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Racism, Illegal Immigration and Totally Changing America

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Racism, Illegal Immigration and Totally Changing America

Despite some media talking heads’ best efforts to predict who the Republican nominee for President will be, recall that they were wrong in ’08 and are once again making fools of themselves. Likewise, it should be recognized that Democrats, like they did on ’08 are engaging in every underhanded and dirty action possible to select the nominee for Republicans. By massing their votes for McCain, they succeeded in nominating a person that the average Republican and Independent Conservative considered a moderate at best, if not a RINO. It was obvious who Democrats wanted as the Republican Candidate the moment that not-fair and unbalanced New York Times endorsed the Senator from Arizona.
Senator John McCain was the recipient of my vote for three reasons: first, as a Navy Officer he fought for and paid the price in spades for this country: first, he bore physical stripes on his body and endured both humiliation and unimaginable suffering for his loyalty to fellow POWs; and, all Americans (whether or not some of the latter deserved it); second, he wisely selected a conservative without whom the race would have been a voter wipeout because alone he was too moderate for most Republican and independent voters; and, third, because it was obvious to even the most casual observer of Candidate Barack Hussein Obama, the economic disaster that has materialized over the course of his tenure was bound to happen.
To reach that prescient foreknowledge of the extremist blood that flows in Obama’s veins and the economic and social disaster he has turned out to be for America, all one had to do was read his book the title of which is: “Dreams from my Father, a story of Race and Inheritance,” attend to his rhetoric and behavior in light of his book, and examine his associations with American terrorist, Bill Ayers and his America-hating Pastor of twenty years, Jeremiah Wright. During the ’08 Campaign Obama painted himself as a unifier. Oh?! Really?! What did he do during his time as a South Chicago Community Organizer, Illinois Senator, or U.S. Senator from Illinois to ameliorate racial issues? How about ZERO? In case it has escaped my erstwhile leftist friends, the state of race relations in this nation has declined since BHO came to office, and it is said to be worse than at any time since the Civil War which, for those same leftist friends, began one hundred fifty years ago. Whereas in the past number of decades most Americans at worst had a “live and let live” attitude about race before Obama was elected, relations have been jaded by his and his apologists racially polarizing attitude, the most recent invocation being at the forum for Latino Heritage where Obama stated:
“I ran for President for the same reason many people came to this country in the first place: Because I believe America should be a place where you can always make it if you try; a place where every child, no matter what they look like (underline added), where they come from, should have a chance to succeed.”
He followed that by: “There are things we should do right now to put more people back to work and to restore a sense of security and fairness that's been missing for too long.” Come now, who would he be referring to with the insecurity and unfairness implication?  Wouldn’t be Latinos before whom he was speaking, would it?  Finally, Obama took a partisan shot at Republicans: “But apparently, none of this matters to Republicans in the Senate.” This last statement is racist, divisive and partisan at its worst. Surprised? Given who and what he is, not at all.
One can, and this writer does love Latinos and still recognize that there are about 10-13 million of them living illegally in the U.S.A., unless of course, one is not allowed to note the small, itsy, bitsy,  ILLEGAL component of their presence. Should one mind? Only to the extent that illegal immigrants have violated the sovereignty of the U.S. by entering illegally; taking work away from American citizens; cost hundreds of billions of dollars annually in taxes; and are being supported in their endeavor by business owners and politicians on both sides of the political divide who have the mistaken belief that it doesn’t matter because they only take work that American citizens don’t want or won’t perform.  That last is an utterly fallacious statement: just ask flooring installers, construction workers, bank employees, automobile salesmen, farm hands, meat packing plant employees, food service employees, etc. and a host of semi-professional and professional jobs.
Using various euphemisms, i.e. “undocumented workers,” and etc. to describe illegal immigrants’ presence and status is more nonsense.  When one hears or reads, “All they want is to improve their economic lot,” it begs the question as to why the Federal Government (i.e. Eric Holder and Barack Obama) does not enforce the law, U.S. sovereignty and arguably the Constitution against thousands of daily violations.  The fact is, illegal immigrants are a huge part of the unemployment problem in this country and should move or be moved back to their respective countries of origin.  However, every action by the Federal Government is as duplicitous as Obama because it reflects his policies. On the one hand he asserts that he has sent more “illegals” back to their respective places of origin than his predecessor, while on the other hand he advances legislation designed to keep them here; and all the while he circumvents the law by issuing Executive Orders that would make them legal residents.
Being about as plain as one can be, if illegal immigrants were returned to their countries of origin, U.S. unemployment would decline sharply, there would be an enormous salutary effect on the economy and on January 21st, 2013 the U.S. of A. could “re-open for business.” That is a fact!
While one is contemplating the foregoing, keep in mind that illegal immigration is an integral part of Obama’s effort to “totally change America.” Think about it.

Semper Fidelis

 Bob Pappas
Follow Bob on Twitter @CheetahPappas

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Copyright © October 25th 2011 by Robert L. Pappas. With proper attribution, this essay may be quoted and redistributed. It may not be used in any way, in conjunction with any advertisement without the author’s expressed written permission

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