NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Regarding My Departure From Tea Party Nation…

To All Members Of Real Conservatives:.

As of 25 August 2011, I have removed my membership and blog content from Tea Party Nation. Please understand that I have no animosity toward Judson Phillips whatsoever- and still consider him a friend. However, posting my blogs on TPN has now outlived its usefulness for the following reasons:

First and foremost, substantial acrimony within the general TPN membership (sometimes subtle and sometimes not so subtle) toward Mitt Romney and Ron Paul does not please me. 

Regarding the former, Mitt may be a bit too establishment for me, but I know of a surety that he is an honorable man. Moreover, periodic TPN comments regarding his Mormon religion (also my religion) have strained my patience to the limit. More importantly, however, I can in no way support Romney’s primary GOP challenger, the duplicitous Rick Perry of Texas, who presently has substantial backing within the Tea Party.

And regarding the latter, whatever his faults may be, I dearly love Ron Paul. I would desire of Almighty God that all men and women in Congress had Ron’s integrity, fortitude and Constitutional understanding- not to mention his comprehension of the grave threat posed to our national security by both the Federal Reserve and the international banking cartel.   

Second, occasional censorship of my writings (failure to approve my blogs for publication on TPN) could no longer be tolerated. Failure to approve the last blog “Hey, Congress! What Will It Take To Convince You Obama’s A Traitor?” was the last straw. In this brutal war against treason and tyranny, our primary weapon continues to be the swaying of public opinion to our side- and putting a gag in my mouth to any degree is uncomfortable.    
Third, I note our Real Conservative membership has now reached the significant milestone of 500. The success or failure of my political writings shall henceforth depend solely on our devoted Constitutionally conservative membership. Nevertheless, any national literary fame I may presently enjoy is entirely secondary to saving our beloved Republic from extinction.    

In that regard, Real Conservatives is not officially a Tea Party site- although nearly all of our members (including myself) are sympathetic to the Taxed-Enough-Already movement and don’t object to being counted among Tea Party membership. However, “Real Conservatives” is more perfectly synonymous with the term “Constitutional Conservatives.” (I refer you to your Uncle Sam’s “Declaration of Independents.”) Said another way, all Constitutional Conservatives may be at least tacit members of the Tea Party, but not all Tea Party members are Constitutional Conservatives.

I have grown increasingly weary of Obama’s evil administration- as have all of you. Therefore, I am now content to rise or fall within the limited framework of Real Conservatives, where I consider myself to be entirely among friends. Indeed, 300 of our 500 members declare themselves to BE my friends- for which I have no small gratitude. 

In conclusion,  I now express my heartfelt appreciation to every member of Real Conservatives. Though we are but one small gathering among the many across America who remain both unalterably opposed to tyranny and relentlessly employed in the cause of liberty, no group stands taller than our little band of patriots. May God Almighty bless and protect each one of you and also your families throughout these tumultuous and perilous latter-days.  

I especially implore our Heavenly Father to bless and protect all the loyal men and women of our military and also their beloved families. Not since the darkest days of World War II have so many been asked to endure so much in the cause of liberty. Deployment after deployment has placed an unconscionable strain on our military families- often including the sorest burdens of post-traumatic stress, service-related disability and even death.

Take heart, my friends. I firmly believe we are closer to ultimate victory over tyranny than it often seems. In any case, I know beyond any shadow of a doubt that our Savior Jesus Christ will never forsake the cause of American liberty as long as there remains a stalwart and faithful band of Christians to possess this land. Now, wouldn’t that be you?
Richard Allan Jenni
Ocean City, New Jersey
Real Conservatives

Views: 132


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Comment by Carmen Mesa on August 27, 2011 at 3:40pm
Stand by your beliefs!
Comment by Katy on August 25, 2011 at 11:06pm
You are always an inspiration to me.   Keep up the good work.    You are right.  Jesus will never desert us.  As long as we have a remnant  , he will make a way.  Evil will NOT prevail.
Comment by Freedom Is Not Free on August 25, 2011 at 7:31pm

Don't bend down, shut up, cave, capitulate, surrender or compromise, I can't afford that and I don't believe any of us can... The way things are, we might not even make it to 2013 on inauguration day. We are better than that.

  I love you my friend, you always have my support, as you know I speak my mind as well. God bless.



Comment by Freedom Is Not Free on August 25, 2011 at 7:26pm

My dear friend, I comment you because you had stand always with principle and integrity, that alone will allow me to respect you no matter what you do.

  I have leave Resistnet for the same reason as other sites, censorship is not for me, I have live dictatorship, and I dare anyone who is going to stop me to said what I have to said, no matter where I'm.

  I notice back them, that I don't need those sites, because I can form my own base, just by being me, and you had done just that, by being you.

  I don't go much to TPN most I delete the constant messaging. When I go there I saw very much the opinion of one person place it on everyone else, I always wonder why is so little of other patriots input, except many answers that I see to be most a waste of time.

  In regard of bashing I didn't paid much attention, as my entire input is politics and I do not enter in politics, but like you I will be mad is someone is attack on our side by their belief when do with their particular faith, except muslims, because I know as a fact that islam is not a religion ( I write with out capital with intent, as I have no respect for this ideology) it's the knowledge of this group of community and the knowledge to know that they are against our beloved Nation, the Constitution and what we stand as free people, what disallow me to follow or support RP, because anyone who support this people by friendly remarks or by saying that we need to became their friends, has forgotten what the Constitution is about, and how important is to understand that the 1 amendment do not support cult. (islam) his base of anarchy's and extremist is something I can't support neither, yet I understand that he has strong argument in reference of the fed's and IRS, but other than that on his 30 years in congress is nothing that he can actually been attribute to him.  In fact I have been reading you for long time, (love your common sense, your sarcasm many times, but for most the truth behind your words) you and I are those type of people, that don't rest when do with treason, fraud, bully, corruption, lies and many more things, in this administration and in particular the fraud in chief.

  In my humble opinion, I can't support anyone who has been seating in congress or senate on 08 and still till today has not come forward to expose this fraud, this continuous attack to the Constitution, one will think that someone " the only one constitutionalists" by his base, will not step forward and at least speak up on the issue... none of them are in my opinion worth our our attention, because each of them are part of the very crisis we face today... He's in honorable men, on his things, but like the others he has not follow the oath he took. and that to me is very important.

  I live in Texas, and it's many things I can said about Perry and I do said, I will not support him even if he was the only one in the panel standing up, I will vote for my dog first, out principle and integrity, my principle disallow me to vote for the less of two evil, because it's how americans has vote for long time, and it's no wonder why we have evil in gov. if people has giving evil. It's time to stop this madness.

  We must take both houses with nothing but conservatives, and remove EVERYONE that is up for re-election of the status quo, replace them with conservatives, if we do this for couple re-election cycle the entire political spectrum will change. It's our last change and we better do things the right way, the people's power is not on the president, but on the Houses, under the Constitution, the pres. can't do nothing is the houses stop him, this two houses has been corrupt for way to long and we must stop this insanity. the bus do not stop on us START ON US.

  You have my total support my friend, but as you know, I'm a person of the word and I always speak my mind, this country is way to important to me, to bend down, give up, shut up, ca

Comment by Worried Grammie on August 25, 2011 at 6:57pm
I was also booted from TPN, as was another of my friends.  I got tired of Judson Phillips trying to steer my thinking his way and said as much.  Oops - that's a big no-no on his site.  I am a conservative and I can research and think for myself.  As far as Rick Perry, I pray more and more will research him before jumping on his bandwagon, as the media, including FOX, seems to be doing.  I also send an email to O'Reilly last night telling him my TV would not be turned in to FOX between 7:00-8:00 cst anymore.  He was so rude, arrogant and demeaning last night talking about Herman Cain, Bachmann, and dissing Ron Paul.  He's another one that tries to steer us - nothing fair and balanced about that legend in his own mind.  Gee - see, I tell it like I see it - maybe that's why I got booted from TPN.  I'll temper my comments in the future.
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on August 25, 2011 at 6:40pm
I think you made the right decision brother. G
Comment by gmiller on August 25, 2011 at 5:07pm
Oops, I meant audit is on TPN site, but now it's here too!
Comment by gmiller on August 25, 2011 at 4:59pm

Deborah,  an incomplete document purported to be a Fed "audit" is posted in multiple places on this site.



 Although it lacks normal audit features like income statement, balance sheet, cash flow tables, risk analyses, it does expose $16 trillion in bailouts, most of them appearing on no known balance sheet. Not a word about our gold either, which hasn't been audited since 1954.


That Congress has instituted no criminal proceedings, termination of the Federal Reserve Charter, or even sanctions or a reprimand, says volumes about their weakness, corruption and utter uselessness. So much for "winning back" the House of Reps in the last election. We have maybe 55 real patriots and many RINO's or worse.


Richard, this is what happens when Rinos Rule the Roost. Please take that warning to heart.

Comment by gmiller on August 25, 2011 at 4:49pm

Richard, you write great stuff and I hugely respect you. Glad we still have you here, but if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it (well 500 plus lurkers,anyway), did it really happen?  We simply MUST get to more people BEFORE the primaries and certainly before the general election.


By the way. I am sensitive to religious dissing and none of it escapes my notice.  However, there was more activity critizing Progressive Protestant sects than there was of the Latter Day Saints.


I'll admit that I heavily criticized Romney, Perry, Huntsman, severely on TPN, 912, our own local Tea Party site and other venues, because they aren't even real Republicans, let alone "Conservatives." a definition of which is admittedly always in flux and dispute.


I am a Michele Bachmann supporter, simply because she is the best candidate in the announced field, even lacking seasoning and exec experience. If Jim DeMint or Rand Paul declared tomorrow, I might walk. At one time, I would have said that about Allen West, Chrs Christie and even Herman Cain, until I started learning more about them. However I would vote for any of these over Obama.


I would also votre for Ron Paul over Obama, however he is not my first choice. Ron is a remarkable man and a strong Libertarian. I have some problems with how he develops positions from his core beliefs. For example, his statements about Iran at the Iowa debate took him decisively out of the 2012 race. That's only one example. No matter how many paulbots spam our sites, he will not win the nomination.  However, he has already been invaluable in changing the nature of the debate and politics in our beloved country. That alone may be worth all his efforts. He has also forced some media, even John Stewart, to note how unfairly he has been treated by the media.


I fervently hope that the Republican winner of the 2012 election will ensure that Ron Paul becomes Secretary of the Treasury or is used to dismantle unconstitutioanl and overly costly federal agencies and "programs."

Comment by Deborah Moore on August 25, 2011 at 4:02pm
Hasn,t anyone posted the audit results of the Fed that was done in May 2011?






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