenges and nothing was ever too difficult for us to overcome with courage and conviction.
Think back to the very beginning when our leaders were able to lead us in a revolt against the most powerful nation on earth at the time.
The British never dreamed we would be able to successfully oust them from the colonies and declare ourselves an independent nation. And yet with a rag tag groups of settlers and farmers George Washington was able to inspire these men to victory and defeat an army that had the overwhelming advantage.

Likewise, we were inspired as a nation to soundly defeat Nazism, Fascism, and imperialism by going directly to the homelands of those ideologies and fighting it where it began to grow. For 50 years were were inspired to fight the spread of Communism until it finally collapsed under it's own weight.

What has happened to our politicians???

What has happened to those kinds of politicians? Today instead of inspiring anything or anyone, they buy votes and throw campaign cash around and boast about their great accomplishments (usually pork and pet projects) while throwing mud at their opponents. With very few exceptions our political leaders have become a bunch of parasites who only feed off of the blood sweat and tears of their constituents. They live luxurious lives at the expense of the tax payers and exhibit no shame at all.

But no matter how easy it may seem to just blame everything on our politicians, we the people must also bear our share of the blame too. How is that? Well consider this.

I'm sure if we were to take a poll, almost without exception the average person would agree that debt is a bad thing and should be avoided at all costs. Our parents may have tried to teach us to live within our means and always play by the rules, with the goal in mind of always giving our children and grandchildren a much better life than they perhaps had themselves. That was a very noble goal indeed. But it was also what may have led in some measure to our problems today. The never ending goal of always trying to achieve bigger and better things has led the masses astray. They have embarked on a mission to have more and more stuff, even if they could not afford it. This has led many in American society today, to become slaves to their creditors.

The politicians of today, in a lame attempt to help avoid disaster, have placed our country in a position of servitude. Nations we once dominated are now our masters. Nations we once supplied with the goods they desperately needed, are now supplying us and the tables have been turned. Added to that, we now have an administration in power who firmly believes in dividing the wealth and that poorer nations should get to share the world's wealth even if they have done nothing what so ever to earn it.

So, when we place ourselves in debt, we really have no one to blame but ourselves. The federal government has even helped in ways that placed people in houses that they could not afford and would never be able to make the payments on for any sustainable length of time. While our elected officials kept putting us further and further into debt, we kept on electing them to office, term after term. In many ways these elections were just a formality. The elections are really just a beauty contest or a popularity contest. Whoever can spend the most money on name recognition and have the most air time on the boob tube, as we like to call it, will usually win all the marbles and stay in office. It rarely has anything to do with how well they do their jobs these days.

It is common practice these days to burden our bills in congress with huge amounts of what we have come to call PORK. Nothing gets done anymore just because it is a good idea or will be really helpful to our nation. The common call is usually, "I will vote for your bill, but first you are going to have to include X-number of billion dollars in it for my pet projects back home. That's what keeps getting me elected you know."

Well, just what has that kind of thinking and abuse of power gotten us? We are right now 11 Trillion dollars in debt! The interest payments alone cost this country $26 Billion dollars each and every month! That's over $300 Billion per year in interest on our nations debt alone. That is money that is being sent overseas to our creditors instead of being spent here at home to upgrade schools, roads, hospitals and so on. What does that tell us? Well, as hard as it may be to hear, any country that cannot do a good job of educating it's population or bringing about economic security for it's people will not be able to stand for much longer. America is in peril!

Our government has become a master at using the old art of deception and trickery on us. Consider this, suppose I were to come to you and ask for you to give me a check for $10,000 dollars. What would go through your mind? You might first think about everything you could do with $10,000 dollars yourself. Maybe improve your house, maybe take a fabulous vacation, maybe put a nice down payment on a new car, etc. etc. You would probably wonder, why on earth would I ever give that guy $10,000 dollars? I can't afford that!

But when our government says they need $26 Billion dollars every month just for interest on the national debt, we don't usually have the same reaction. It just isn't personal enough for us to be concerned. We may even think to ourselves, "I don't how much my share of that amount really is, but it can't be that bad, can it?" It may surprise you to know, your actual share of this debt is around $330,000 dollars per person. For a family of 4 you will be saddled with $1.3 Million dollars that is your personal share of the national debt, right here, right now, today! But as interest accumulates on the national debt, that number also continues to go up. And meanwhile our nations political leaders continue to spend more and more and even invent new ways to spend money which we don't have. It's like they are on a mission to break the all time record for debt and spending. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE???

Ponzi Schemes out the ying yang!!!

Now you no doubt have paid into social security for your entire working life. We were told about Bernie Madoff recently and how he pulled off the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time. It was estimated that he cheated his investors out of a whopping $50 Billion dollars! But that looks like pocket change when compared to the schemes Washington has come up with.

Social Security is a great example of a legal ponzi scheme. Most of us have been led to believe that the government takes a portion of your hard earned money from your paycheck and invests it in the Social Security Trust Fund. There it will continue to grow and collect interest until you reach retirement age and can then begin collecting from the fund. The real truth is, the government has been spending your hard earned money and placing I.O.U.s' in the pot. If you think this is any different from what Bernie Madoff did, guess again. They took your money, promised you it would be safe and then they spent it for their own benefit. But while Madoff is in jail our politicians are off to their next party or lavish dinner. They believe they are above the law and do not have to answer for their deeds.

So what do we have now? A trust fund stuffed with worthless I.O.U.'s We also have a massive short fall of somewhere around $13.6 trillion dollars. We have $13.6 trillion dollars worth of I.O.U.'s laying in the trust fund that the government can't pay to future retirees. Social Security is going broke! Add to that a large number of Baby Boomers who are beginning to retire soon and will now be trying to collect instead of paying into the system. A poll taken back in 1994, among young working people revealed they were twice as likely to believe in UFO's than to believe they would one day collect any Social Security.

The next Ponzi Scheme is Medicare. Medicare parts "A" and "B" currently have unfunded liabilities of more than $68 trillion dollars! Most calculators won't even go this high! It is clear that neither Democrats or Republicans even care anymore. They know that when the bills come due for their foolish spending, they will be retired along with the proceeds of a fully vested government pension plan or perhaps they will be dead. So why should they care? They have no incentive to do the right things.

The very same politicians who lied to us about funding Social Security and Medicare, the same ones who have ran the Post Office into bankruptcy, and shall I go on?
There is cash for clunkers, and we could go on and on and on! These very same politicians are the ones who are now promising us FREE UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE!

If you have an ounce of common sense left in you, are you still inclined to go along with yet another trust funded plan to support Universal Health care? What can we point to in any government dealing over the past 70 years and say, "Boy, that program was a huge success!" I can't think of anything the government has ever done recently that didn't experience huge cost over runs and budget short falls that required still more taxpayer funds to be set aside to help it move forward.


Right about now, most of us probably just feel like throwing up our hands and saying, "what's the use?"
But you know what folks? That is what Americans have been saying for far too long now!!!
I don't know what more it would take to wake up some of our fellow Americans....I really don't. Some just insist, this doesn't involve them.
If you are not outraged and passionate about putting an end to this kind of stuff, then we are sunk as a nation! It's just that simple. It's over!
This great nation will go down and be gone for good. Our children and grandchildren will never be able to experience what we once had here.

America is worth fighting for!!! Our forefathers thought it was too and they did fight for it! So the question has been laid at our feet America.
Are we going to just sit back and shake our heads while our politicians ruin this country with unsustainable debt? Are we going to be remembered as the generation that just let it all slip away? Or are we like other patriots in the past who took a stand for what is right? They may have been outnumbered and the other side might have had better equipment. But they were determined to win the battle, and win they did!

So, if you find yourself thinking, "oh well, what can I do? I'm nobody, I'm just one person. Nobody cares what I think."
Slap yourself awake and ask yourself, "What is wrong with me?" I need to wake up and pay attention right now or it's all over for America!
Yes, it is really that serious folks! Don't try to talk yourselves out of it! Get up off the sofa and take action! Get with other people who are also disgusted just like you are. I know a lot of your friends, neighbors and co-workers feel the same way. Determine to take this country back to where it belongs NOW!!! We can't wait, time is up!

Start by writing your Congress Person or Senators. Let them know you are not going to vote for them ever again if they continue to insist on borrowing and spending money we can't afford to spend. Let them know we are tired of the corruption and dishonesty in Washington. They are going to lose their cushy job if they continue on their present course. And by all means, VOTE in the next elections!!! America belongs to you and your children and grandchildren as much as it does to any of us. But we have to take responsibility for maintain it and keeping it free and safe. If we don't do it it's a safe bet our politicians won't do it.

Contact your Congressman at this link by entering your zip code:
Contact your Senator at this link by choosing your state:

Thanks to Preston Miller, for the above shared content.

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