The Ecuadorian migratory report
As a former resident of Ecuador, I have considerable personal knowledge and experience on the workings of the
Ecuadorian government. All foreign residents of Ecuador have their travel entry and exit events recorded in something
called a "migratory report" or a "movement report." This report records what day you entered or exited the country,
allowing immigration officials to accurately calculate your visa status. (Ecuador has a very serious problem with
illegal immigrants from Peru, Colombia and surrounding nations, so it tracks immigration movement quite diligently.)
If you leave Ecuador, your exit is processed through immigration. This is unlike the USA, where you can fly out of
the country without passing through immigration checkpoints. In Ecuador, they have tighter controls on people
leaving the country, and they record the date that you left. So any person leaving the country through any lawful
process must have an exit event recorded on their migration movement report.
The movement report of Greg Caton, however, shows no official recognition that he ever left Ecuador in 2007.
That's because he was kidnapped by U.S. officials who violated international law and violated Ecuador's own legal
process in forcibly removing Greg Caton from Ecuador. This document proves it.
Notably, Greg Caton was not doing anything considered illegal by Ecuador. In fact, the idea of creating your own
herbal salve products using plants from Mother Nature is considered perfectly normal throughout Central and South
America. The idea that someone could be branded an "international criminal" for selling a plant-based cancer salve
is considered ludicrous! Ecuador actually welcomed Greg Caton because he was manufacturing his Cansema
product there, hiring workers and providing jobs for Ecuadorian locals. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, on
the other hand, which is a criminal racketeering organization that protects the financial interests of the drug
companies, has always tried to paint herbalists as criminals (see below).
The proof that Caton was illegally kidnapped:
Extraordinary rendition
Examine Greg's movement report: read it correctly, you need to realize that Ecuador uses the DD/MM/YYYY format for dates. So 02/09/2007 does
not mean February ninth, but rather September second.
"Fecha" means date, and you can clearly see the date on this report is September 7, 2011 (it was produced just
last week, when Caton returned to Ecuador). The last movement recorded on this document is from September 2,
2007, showing he entered Guayaquil from the United States four years ago.
Importantly, there is no record that Greg Caton ever left Ecuador when he was abducted by U.S. State Dept.
officials. In fact, as far as Ecuador was concerned, Greg Caton had never left the country at all.
Of course, in reality, he has spent roughly the last two years sitting in prison in Louisiana and Texas, because
once U.S. officials successfully kidnapped and flew Caton back to the United States, they threw him in prison to
serve out the remaining two years on his probation sentence. Caton was convicted of selling "unapproved drugs,"
you see. And those unapproved drugs were none other than the plant-based anti-cancer herbal salves that have,
for decades, infuriated both the FDA and the AMA. These are the same herbal formulas advocated by Harry
Hoxsey, who was intimidated and threatened by the AMA many decades ago ( is the cancer cure pioneer featured in the book When Healing Becomes a Crime co-authored by Kenny
Ausubel ( It is an extraordinary book about how the medical
establishment condemned, threatened and then outright criminalized the efforts of Hoxsey to offer an alternative
cancer cure that really worked.
Not much has changed in almost a hundred years, it seems, as the FDA is still engaged in outright criminal behavior
in order to achieve its aims of destroying any person who attempts to sell cancer cures that are safe, effective
and affordable. This is why the FDA went after Greg Caton in the first place, and the lengths to which the FDA has
gone to persecute this individual demonstrate just how terrified the agency really is of people who try to educate the
public on the truth about cancer.
What truth is that? Cancer can be cured. Numerous cures already exist right now, and Greg Caton offered one of
them in his Cansema product. There are many others.
FDA provided false information to Interpol
As part of its effort to criminalize Caton, the FDA conspired with the U.S. Dept. of Justice to provide false
information to Interpol, the international criminal investigation group. Through this false information effort, the FDA
managed to get Greg Caton listed as an international fugitive who was wanted for "drug-related crimes." He was
even given a "red notice" status which is normally reserved for mass murderers, serial rapists and escaped war
criminals.This is all detailed in an article I wrote in 2009:, I wrote:NaturalNews contacted Interpol to inquire as to how Gregory Caton, an herbal formulator violating nothing more than
probation, could have been listed with Interpol as a wanted international fugitive with a so-called "Red Notice"
-- Interpol's highest alert level. This is the kind of alert level someone like Osama Bin Laden might normally merit
with Interpol. We were told by the U.S. Interpol office (under the DOJ), "those individuals placed on a Most Wanted
List are the ones who have allegedly committed the most heinous of crimes for a very long period of time."
In other words, the Interpol "Red Notice" designation -- which was applied to Greg Caton's listing -- is never applied
to people who merely skip probation. The Greg Caton listing with Interpol, NaturalNews learned, was off protocol.
Someone, it seemed, had managed to exploit the DOJ / Interpol system to get Caton listed as an international
fugitive when he was merely guilty of skipping out on the last 18 months of his probation. To make the Interpol
listing sound more serious, paperwork was submitted to Interpol decision makers that listed Caton's offenses as
"drugs related crimes, fraud."
Caton placed on World's Most Wanted list with Osama
Bin Laden
In addition to that Interpol stunt, the FDA managed to get Greg Caton listed alongside Osama Bin Laden on Parade
Magazine's "World's Most Wanted" list, which you can see here: you can see, this list features mass murderers, Ponzi scheme operators, defense contractor bribery con men,
rapists and other outrageous criminals. And then there's Gregory Caton, who is falsely described as "convicted of
selling fake, harmful cancer drugs... to duped consumers."
Gee, that actually describes the entire chemotherapy industry! As a point in fact, Greg Caton was selling real
cancer cures to fully-informed consumers, many of which had their lives saved by Cansema! It is through the
FDA's outright lies and false propaganda efforts that Greg Caton even made it onto this "World's Most Wanted" list.
But of course, the U.S. government is all about promoting counterfeits while attacking anything that's real. I wrote a
whole story on this called the Counterfeit Culture ( when the U.S. government recently raided a small company that manufactured gold coins
(Liberty coins) and then claimed that gold coins were "fake" while paper dollars were real?
( This is the kind of "reality reversals" in which the U.S. federal government
is now steeped as part of its runaway criminality.
If all this continues, we're going to see the World's Most Wanted list soon listing organic gardeners, raw dairy
farmers and non-GMO seed sellers. They're all criminals in the evil eyes of the FDA, you see.
Make no mistake: The U.S. government is a criminal
Now, thanks to the migratory movement report from Ecuador, we now know with certainty that the U.S. government
plotted and carried out the criminal abduction of Gregory Caton from Ecuador, violating U.S. law and Ecuadorian
law, and completely denying Greg Caton his rights.
If the U.S. had followed the law, it would have worked through the legal system in Ecuador to apply for extradition,
then it would have argued in favor of extradition during Ecuadorian court proceedings. This is the normal extradition
process pursued under international law.
But the U.S. government, of course, completely bypassed lawful extradition proceedings and simply kidnapped Greg
Caton using armed Ecuadorian military personnel who were bribed into taking part in this insidious FDA plot.
Other criminal violations of Greg Caton's rights
Here are details on some of the other criminal acts pursued by the U.S. government against Greg Caton, in total
violation of his legal rights:
• U.S. agents convinced Ecuadorian officials to create a warrant by a "Fiscal" (prosecutor) of Migration with
investigative matters, even though Greg Caton did not commit any crime in Ecuadorian territory.
• Judge Angel Rubio, the presiding judge in Ecuador, after reviewing the facts of the case, issued an immediate
release order for Caton. In other words, the result of the extradition hearing was that Judge Rubio did not find any
evidence against him. There was no evidence presented that Mr. Caton had done anything that would warrant his
extradition. This order was never fulfilled, as U.S. agents simply threw Caton onto an American Airlines airplane and
fly him out of the country (illegally). Caton legal rights as a legal permanent resident of the country of Ecuador were
completely violated.
• The police officer, Captain Wilson Reyes of the Ecuadorean National Police, deprived Caton of his freedom for
more than 24 hours without the benefit of trial, imprisoning him for a period of time that exceeds the time allotted by
Ecuadorian law, before the benefit of his extradition hearing. He did not allow Caton any change of clothes, or
access to food.
• No one read Caton his rights in his native language, as required by Ecuadorian law. Instead, Reyes relied upon
information from an Interpol alert that stated that Caton was fluent in English, Spanish, and Russian – none of which
is true. Caton's only language of fluency is his native one: English.
• Greg Caton was put on an American Airlines plane -- Flight # 952 on Friday, December 11, 2009 -- thereby illegally
deporting him. When Caton asked Reyes where they were going, after being taken from the prison in Guayaquil,
Reyes stated in clear, understandable English that he was being taken to see the judge for his hearing. Instead of
taking Caton to his hearing, Reyes took Caton immediately to Guayaquil International Airport. He was deported on a
non-stop flight from Guayaquil to Miami. About an hour before the flight, Caton was able to acquire cell phone and
notify his wife of what was transpiring. Calls were made to Caton's legal team which resulted in none other than the
Tenth Judge of Criminal Guarantees, Dr. Edgar Salazar Vera, who requested that Caton -- who by that time was on
the tarmac -- be immediately released. The plane's pilot refused to release him, claiming to be on American
territory, even though the plane was clearly sitting in Ecuador. Thus, an American Airlines pilot refused to honor the
orders of an Ecuadorian judge on Ecuadorian territory.
• Greg was escorted by two Ecuadorian policemen, one of whom was Capitan Wilson Reyes, who himself refused to
obey the order from an Ecuadorian judge. Thus, Reyes committed treason by opting to follow orders by the U.S.
State Dept. over those of an Ecuadorian federal judge.
Apparent FBI agents spotted as part of the illegal
abduction operation in Ecuador
In addition to U.S. State Dept. agents who took part in the illegal abduction and kidnapping of Gregory Caton, FBI
agents were found to be involved in a manhunt to find Greg.
What follows is a police report (translated into English) filed in Ecuador by a local Ecuadorian citizen who was
hassled by U.S. FBI agents working in conspiracy with local Ecuadorian police officials to try to find Greg Caton:
(NaturalNews has the original email on file, and the date of this original email was December 15, 2008. We have
removed the name of the sender of this email for their own protection.)
While driving my car taking my 16 year old son to school, I was suddenly intercepted by a pickup truck: double
cabin, light beige, with license plate number RYA 003. In the vehicle were 4 National Police Agents, dressed in
civilian clothes. They told me they had received a report of a stolen grey Volkswagen with Pichincha license plates.
I showed them the necessary documents which confirmed I was the owner of the car. I showed them my ID,
passport, car documents. After that they asked for my residency papers which I showed to them and they saw that
everything was in order. Since all my documents were in order, I thought I could go home. That’s when they told me
I had to be detained and go to the Migration Office so they could check and compare my documents with theirs,
even though I had presented all documents and all were clear and up to date.
These agents said that this was routine procedure, making me sit in the back seat of their pickup truck; one agent
sat with me while another one drove. Meanwhile they put my son in the back seat of my car; one agent sat in the
back with him and another one drove. When we entered the Migration Office property, the doors were opened
immediately to allow the vehicle to enter. The Migration Office Police recognized the agents’ faces. Once the two
vehicles entered, we drove to the back side of the building through the parking lot and stopped there. They left me
inside the vehicle with the doors locked, telling me I had to wait until they compared my documents with Migrations
documents. They then placed four heavy black boxes on the ground on the front, sides and back of car.
Meanwhile, my son was locked up in my car separated from me. Thirty minutes later, after sitting inside the car
without knowing what was happening, they opened the door and told me to get out. A man approached, he looked
like some kind of Migration Office authority dressed in a blue suit. He was accompanied by three Ecuadorians
wearing black bullet proof vestswith white FBI letters on them. The man in the suit was holding a folder and he
approached me, opens the file and I notice that the first page was a document with a US Consulate or Embassy
emblem on it with the heading written in English. I could see they were documents of deportation and arrest for
Gregory James Caton. At that moment a man, evidently American, comes out of the Migration building wearing a
light brown suit. I realized this guy had something to do with the Ecuadorian agents; he spoke to them in Spanish
and ordered them to put away the folder immediately.
Immediately after that, the American ordered me to go back to the vehicle and asked me in English if I knew Greg
James Caton and if I knew where to find him. He said he didn’t have a problem with me and to give them Greg’s
phone number. I told them I knew nothing and that even if I did, I would not tell him. This American grabbed my
cell phone from my hands and gave it to the Ecuadorian agent that was dressed in a blue suit; he checked all of
the numbers that were on my cell phone while the other Agent wrote them down. I was getting calls on my cell
phone and the Agent was answering them. They once again put me inside the vehicle and the agent who had been
at the driving wheel kept on saying, be patient, be patient and wait. The reason why they did that was to give the
other agents time to get to Greg James Caton’s home in Urbanizacion Torres del Salado. That is why they took my
cell from me so that I could not communicate with Greg. They saw I was irritated; I told them that all of this was
going directly to the Minister of National and International Security [NAME REDACTED]. When they heard this,
these police agents and the American gave me back my cell phone and they said that they didn’t want any
problems with anyone.
They let me go at 17h30. I will add that the Ecuadorian agents seemed quite familiar with the American; they
demonstrated that his wish was their command.
After this, I immediately called [NAME REDACTED] who works with me as a translator. I told her what happened.
Immediately she went to Caton’s residence where she saw a brand new dark blue Ford Explorer with black windows
and without license plates that had 4 agents inside, one of them wearing white FBI letters. Two other brand new
silver pickups with dark windows, double cabin, without license plates with four agents inside joined them and
parked in an outside of Greg James Caton’s home.
The guard at the entrance to the Ubanizacion said that the agents were there to look for Greg Caton because his
visa had expired, which is false because all of his documents are in order.
What you are reading about here, folks, is an eyewitness account of a criminal U.S. government operation
involving what appear to be FBI agents illegally placed on the ground in Ecuador. This is a total violation of
both U.S. law and Ecuadorian law, and I can only imagine that once President Correa of Ecuador is made aware of
the full details of all this, he will be nothing less than furious. (And rightly so.)
What does it all mean?
What all this means is that the FDA is masterminding a shockingly large-scale international crime ring that uses
government agents, Interpol, U.S. Marshalls, propaganda magazines and many other resources to carry out
abductions, bribery, kidnapping, intimidation and other crimes -- all in the name of protecting pharmaceutical profits.
It is an extraordinary true story that the mainstream media absolutely refuses to cover. You will never see this story
covered in the old dinosaur media. Only the alternative press dares conduct actual journalism in questioning the
FDA's actions. NaturalNews has been leading the way on this issue, exposing the criminality of the FDA, producing
the documents, gathering the interviews and testimonials, and showing the true nature of this outright mob-style
criminal gang known as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Every fact, every document and every allegation leveled in this story is provably true. This can only lead to the
conclusion that the FDA is a rogue terrorist organization operating far outside the bounds of U.S. law, and yet it
is funded by U.S. taxpayers, many of which are targeted as victims of the FDA's intimidation schemes. The FDA
knowingly engages in felony crimes (abduction, kidnapping, bribery, etc.) in order to achieve its aims, it knowingly
provides false intel to Interpol in order to unlawfully frame and innocent person, and it does all this for the sole
purpose of protecting the cancer industry in the United States, which is a multi-billion-dollar industry that preys
upon the pain and suffering of the American people.
As this example clearly shows, we are witnessing out-of-control government becoming increasingly criminal in its
operations. The FDA, of course, played a pivotal role in the recent raids on Rawesome Foods in California, which
resulted in three people being charged with felony crimes for the "crime" of distributing raw dairy products.
( same government also recently raided Gibson Guitars at gunpoint, seized millions of dollars in "illegal wood"
and then ordered Gibson to fire its U.S. workers and move its operations overseas
( This is all part of the U.S. government's program to destroy the U.S.
economy and create widespread unemployment in America ('s impossible to know how many innocents have been assassinated, intimidated or falsely imprisoned by the FDA
and other federal agencies, but you can bet it's a disturbingly large number. A government that was once created to
serve the People has now devolved into a gang of criminals who routinely violate the law in their quest for more
police state powers over everyone else. The outright criminality of the conspiracy leveled against Greg Caton --
involving the FDA and State Dept. -- can of course be redirected to anyone seen as a threat to the ever-growing
power base of the government itself.
U.S. government is attempting to destroy America
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