Just when you think the bizarre antics of the Obama cabal have hit their penultimate level of insanity, new revelations surface to push the envelope a bit further. Now we discover that Hillary Clinton had her sticky fingers in the planning of “Fast and Furious.”
But wait, there’s more! The defense for the Underwear Bomber has now called Attorney Kurt Haskell to testify- potentially exposing this state sponsored terrorism for exactly what it is!
Paul Watson of Prison Planet on 10 October 2011: “In a shocking development in the trial of the accused underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, Delta Flight 253 eyewitness Kurt Haskell has been called by Abdulmutallab as a witness for the defense, a move that could blow the whole case wide open… During his interview on the Alex Jones Show today, Haskell pointed out that if Abdulmutallab chooses to reveal what he knows about the entire plot, it could be more damaging to the Obama administration than the Fast and Furious scandal, and would undermine the entire foundation of the war on terror and the TSA grope downs and body scans that were introduced in the aftermath of the event.”
But all this begs the question, “What will it actually take to bring down Obama’s house of cards?” If fake birth certificates, fake Social Security numbers and just plain fakes like Eric Holder aren’t enough, perhaps we’re all on a fool’s errand. Worse yet, is violent revolution is the only viable recourse for the American people to take their country back?
I am not an anarchist. I do not support the violent overthrow of the United States Government or any other government- as demonstrated by my objection to Obama’s debacle in Libya. But just what do the American people do when they must “play by the rules” and the federal government does not?
Scandal after scandal breaks- yet nothing happens. Just the piracy against American taxpayers in the Solyndra affair should have been sufficient to boot the Kenyan imposter over the goal post- right between the uprights.
Are our judges that crooked? Is Congress that cowardly and corrupt? Is our press corps so unprofessional that they’ll forever overlook real news to make a buck?
However, as I indicated last week, the press seems to be making a smart about-face. The piece by Rachel Maddow on MSNBC was a real eye-opener.
And this just in. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has thrown his enormous weight (pun intended) behind former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Well, now! A Romney-Christie ticket? At least we’d have some real fireworks next summer.
And wouldn’t it be nice if the GOP candidates would actually talk about the hot issues in New Hampshire tonight? Like “Fast and Furious” and the general corruption in the Obama administration? They could even bring up the fake birth certificates- but I guess that’s asking too much from a bunch of spineless wimps who would rather dote on ObamaCare and Social Security.
With the possible exception of Ron Paul, they all remind me of Shakespeare’s oft-misquoted line from Hamlet, “The lady doth protest too much- methinks.” Their polite and carefully chosen criticisms of Barry Obama lose all credibility when one considers the riveting gravity of the heinous crimes and high treason that routinely takes place within the Obama camp- the Jolokia peppers they SHOULD be talking about. If these folks would simply tell it like it is, they could touch off a veritable firestorm!
So there you have it, my friends. Today’s (useless?) rant. But maybe the lamestream media WILL stand up for “truth, justice and the American way.”
Is there a Clark Kent out there? A Lois Lane? A Jimmy Olsen? Somebody with enough clout and gumption to hang Barry Obama’s filthy laundry out on the line for all to see? A intrepid crusader with sufficient skill and guts to break this story wide open? And say what you want about Alex Jones- but he sure as Hell tries! So do Alan Keyes, Orly Taitz and James David Manning!
Tonight’s GOP debate should be interesting, to say the least. But I really do wish the lot of them would cut loose and tell it like it is. The event will take place at Dartmouth College in Hanover and begin at 8:00 PM Eastern. You can watch it on Bloomberg TV…
Richard Allan Jenni
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