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Who Defines “Truth” When Politicians Re-Write the Dictionary?

Pervasive Unreality Invades America as All Answers Become Political

Who Defines “Truth” When Politicians Re-Write the Dictionary?

 - Kelly O'Connell  Sunday, May 29, 2011

The very notion of truth itself has been tied, stretched out and crucified for political advantage in America. This is why we are in a dreary swamp, a national malaise. Our current struggles are all the more remarkable considering most result from wrong ideas. A simple attitude adjustment, ie a “reality check”­would eliminate most of our seemingly permanent issues fairly quickly. Our troubles occur because disreputable political doctrines are raised over common sense. For example, huge deficits undermine America’s ability to continue its military and humanitarian roles, home and abroad. And yet, the notion of serious spending cuts is regarded by liberals as more horrible than an offer to barbecue holy cows in downtown Bombay.

The problem in America today is our “official” national narrative is based upon a torrent of false, leftist ideas, directed by political theory towards relentless failure on every front. In other words, the elites uphold the tenets of Marxism. A key example is Political Correctness. This devilish doctrine claims no action is bad, in itself­as long as fostered by an ideologically acceptable group. This is actually a leftist stalking-horse for a myriad of debilitating socialist ideas. It will bring down the might of America­and great will be its fall.

But the main concession laying a foundation for the rest­is the Death of Truth. Americans, for decades marinated in contradictory leftist ideology, are losing the feel and taste for accuracy. Let’s not forget politics is meant as a receptacle for truth, not vice versa. Marxism is totalitarian, including controlling what topics can be discussed. This article regards exposing and repudiating the diabolical attack on the idea of Truth by soulless leftism.

I. Current Sickly Situation

Among many present problems bedeviling America, consider: Giant deficits; mass unemployment; expanding foreign wars; welfare mentality; huge budget shortfalls; mothballing important programs like NASA; illegal immigration; international instability; growing red tape and bureaucracy; roaring inflation; spiking fuel prices; chronic education failure; growing resistance to classic American values; US global leadership flaccidity; burgeoning socialist programs; federal resistance to state self-defense measures; rampant family dysfunction; indifference and opportunism during national disasters; claiming American exceptionalism is a problem; Hobbling US industry with carbon legislation; taking over American industry to “save” it; Demonizing US business; nationalizing healthcare in the name of the poor; attacking the wealthy; etc. And how many of these would not be quickly addressed and dispensed with by the Founders?

II. Causes

The causes of the Death of Truth in America are but a few. First, John Dewey, redoubtable leftist reformer, took aim at the US educational system and decided socialism must be the model. This one change robbed from the average American student the ability to think for themselves. Therefore, as we can see operating almost without check today­the well-meaning US population is like an unformed fetus in the hand of a master propagandist. In other words, given capitulation of the mainstream media to Marxism, and leery of the lash of Political Correctness, the average citizen does not have a prayer to think through the fog of lies and find truth on the other side.

A second cause of the Death of Truth in the US is the concurrent collapse of the church. Materialistic humanism rises in the vacuum. The one institution basing its creed on unassailable truth is stepping aside while sightless nihilism leads the blind into the pit of despair. The Church’s raison d’etre, Jesus Christ, is called Truth incarnate. The Church and Believers are described in the Bible as Salt and Light, but what good is this new, liberal, Politically Correct Church? When the Church stops proclaiming its truth, lies and fraud step into the gap. And then all hell breaks loose.

A third cause is Political Correctness, the triumph of the Marxist Frankfurt School. The arrival of these academics to America saved them from Hitler. But their introducing Marxism by way of Political Correctness tainted the soul of the USA. But, if Marxists can inject their ideas into the culture, and therefore kill Truth­cannot we at least attempt to counter-serve our own convictions?

III. Application

The following topics have been conscripted into the Marxist fable:

A. Energy

Americans are impoverished by fact-blind politicians claiming the energy industry is simply evil. They say there is no good American oil recovery method, for example. Further, a narrative has emerged: Righteously angry politicos insist energy production is an attack against Mother Earth, the horrid face of unacceptable capitalism. Safe energy sources are being depleted as “Peak Oil” was reached long ago. They assert whoever tells you different is a liar. So, we must now protect our planet and accept shrinking economies in order to survive. Americans must buy energy from other countries and bankrupt ourselves in the process. But is this really the way the USA must end? No.

America has more sources of petroleum energy than any other country. For example, there is more petroleum in the ground between Colorado and Utah than in Saudi Arabia. So why aren’t we creating our own gasoline and saving trillions? Political fictions block the path to freedom.

We must never forget that liberalism is based upon Marxism, which condemns all capitalist enterprises as evil by definition. Further, Man-made Global Warming theory, shown created from bad science and utterly disproved, is still the basis of of our energy policy.

B. Fiscal Policy

Spending policy in America is currently insane. Permanent deficits are the death of government and attendant society, feeding from it like parasites on a dying host. History shows hyperinflation has a single cause­rampant printing of fiat currency. The US is currently using this to create revenue. Certainly this Administration must have scholars aware of the Weimer Republic, where a wheelbarrow full of currency was not enough to buy a loaf of bread. So what gives?

Apparently, “good” fiscal policy results in outcomes more conducive to socialism. But Keynesian deficit spending is technically disproved by such luminous authorities as Hayek. This means it doesn’t work because it can’t work. Don’t Americans have a right to know this?

Scariest is the notion there is no such thing as tax rates too high. This is because leftism seeks the socialist/Marxist state where only government has the moral right to own property. But the practical effect of high tax rates is government is under no compunction to spend wisely.

Most indefensible is the notion it is immoral for private citizens to spend money they earned, whereas it is wholly ethical for government to spend that which it does not earn. Sadly, there seems to be no effort put into discovering whether government wastes money of its citizens, because­to a real liberal­this is an irrelevant issue. So liberal “truth” is that workers are slaves of the deified state which toil to meet the arbitrary goals set by their elite masters. Beware the whip hand raised high, friends!

C. Popular Culture

No phenomenon better expresses the triumphant idiocy of mindless, pseudo-sophisticated leftism than the West’s popular culture. The actual knowledge of the real world of those who celebrate pop culture is in direct inverse proportion to their felt sense of superiority to those with whom they disagree. Observe the scorn heaped on those who dare reject the wisdom of these philistines on their support of abortion, gay rights, environmentalism, or their incipient anti-capitalism and loathing of religion.

But the true wonder is watching these same illiterates try to lay a rational foundation for their circuitous beliefs. Pop culture offers daily terrifying displays of the ravages of pure propaganda, its victims wholly unaware of being caught in its sticky grasp. What is undeniable is popular culture has launched an, as yet, unabated assault against the idea and practice of virtue.

D. Science

Science is made a common harlot for liberalism. Impossible, you say? Why, because science is “self-regulating”? Well, that’s certainly a popular yet hilarious belief! In fact, any thoughtful person realizes every crazy and illogical theory proposed by liberals is accompanied by some bastardized “scientific” proof. Consider, for example, blatant lying supporting the Global Warming theory, such as the doomsday “ hockey stick graph.”

Like any good act of prostitution, there is a proper agreement wherein both parties get something precious for their graft. Liberals receive their precious “proof,” without which inane proposals could never be taken seriously. And “science” gets the funding it needs and social cachet it desperately craves.

Science’s corruption is seen on several strata. On an ideological level, if our society is no longer seeking truth through use of the scientific method, but instead is simply a tool in the pursuit of some craven end, we have lost our way. What would be an example? Consider if major evidence was discovered seemingly disproving a quintessential tenet of Global Warming or Evolution? What would be the scientific community’s reaction? One can well imagine. The discoverer would be blackballed and termed a “Creationist,” or a “Capitalist Idiot.” Further, no respectable scientific journal would publish their findings. Eventually, the person would be driven out of the academy.

Thomas Kuhn, in his epic Nature of Scientific Revolutions describes how one set of scientific ideas is pushed aside by another in a “paradigm shift” revolutionizing everything in its path. And yet, how can such shifts take place when disagreeable facts are simply buried like Pompeii by an angry Vesuvius?

Philosopher of science Paul Feyerabend infuriated Karl Popper when he described scientific theories as no more accurate than, and roughly analogous to, the ancient myths of pagan society, in Against Method. But unless we have a looser grasp on our favorite scientific ideas, we are bound to be buried in similar PC type of “science” as practiced in the old USSR, or “ Lysenkoism.” This term describes manipulation or distortion of the scientific process to reach a predetermined conclusion dictated by ideological bias, related to social or political goals. (Scientist Alan Sokol also proved how easy it is to fool scientists when using the right kind of Politically Correct vocabulary.)

IV. Remedy

The remedy for the pervasive, blindly self-righteous, leftist stupidity all around us, done in the name of “liberalism” is to learn how to think, then logically work through all obstacles before acting. But any remedy against mindless group-think must include the following antidotes.
  1. A commitment to learn how to think for oneself. This would include studying logic and fallacies, philosophy in general, and history. Also add to this economics and religious doctrines.
  2. Our children must be likewise inculcated in the above study and discipline.
  3. We must then commit to challenge those whom we encounter who are brainwashed into liberal blindness by gentle yet firm debate.
  4. Having stated the above, we admit that only through debate, dialogue, and engagement with our ideological foes, do we have any chance at redeeming this balefully lost culture before it’s too late.


Kelly O'Connell


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Comment by Sandra on May 29, 2011 at 10:39pm

Thanks Gordon, she does write some great articles.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on May 29, 2011 at 10:20pm
Great post by Kelly O'Connell, Sandie.






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