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The 2012 GOP candidates, in alphabetical order

The 2012 GOP candidates, in alphabetical order:

(NOTE: As additional information and platform positions are released, Patriot Ratings may change.)


Michele Bachmann -- Patriot Rating: 3

Pros: High-energy; no-nonsense speaker; Tea Party; has a knack for distilling issues to what's most important to the average American; female; great family history; clearly socially conservative; Federalist; more articulate than Sarah Palin; principled stance on key issues.

Cons: No executive experience; limited business and leadership experience; does not look presidential; too easily stereotyped; already too many misstatements; no military service; doesn't appear ready for prime time; whiny & tinny.
Post your opinion of Bachmann's pros and cons.


Herman Cain -- Patriot Rating: 5

Pros: Reagan-like from a policy standpoint; straight talker -- genuine Washington outsider; self-made man; lack of political experience; articulate and sensible tax reform and economic plan; former civilian employee of the United States Navy; principled common-sense conservative; believes in American exceptionalism; straight shooter, says it even if you don't like it; strong private sector business experience; black; understands the free market; compelling life story; good work ethic, education and integrity; consistent in his stances.

Cons: Lack of political experience (this cuts both ways); diagnosed with Stage IV cancer in 2006, now in remission; more novelty than substance; short on foreign policy knowledge or experience; campaign lacks organization; low name recognition; "sound bite deep" on many issues; no military service; not previously vetted.
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Newt Gingrich -- Patriot Rating: 6

Pros: Smarter than the rest of the slate, combined; incredibly articulate; straight up conservative with strong track record and leadership; demonstrated track record (as House Speaker); does not attack other GOP candidates; child of a career military family; an acute sense of humor; a keen sense of history; name recognition; can take Obama down with one hand in presidential debates; acts presidential; positions based on logic (his understanding of the issue), not expediency; ability to boil complex ideas down to simple core soundbites, but commands great understanding of complexities and details; Contract with America.

Cons: DC insider; notable marriage/moral peccadilloes; a lightning rod; list of political liabilities as long as list of career accomplishment; no military service; limited business experience; accepts anthropogenic global warming; comes across as a policy wonk.
Post your opinion of Gingrich's pros and cons.


Ron Paul -- Patriot Rating: 3

Pros: Strong constitutional advocate; articulate economic positions; energetic; energizes his adherents; served as a flight surgeon in the United States Air Force for five years; bold and brash; speaks his mind; intelligent; true libertarian.

Cons: His isolationist foreign policy is incredibly naïve and thus, dangerous; fails the "nut job" test with many voters; seems too singularly focused; comes off as a crank; too narrow a support base; name recognition negatives; perpetual presidential candidate; no clear expression of faith.
Post your opinion of Paul's pros and cons.


Rick Perry -- Patriot Rating: 6

Pros: Salt-of-the-earth family history; speaks from the heart; executive experience as governor of Texas; Air Force officer and aviator for five years; offered tangible tax reform plan, speaks his mind; strong platform and record of success; strong proponent for states' rights and limited central government; understands Social Security is a "Ponzi Scheme"; good family man, and is clear about his faith; good campaign organization and good fundraiser; pro-business; pro-gun; pro-life; not Ivy League.

Cons: Chaired Al Gore's 1988 presidential campaign ( Ronald Reagan clearly articulated why he left the Democratic Party) disconcerting that Perry lacks deep conservative roots); worst debate skills ever witnessed; HPV vaccination executive mandate; support of Trans-TX corridor; weak immigration policy -- the Texas DREAM Act undermines his credibility on a key issue.
Post your opinion of Perry's pros and cons.


Mitt Romney -- Patriot Rating: 6

Pros: Executive experience as governor; strong appearance; quick on his feet; smooth talker; high profile with the public, stemming from his 2008 presidential candidacy; accomplished businessman; acts, speaks and looks presidential; good family man; appeals to centrists; deep pockets (personal and campaign); big-name supporters; campaign organization and experience; old enough to have gravitas, not old enough to look like John McCain; good speaker; great command of most issues.

Cons: Big government establishment Republican; RomneyCare and all associated baggage; mirrors Democrat tax policies; political inheritance as son of George Romney (former governor of Michigan and 1968 presidential candidate); no military service; high-profile flip-flops on key conservative issues (gun control, global warming, abortion, homosexual "unions," health care); Massachusetts moderate; left of George W. Bush.
Post your opinion of Romney's pros and cons.


Rick Santorum -- Patriot Rating: 4

Pros: Solid conservative; articulate on conservative positions; well-versed on both foreign and domestic policy; principled; good family man; passionate and genuine; energetic; not much to say about him.
Cons: Senate "loser" baggage; endorsed and actively campaigned for the Turncoat Ghost, Arlen Specter, over Pat Toomey in 2004; no military service.
Post your opinion of Santorum's pros and cons.;_ylc=X3oDMTBucmhobGR0BF9TAzM5ODMwMTAyNwRhYwNkZWxNc2dz&mid=1_137692_ALMIw0MAAW0qTqmEgwWosRDOg00&fid=Inbox&sort=date&order=down&startMid=0&filterBy=&.rand=162295050&hash=98fde0473a56e004f83ce217bc5f66ab&.jsrand=926916


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