NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

We Must Join Together With the Awakened Giant

I am a patriotic American—a 74-yr.-old woman who worked 50 years to avoid Government aid or take-over. I earned my living for >30 years as a writer/editor/producer in all the mediums, and I am still working as an investigative reporter and activist in trying to save our country's laws and Constitution.

All citizens have the right to demonstrate and protest—not just the liberal left who are organized by the Obama administration, even though they are the ones who claim that the Republicans are being organized and are actually “astro-turf.” This first week of September 2009, they are sending out 100s of buses across the country full of ACORN and SEIU members who they have trained to intimidate, protest loudly enough to drown out dissenters, and take over Town Hall meetings.

The people who the liberal-left have claimed as being “manufactured by the far-right,” are people of all political parties or even none at all, who have been protesting since early this year. They are American citizens who are activists for the first times in their lives because they don't want any more bail-outs, stimulus funds, bloated budgets and pork projects. If the average citizens are being organized, they are doing it themselves through patriotic web sites and community meetings.

Now Obama and his gang of Czars and ultra-left Congress are trying to ram through the Cap and Tax bill, the union Card Check, and the nationalized Health Care Reform, no matter how much more they raise our debt. They are also trying to take control of communications such as radio and the Internet to silence the voices of their dissenters. At the same time, they are doing their best to make our Constitution irrelevant.

We need to return the unspent stimulus funds, and lower our debt. We need to lower taxes on small businesses so they can start hiring workers again and thus rebuild our capitalist marketplace. We need to stop all the give-away programs to those too lazy to work, and we need to change welfare to workfare, so that people will be motivated enough to attend government classes to learn skills that will help them earn more and feel like a worthwhile, productive citizen.

This is why people attending these Town Hall meetings are sometimes loud and raucous, because their representatives are lying to their faces when in person, and are not returning their calls, faxes and emails. They think they live in a bubble and only have to answer to their constituents and the special interests that helped them get elected. However, they have now awakened the sleeping giant, and representatives of that giant will be in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 11-12. We have the voting records of all government representatives, and those who are not representing the people—who they are supposed to work for—will be voted out in the next election. Also, we need to make lobbyists illegal or unconstitutional, so they can no longer control our politicians.

In addition, if many more abuses of our Constitution take place within the next couple of months, the people won't wait for the elections. They will rise up and demand recalls of anyone who they feel are abusing their power, bankrupting our country, and trying to turn it into a Socialist regime. They will also demand that the corrupt politicians who caused our financial downfall, like Paulson, Franklin Raines, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, be indicted and sent to jail. They will also demand refunds from the top politicians who were paid off by Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, like Obama, Clinton, and the politicians above. They will demand an audit of the FEDERAL Reserve, an independent agency.

We need to get rid of all Czars, who are unanswerable to the American people or to Congress. We need to reverse all of their rulings that were illegal or unethical. We need to abandon the Cap and Tax and the Card Check bills.

We need to start over with Health Care Reform using a majority (25 members of each party in each Congressional house) bi-partisan committee that will vote to deregulate all the government bills that are currently stopping insurance companies from being portable throughout all states and between jobs. We need to make sure than any Health Care reform will subsidize and protect those with pre-existing conditions or who are Americans that can’t get insurance, but which will exclude all abortions and all illegal immigrants and their families. We need to deport those immigrants, finish and protect our borders, and punish any companies and corporations who hired them.

. We need to stop all frivolous Tort lawsuits that just enrich lawyers and then reduce any lawyer fees to 10% of any settlements--which will also be capped to loss of income and quality of life costs. We need to stop relying on foreign oil and sending hundreds of billions of dollars to those countries. Instead we need to bring our own oil industry up to speed, build nuclear reactors, and use natural gas and clean coal when necessary. We need to stop spending money on windmills and solar panels until they are self-supporting and not dependent on government funding. We can forget the scams put forward by Gore and his cronies about Green energy until the majority of scientists agree that the problem is man-made and we can do something about it.

We need to investigate every part of every government agency and rid ourselves of the corruptions, fraud, greed, and incompetence. Then we can go back to rewarding productivity, patriotism, and good work ethics. That includes schools, law enforcement, and every other government employees. We need to stop the schools from brainwashing our children into believing the Socialist agenda and denying God by getting rid of the teachers and professors that are guilty of doing it. If we are going to save this country, we need to bring back the God-given morals and values, and bring those to the forefront again.

We need to read through the Constitution word by word and ensure that our representatives are obeying it in all areas, including insisting that Obama release all his records that he has currently spent $1M to seal. We need to remove anyone that Obama has appointed to his Cabinet that has a criminal record, or even anyone who has had ethical violations, such as his current Attorney General who got one of our worst tax cheats pardoned by Bill Clinton at the last minute. He is also going after anyone in the Bush administration and focusing on past activities of the CIA that kept our country safe.

Obama and his entire cadre are doing everything they can to weaken our country and try to take it over in their efforts to make it a One-World government. The people who are funding him and pulling his puppet strings, like George Soros and the rest of his Communist friends, do not realize how powerful Americans can be when they understand what this government is up to. They will take back the country, jail all the corrupt politicians that put us in the crisis that we are currently in, and get rid of any politician who is not willing to join us in our battle to protect America and its Constitution.

Edie Boudreau
Eureka, NV 89316

Views: 121


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Comment by Leon Ewers on January 12, 2012 at 9:10am
Wow this is an old blog. You guys reading this might want to take a deeper look into things. A lot of this sounds very NWOish.
1 Trillion dollars spent on the drug war in the last 40 years. I think we could have found soomething better to spend our money on like actually educating our children so they wouldn't fall pray to this stuff and agenda 21 and NWO activities that aim to make them slaves or just kill them out right (NDAA) and mostly just about our Constitution.
Comment by Ron Miller on December 27, 2009 at 11:36am
Thanks for your article. You are very accurate with your account of business as usual for the present government. We were pleased that you took the time to expound on possible changes and/or corrections needed to assist in correcting some of the many bad decisions our law makers have made. Hopefully, many have listened and learned.
The politician will now try to cover their butts with even more promises and/or legislation, and the non-achiever still will have their hands out.
There were many GREAT suggestions in your writing! We hope everyone will take the time to read it as we did. Thanks!
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on December 26, 2009 at 7:29pm
Obama’s Latest Appointment: A Reflection of his Radical Past
Posted by RJ, on Paul Revere's Riders on December 26, 2009 at 6:43pm

Victor Davis Hanson, in his PJM post today, perfectly delineates where Obama and company come from. But I think Hanson misses one clear link that had been identified during the campaign, but generally ignored. This is Obama’s clear ties to the socialist movement, particularly the cadre of both the so-called Committees of Correspondence, a breakaway split from the Communist Party U.S.A. that still adheres to Marxist-Leninist thinking, and the Democratic Socialists of America, the group started by the late Michael Harrington.

The information is featured today in a left-wing blog post on the 1960s that provides evidence from Carl Davidson, once a leader of Students for a Democratic Society, and author of an old book that provided a far left perspective for social change. The blog post by Aaron Klein offers new information about Obama’s obtaining the support of the New Party during his State Senate campaign in 1996. That political party was created from both the COC and DSA, and had links to ACORN as well. It was founded by a University of Wisconsin socialist activist, Joel Rogers. Details about him may be found here.

Klein writes:

Obama’s campaign last year denied the then­ presidential candidate was ever an actual member of the New Party.

But the New Zeal blog dug up print copies of the New Party News, the party’s official newspaper, which show Obama posing with New Party leaders, listing him as a New Party member and printing quotes from him as a member.

The party’s spring 1996 newspaper boasted: “New Party members won three other primaries this Spring in Chicago: Barack Obama (State Senate), Michael Chandler (Democratic Party Committee) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary).”

The paper quoted Obama saying, “These victories prove that small-’d’ democracy can work.”

Klein then continues to bring forth new information he gathered from the DSA Chicago newsletter, which revealed that on April 11, 1996, Obama attended a New Party meeting. At that event, Obama expressed his gratitude for the group’s support and “encouraged (New Party members) to join in his task forces on voter education and voter registration.” It continues to quote an e-mail from Carl Davidson, who revealed the following:

“A subcommittee met with (Obama) to interview him to see if his stand on the living wage and similar reforms was the same as ours,” recalled Marxist activist Carl Davidson.

“We determined that our views on these overlapped, and we could endorse his campaign in the Democratic Party,” Davidson said.

Davidson was a Chicago member and activist within the New Party. He told WND he handled some of the New Party member databases and attended most of the party’s meetings.

But Obama was a shrewd politician. He was able to bypass New Party rules, which required any candidate seeking their endorsement to formally join the organization. Davidson recalls that they decided “there was no need for him to do so…since the stand of his campaign and the New Party reform planks were practically the same.” Their program included traditional redistributive socialist goals: “full employment, a shorter work week and a guaranteed minimum income for all adults; a universal ’social wage’ to include such basic benefits as health care, child care, vacation time and lifelong access to education and training; a systematic phase-in of comparable worth and like programs to ensure gender equity.”

All of the above are a representative amalgam of pie-in-the-sky socialist economic programs that would ignore completely how a modern economy works, and that would quickly bankrupt the nation and destroy the creation of jobs and the ability of business to function.

It also had been revealed during the campaign- by Newsweek no less- that Obama had gone during the 1980s to the annual Socialist Scholars Conference at Cooper Union in New York City. The conference, which took a name from a group created much earlier by genuine socialist scholars (of which I was originally a part), was transformed into an activist socialist get-together from virtually every existing socialist sect in America and held panels on scores of political topics.

So we know that Barack Obama came not only from the world of rough and tumble Chicago politics, which Fred Siegel has written about both for The Weekly Standard and National Review many times during the campaign, but also from the world of radical black nationalism exemplified by Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the church he ran and which Obama attended regularly.

This past, I think, explains Obama’s propensity to keep appointing rather low-level officials who can operate under the radar and who come from a similar radical or left-wing past. The latest appointment, perhaps not as low level, is that of Hannah Rosenthal, who started her new job last week in the State Department as the special envoy to monitor and report on anti-Semitism. With the growth of anti-Semitism in countries like Britain and France, the job sounds important and necessary. But what was Ms. Rosenthal’s first salvo aimed at?

As an article in Haaretz reports, her first statement, issued in Israel, was a public blast at Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, for criticizing J-Street and refusing to attend its convention. This is an unprecedented act, since she made her views known on an official trip to Israel on behalf of the administration, and may be the first time an American official has attacked the personal views of an Ambassador to the US from an American ally. Rosenthal’s position is meant to stand up to anti-Semitism; yet, her first headlines have resulted instead from a defense of J-Street, the unrepresentative American Jewish left-wing group that purports to speak on behalf of the mainstream American Jewish community.

The article goes on to report that Rosenthal served on the Board of J-Street before her appointment, and previous to that, was on the Board of Americans for Peace Now, another would-be pro-Israeli group that was highly critical of Israel’s policies and was on the left-wing of the political spectrum. Rosenthal, it notes, first met Obama in Chicago when he was a state Senator.

What the article does not go on to note,(as Aaron Klein points out on his blog) however, is that Rosenthal’s husband, Richard Phelps, was a three-term Madison, Wisconsin, executive who worked closely with Joel Rogers, one of the founders of The New Party. Clearly, she met Obama in 1996 when he was gaining the support of The New Party for his campaign.

So once again- as with the appointment of Van Jones- Obama has put in a major position of influence a person from the left-wing of the political spectrum who, as an official whose office monitors anti-Semitism, is using her position to support J-Street, on whose Board she previously sat. Conflict of interest, anyone? Are the statements she gave to Haaretz, uttered in her official capacity, likely to help or harm the ability of Israel to defend itself against its enemies, or once again work instead to cast doubt among Israelis about the view of Israel really held by the Obama administration?

Ms. Rosenthal notes, parenthetically, that criticism of her appointment comes “from a very few people who blog a lot.” Add this blogger to that list!

UPDATE: Friday, Dec.25th

I was honored to find that I was attacked by the leading conspiracy theorist in America for my pody on the appointment of Hannah Rosenthal by President Obama, and my tying of her appointment to Obama’s contacts during his Chicago years to the Old and New Left. Writing on his own site, Andrew Sullivan calls my own blog “a petri dish of aging neocon obsessions.” Instead of dealing with the meaning of Obama’s relationship with the left wing in Chicago , he dismisses it as something that took place “over a decade ago,” as if this relatively recent period of time has no effect on the President’s current thought.

I would refer Andrew Sullivan to the post appearing on by John Perazzo, who details the influence on Obama’s views of health care he learned from a Communist Party activist, (who later on moved to the terrain of other Marxist and socialist groups) Dr. Quentin Young. Young told Amy Goodman in a 2009 interview that “Barack Obama, in those early days [as a state senator]—influenced, I hope, by me and others—categorically said single payer was the best way, and he would inaugurate it if he could get the support, meaning [Democratic] majorities in both houses, which he’s got, and the presidency, which he’s got. And he said that on more than one occasion….”

As Perazzo writes, Obama’s denial that he ever held that position and never favored a public option is typical of the tactics advocated by Saul Alinsky, “who counseled revolutionaries to conceal their real motives; to say and do whatever is necessary to allay the fears and suspicions of the middle class; and to pursue incremental change where overnight transformation is not possible—knowing they can always agitate for additional change at some point in the future.”

Indeed, contra Sullivan, Obama’s old ideas are most relevant to understanding his actions today.

Next, Sullivan goes on to engage in his own form of McCarthyism, in which he accuses me of being part of a “throng of Likudniks” who want her out. “Likudnik” becomes the word to throw around like old Joe used “Red” in the 1950s. Sullivan thinks we neo-con Likudniks accuse anyone of anti-Semitism just for being critical of Israeli policy. The issue, however, is not what I or others think of Israeli policy, but the wrongheadedness of Ms. Rosenthal’s most inappropriate comments.

Sullivan implies that there are no grounds whatsoever for attacking the appointment of Hannah Rosenthal as the State Department point woman for monitoring anti-Semitism. I am simply part of the vile group that wants to get her scalp. What could be wrong for her taking offense at Michael Oren’s condemnation of J-Street? He asserts that I and others think anyone who does so is arguing that to criticize Oren makes one a “closet anti-Semite.”

Well, here are some responses to her views from leading mainstream Jewish organizations—-none of them Likudniks or on the right-wing of the Israeli political spectrum. (Sullivan, of course, simply uses that phrase to intimidate any critics from speaking out, since they will fear being associated with the Israeli right-wing.)

First: From Alan Solow and the Conference of Presidents, the umbrella group of Jewish organizations in the United States. Solow writes:

As an official of the United States government, it is inappropriate for the anti-Semitism envoy to be expressing her personal views on the positions Ambassador Oren has taken as well as on the subject of who needs to be heard from in the Jewish community. Such statements have nothing to do with her responsibilities and, based upon comments I am already receiving, could threaten to limit her effectiveness in the area for which she is actually responsible.

Second: It turns out that among those most embarrassed by her comments was our own State Department, which released this statement from Asst. Secretary of State Jeff Feltman:

The Department of State values its close relationship with Ambassador Michael Oren and his staff at the Embassy of Israel in Washington. The United States and Israel enjoy extraordinarily close ties based on shared values, interests, and history, as well as the deep bonds between the Israeli people and the American people. Ambassador Oren plays an indispensible role in maintaining and strengthening our relationship through his day to day interaction with the Administration and Congress on issues of vital importance to both countries and his vigorous outreach to Americans of all origins and points of view.

It is clear that Feltman’s statement came because, as Politico reported, mainstream Jewish groups were “burning up the lines to the White House” in response to Rosenthal’s interview. And on his fellow blogger Jeffrey Goldberg’s site on The Atlantic, Goldberg makes the very same point I do: “Talk about sticking your nose in places where it doesn’t belong. The Obama Administration official charged with monitoring worldwide anti-Semitism makes her first target… the Israeli ambassador to the United States? I’ll be taking bets now on how long Hannah Rosenthal lasts in the job.” Perhaps Sullivan should read his colleague’s blog before shooting his own mouth off. Or is Goldberg too a neocon Likudnik?

Finally, here are some wise words of wisdom from Shmuel Rosner, a former Haaretz correspondent in Washington, D.C., for many years. He writes:

Rosenthal, a problematic pick for this job to begin with, proved to be more disastrous for the Obama administration than I expected. I didn’t write about her much when she was appointed, because I don’t know her personally, and because some Jewish friends who do know her told me that I should be careful. They told me she’s smart. They told me she’ll be great at this job. They told me that I should hold judgment.

But now it seems quite obvious that Rosenthal isn’t smart – or maybe she’s smart, just not careful, or maybe she’s smart just not the kind of smart needed for this delicate job of anti-anti-Semitism tzar. She was definitely not smart when she sacrificed her ability to execute her mission efficiently for a newspaper headline. And no – she can’t be a successful anti-anti-Semitism tzar. First, because she will hardly be able to cooperate with most major Jewish organizations – something that might become a liability for an official charged with battling anti-Semitism. But more importantly, because Rosenthal is now officially a member of the look-at-them-and-you’ll-know-why-we-don’t-trust-Obama team. Instead of being an asset to Obama, she’s a burden. An unnecessary and unwelcome distraction. Not a healthy position for an official who was just recently appointed for a job that can be easily marginalized.

I suspect that when Rosenthal either apologizes or is forced to resign- a la Van Jones-Andrew Sullivan will blog that the Likudnik neocon bloc forced her out. So I say in advance; I didn’t know we had such power and influence with the Obama administration. But if she goes, Andrew, I take all the credit due me for helping them move her out to pastures.
Comment by Emil J Milano on December 26, 2009 at 7:28pm
Not to promote my site but it is time we remove ourselves from out under the 14th amendment and back INTO the REPUBLIC of the United States of America and OUT of the Democracy of the United States. Read and learn all about it here. You will be shocked, some may not but didn't know what to do about it. We spell it out.

Uncle Sam, you are welcome to remove this post if you see fit.
Comment by Your Uncle Sam on December 26, 2009 at 7:12pm
Comment by Edie Boudreau on September 7, 2009 at 11:28pm
Thanks to all of you who commented with such nice compliments and appreciation. At 74, I have no interest in running for political office, but I feel I can make just as much of a difference using my skills as a writer/editor/producer and (if offered) radio broadcaster.

All of you can make a difference in protecting our country by using the skills God gave you. I am actively working as an investigative reporter and researcher, as well as an entrepreneur. If I can do it, ask yourselves why you can't use your patriotism and energy to learn more about the current issues through the computer, Fox News programs, Talk Radio, and getting political books from the library, if you can't afford to buy them. Then use what you learn to inform others, either through blogs, community gatherings, or Tea Parties. Most of all, get the information you need to make a difference now--through the voting process--either for the Recall Process or during the next Congressional election. We have to act now on the information, not just talk to each other about it.
Comment by Michael Joseph McGuire on September 7, 2009 at 7:52pm
Edie, you truely are part of America's greatest generation. I am only 30 years old and have only been in the workforce for half of those years, but I can tell you that I will be there on the 12th to make myself heard, and the first demand I will have will be to oust these imperialistic czars and put an end to the card check bill. Thank you for everything and for showing my generation what true americans are all about.
Comment by Diana Velazquez on September 7, 2009 at 7:46pm
I could have not said it better!!!
Comment by Jane Smith on September 7, 2009 at 5:27pm
Comment by Elizabeth Parella on September 3, 2009 at 8:01am
A wonderful post, Edie... Spot on and to the point! We will prevail as there are just too danged many of us who feel exactly as you do. The solutions to some of the problems we face today are, in many cases, quite common-sensical and do NOT require overturning various systems that currently work in this country! The overhaul we need is not in programs but in the CURRENT ADMINISTRATION. As a registered Independent, I am appalled at BOTH parties. As a conservative, I'm more on the Republican side, but they, too, have pissed me off no end (although to a lesser degree than the Progressives).

The aim of the Progressives, to my mind, is a simple one: Destroy the free market system, make everyone dependent on the Federal government, and enslave once more millions of Americans at the teat of the Federal government through welfare with no personal responsibility.... We will NOT go back there. We are many and have found our voices and will NOT be lemmings being rolled over by a steam-rolling government!!!

Even some on the Left have woken up to what's happening and what COULD happen which is more scary than anything we've experienced in this country. Do you not get the feeling that Obama would like to be "president for life" a la Chavez in Venezuela?

Now that we have found our voice, we must PERSIST with phone calls, e-mails, faxes, etc. We must PERSIST with tea parties. We must PERSIST with our pressure on big business who give money to the ACORNs of this country. We must PERSIST in telling our so-called representatives that they work for US....we don't work for THEM. They must represent US!!! A sea change is coming and, when it comes, we must keep up the pressure to get America back on the right track... It will NOT END with a change in regime, but it will begin with a turn back to what AMERICA stands for...the free market, free speech, etc.

The mainstream media is slowly waking up a tad as they're suffering losses in their businesses...we must keep up the pressure to ensure they report the NEWS and not evince their love and admiration for the current administration. That's NOT NEWS!

The thugs of SEIU and ACORN can be beaten at their own peaceful protest and standing up and saying NO, NO, NO MORE! SEIU is scared to death they don't have funds for their reitrees because their organization is corrupt and has spent millions donating to the Progressives.

ACORN is as corrupt as any organization known to man. They bully, intimidate, and blackmail their way across this nation. Well, we can do the SAME. We can call those corporations (and there are many) who make so-called contributions to ACORN (extortionist payments is more like it a la Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton) and say, DO NOT CONTRIBUTE. We will go to your stockholder meetings and complain about it...we will NOT buy your products...we will CONTINUE to call your president's office....we will QUIT our AARP membership.

Speaking of AARP, when they were standing with "The One," seemingly in agreement with the healthcare bill, I called in a fury to find out what that was about. I was told, "Oh, we don't support THAT bill." I kept my membership. However, while in Florida on vacation (for the first time, a vacation in 15 years!) I saw an advertisement on television there with the AARP again supporting the healthcare plan. Now the membership card will be ripped up and their Washington office called. AARP is NOT the only group supporting seniors in this country...

So all those who watch Glenn Beck, read the postings of Real Conservatives, Newsmax, and others, stand fast! Keep up the GREAT WORK...we ARE making a difference and will continue to do so!






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