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E-Verify 'flags' Obama's Social Security Number

System crunches prez's data, determines 'likely fraudulent'

Posted: September 12, 2011
8:14 pm Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2011 WND


A private investigation reveals that the Social Security Number being used by Barack Obama does not pass a check with E-Verify, the electronic system the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Service...


Over the past few years, the E-Verify system has received national attention because of its ability to determine if prospective employees are illegal immigrants who have entered the United States without the legal authority to work.


Autographed copies of Jerome Corsi's "Where’s the Birth Certificate...


By flagging fraudulent documents, including faked Social Security Numbers, the E-Verify system can assist an employer in the effort to make sure all prospective hires have authentic identification papers, including valid Social Security Numbers, issued to them and not to someone else.

Now WND has obtained a copy of an affidavit from Linda Jordan, a private citizen who entered Obama's Social Security Number into the "Self Check" section of the E-Verify website, only to find...


The document:


Jordan told WND she is a wife, mother and homemaker. She described herself as "an average citizen with reasonable research skills."


She said she became concerned when she realized that Congress was not willing to investigate issues concerning Obama's identity, including whether or not he currently is using a fraudulent Social Security Number, and that federal law enforcement authorities also were doing nothing.


"Between October 2008 and May 2011, I submitted several requests to agencies and people with the legal responsibility and authority to investigate the use of forged documents and election fraud, concerning Obama's birth records and Social Security Number," she stated in her affidavit. "To date no one with the legal responsibility and authority has responded to any of these requests."


Jordan told WND she finally decided to investigate Obama on her own initiative.


"I did my own research and I found allegations that Obama was using a fraudulent Social Security Number and that his birth certificate had been forged were more than credible," she said. "Then I saw many brave people putting their reputations on the line to get the truth concerning Obama, including military officers like Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, and I decided I could no longer just sit back and watch."


Jordan finally decided to take matters in her own hand.


"I considered myself to be one of the employers of the president of the United States," she said, "so I decided to sign up for E-Verify and see if I could determine whether or not I could find out something about his true identity."


In May 2010, WND reported two private investigators working independently were asking why President Obama was using a Social Security Number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in that state.


In addition, the records indicate the Social Security Number Barack Obama is using was issued between 1977 and 1979, yet Obama's earliest employment reportedly was in 1975 at an ice cream shop in Hawaii.


E-Verify reports suspected fraud


As seen in Exhibit 1, after Jordan entered Obama's Social Security Number into the E-Verify Self Check, the system indicated Obama's Social Security Number produced a mismatch that warranted a visit to the Social Security Administrationto investigate the discrepancy.

Exhibit 1, E-Verify notification of 'mismatch' in Obama Social Security Number self check

More detailed analysis of Exhibit 1 shows the checked reason for the mismatch notice was: "SSA record does not verify. Other reason. SSA found a discrepancy in the record."


Exhibit 2 shows a Social Security Online page that indicates the response "SSA record does not verify, other reason" is to be interpreted as "Special indicator present," with the reference to three E-Verify sections.

Exhibit 2, Social Security Online page explaining response "SSA record does not verify, other reason."

Further research revealed that the SSA adds "Special Indicator codes" to identify Social Security Numbers that individuals obtained fraudulently.


According to an audit report authored by the Office of the Inspector General, Social Security Administration, titled "Effectiveness of Special Indicator Codes on the Social Security Administrations Numident File," dated August 2008, there were 9 special indicator codes as of November 2008:

  1. False Identity
  2. Noncitizen Not in Status
  3. Multiple SSNs with Different Identities
  4. Scrambled Earnings with New SSN Assigned
  5. SSN Obtained Using Fraudulent Documentation
  6. SSN Assignment Based on Harassment/Abuse/Life Endangerment
  7. Fictitious Identity
  8. Fraud – OIG Investigated
  9. Fraud SSN Misuse

"Eight of the Special Indicators have to do with fraud of some kind," Jordan said. "It looks to me like the SSN Obama is using has been flagged with a Special Indicator suggesting fraud."

WND's phone call to the media office of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security went unanswered.


Whose Social Security Number is Obama using?


As seen in Exhibit 3, U.S. Air Force Col. Gregory Hollister, retired, has obtained from the Social Security Administration verification t...

Exhibit 3, SSA verification that the Obama's Social Security Number (redacted above) was not issued to Obama


Yet, WND has independently verified that Obama is using the Social Security Number in question.


As seen in Exhibit 4, WND has further confirmed that Obama's Social Security Number links to Obama in the online re... maintained by the Selective Service system; inserting Obama's Social Security Number into the online Selective Service search engine produces a valid Selective Service number identified with Obama.


Exhibit 4, Selective Service online search engine links Obama's Social Security Number to his Selective Service number

Researcher Felicito Papa has further confirmed, in an affidavit filed on lawyer Orly Taitz's website, that Obama's Social Security Number is clearly legible in a non-red...


On Aug. 30, 2011, Judge Royce C. Lamberth, chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, granted summary judgment dismissing a federal lawsuit brought by Taitz, asking for FOIA disclosure of Obama's Social Security information.


Taitz had alleged Obama was engaged in Social Security identity fraud, using a Social Security Number that had not been issued to him; Lamberth ruled that privacy restrictions prevented the Social Security Administration from releasing the requested files, despite the fact Obama is a public figure.

Read more:E-Verify 'flags' Obama's Social Security Number

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Comment by Sandra on September 13, 2011 at 8:34pm
What good has all the exposure done on all the illegal crap zero and commies have been up to? We have a DOJ out of control not enforcing laws, we have an illegal in office and no one has the brass gonads to deal with it, instead they all stick there head in the sand becasue they are more concerned over there careers? They all need to be FIRED, every last one of them and they all know just like the media knows! We know the price for them from there silence...
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on September 13, 2011 at 6:40pm

Wait 'til the Muslim POTUS side’s w/Saudi Arabia (over our real ally - Israel), on their Islamic ultimatum of Palestinian Statehood issue. 

Comment by Bruce Graves on September 13, 2011 at 4:33pm
Isn't it just wonderful that the "Commander in Chief" is the person we trust with his finger on the nuctear warfare button, and that he can decide at any time that a "national emergency' exists and declare martial law in our country. And thanks to one person, Judge Royce Lambarth, we don't have the authority to find out who Obama is.
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on September 13, 2011 at 1:38pm
EXCELLENT! Very impressive effort by this individual to expose the corruption by this illegal prez and his cronies.






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