NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

999 Just An Upside-down 666? Another “Hope And Change” Ruse?

Yesterday under separate comment I offered this unkind assessment of Herman “The Godfather” Cain: “Not only a ‘good ole boy,’ he's a pompous condescending windbag- a bigger rhinoceros than Romney or Gingrich.” However, upon overnight reflection as to whether or not I was too harsh on Herman, I came to the unalterable conclusion that I didn’t go far enough.

But first my unbridled opinion of Mitt Romney. True, Mitt isn’t conservative enough for me- and since I’m a great admirer of Ron Paul, my Constitutional objection to the former Massachusetts governor comes as no surprise. Nevertheless, I’ll tell you this about Romney without slightest reservation. He is an honest and honorable man. He is also a devout Christian. Anyone who says otherwise is either uninformed or a liar. Take your pick. And although it’s not saying a Hell of a lot, he’d be the best President since Reagan. I also believe Governor Romney will be the GOP nominee- like it or not. Moreover, despite my comment about Governor Christie earlier this week, my best guess (to accommodate the TEA Party) is that the GOP ticket will be Romney-Bachmann.

But make no mistake. My dream ticket would probably be a father and son duo- namely Paul and Paul. But we all know that ain’t gonna happen…

Now more on Cain. The 999 thing is in my view an upside-down 666- simply another globalist dispensation of “hope and change.” The main reason is the proposed institution of a 9% national sales tax:

1. If you think the expansion of the Infernal Revenue Service under ObamaCare is glaringly hazardous to yer health, just wait until the IRS is empowered to collect a national sales tax. They will give tax evasion a whole new meaning! (And please remember that the IRS is most certainly a globalist collection agency.)

2. Remember how our various state sales taxes have increased? Do you really think Congress (or the globalists) will stop at 9%?

3. Do ya really want to give a corrupt Congress yet another tool to rob ya? Give the international banking (crime) syndicate another knife to slit yer financial throat?

4. Do you really want to add a national sales tax to kill jobs and discourage commerce? In addition to state sales and use taxes already imposed on most American consumers, many of our municipalities also impose LOCAL sales taxes- also often disguised as luxury taxes. Ya think ObamaCare is a job-killer? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Just how much taxation can the American consumer and our sputtering economy bear?

5. A national sales tax would unfairly target the nation’s working poor- whose growing numbers are already plagued with significant malnutrition and starvation. Also, a national sales tax would increase Food Stamp dependency, either directly or indirectly. (Cain, unless I missed something, hasn’t said if he would tax foodstuffs. Nevertheless, in New Jersey for example, while food purchased in supermarkets is exempt from any sales tax, the Garden State’s sales tax still takes a bite out of family food budgets indirectly.)

6. Federal agencies already harass our family farms- and unfairly favor their foreign competitors. Do you really think these ruthless bastards (for want of a more appropriate appellation) won’t be hounding and/or arresting local farmers for failing to collect national sales taxes at their local fruit and vegetable stands? And ya think the raw milk debacle was unwarranted?

I probably missed a few things, but you get my unavoidable drift. But one more zinger! Herman said in the last debate that when he worked for the Fed, those financial pirates weren’t all that bad. That’s like saying Lucifer wasn’t all that bad before he enticed Eve with forbidden fruit!

Finally, there’s been a lot of talk about the GOP pushing Romney down our throats, but it seems to me Mitt is currently mainstream America’s preferred alternative to Barry “The Undocumented Kenyan Usurper” Obama- and that GOP mouthpieces like Newsmax seem to be touting Cain just a tad too much. (Sadly, my revered Congressman Paul is pretty much at the bottom of that mainstream heap- though Ron does poll much better among conservatives.)

So is 999 just an upside-down 666? Another version of globalist “hope and change?” I report (or perhaps arrogantly pontificate). You, my dear friends, must decide…
Richard Allan Jenni
Ocean City, New Jersey
Real Conservatives

Views: 157


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Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 17, 2011 at 12:32pm
Roger all that, Patty- but I'll still be holding my nose if I must vote for Herman Cain- just has I "held my nose" when I voted for John (Mc) Cain...
Comment by Patty on October 17, 2011 at 12:21pm


I know that the only way to get Obama out of the White House is if every one of us across the country works our hardest to make it happen. I respect the majority opinion and if it turns out that Romney is the nomination, I will do everything in my power to get him elected. I hope you do the same if it's Cain because holding your nose isn't going to be good enough to guarantee that the moving van will be pulling up at the White House back door.

Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 17, 2011 at 12:13pm

And yes, Patty- like you would probably hold your nose and vote for Romney, I would hold MY nose and vote for Cain...


"Monday, October 17, 2011

Whether Herman Cain’s surge in the polls is temporary or has staying power, he’s enjoying a big enough bounce to take a very slight lead over President Obama in a hypothetical 2012 matchup. At the moment, the Georgia businessman is the only Republican with a lead of any kind over Obama, although former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has held a similar advantage several times and is currently trailing the president by just two points.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters shows Cain attracting 43% support, while Obama earns 41%. Given such a matchup, eight percent (8%) prefer some other candidate, and another eight percent (8%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)"

Comment by Patty on October 17, 2011 at 12:10pm

Sorry here's the link to Rasmussen. And those results include 8% for other candidates that will be votes for Cain if he wins the nomination.

Comment by Patty on October 17, 2011 at 12:07pm

Just posted on Rasmussen:

Cain 43%, Obama 41%

He's the only candidate with a lead over Obama!!!!!

Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 17, 2011 at 11:48am

Patty- Please read my article today...


Comment by Patty on October 17, 2011 at 11:12am


I have a friend who just sent their child to Mass. to attend college out of state. They had to write out 5 pages of medical history on EVERY family member including dietary habits, exercise history, smoking history, psychiatric history, drugs taken etc. And then when their child was alone on campus, they gave the same paperwork to the child to fill out again. Was this to see if the parents were telling the truth? Is this information on EVERYONE who are not even living in Mass is now in a databank? And which set of information did they use? And what do they need it for?

This is what Romneycare is doing and what Romney  supports 100%. I have yet to meet anyone who can say that they believe Romney will repeal Obamacare 100%. They are just hoping that he is telling the truth.

And Obamacare is already creeping into place in ways like the medical information above. Did you know that hospitals are now adding these same kinds of questions about your home life into their admission paperwork? It's got to be coming from Obamacare. If you are asked who in your home smokes , drinks or does drugs then this information is sent to your insurance company and they now have a record of your whole family's history. This will probably be used in the future to decide insurance rates and increase the rates on people with unacceptable at risk behaviors. How many people have politely answered these questions without realizing the future consequences.

And Romney supports Race to the Top which changes education from local control to federal control. When you take the government's money then you follow their rules as parents are finding out. Florida ( Republican controlled legislature and Republican governor) just added social justice to their department of education webpage. When you take 700 million dollars you do what Obama and any future presidents say.

We have 2 months to get involved and if we do not start coming together then the vote splits and Romney wins.

Can you even count on Romney to put a conservative on the ticket with him?

Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 17, 2011 at 6:29am

Patty- "If you are for Romney and trust that he has our best interests at heart and will follow through on his promises then no problem." Hard question to answer." I like Romney much more than Cain- and I am convinced that a national sales tax would be a job/commerce killer for the reasons cited. However, even my "anybody but Obama" attitude doesn't seem to generate much enthusuasm for anyone but Ron Paul- and I even have some reservations about Ron. And you are absolutely right. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!


Right now the only person that can raise sufficient funds is probably Romney- who seems to garner more mainstream support than the others. We'll see what happens, but I think Cain is only enjoying a temporary bump because of Perry's political demise.


As for Obama, his administration appears to be self-destucting...  

Comment by Patty on October 16, 2011 at 11:02pm
Our goal is to remove Obama from the White House. Cain is the only candidate besides Romney that can accomplish this goal. Even the media is getting scared that Cain can win.

The primaries are just around the corner - just 3 months. If you are for Romney and trust that he has our best interests at heart and will follow through on his promises then no problem.

If not we need a candidate that can WIN and beat Obama. Cain is getting close in the polls but he needs money and people getting behind him like we did with Marco and other conservative candidates. GET INVOLVED!!!!

I was at one of Marco's start up meetings and I learned the importance of money. They didn't have any and I left so discouraged because I knew he couldn't win without it. But we all started writing and donating to help and things turned around.

Cain needs even more because this is a national campaign and he has to show he can win. He only has 2 million and 2 months to compete with Romney. If we all work TOGETHER to get the message out to all of our contacts, we CAN and WILL make a difference.

Send your contacts information on Herman and ask them to donate even if it is only $9.99. If they can't afford anything because of bad times, ask them to forward the information to their contacts that can. Send them to: where they can also learn about Herman and his positions.

It is time to start working our hardest or else we will once again be standing in line to vote and holding our noses. We have shown America what we can do when we all come together for a common goal and now is the time for us to do it again!!!!!!!!!!!! I personally have decided I'm not going to let Romney get the nomination without a fight and I hope you join me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go Cain!!!!
Comment by Kathryn Ball on October 15, 2011 at 11:41pm


No matter what anyone suggests, we still give control over all of our lives to 525 men and women in Congress.

Those people have proved REPEATEDLY that they look to US as their MONEY TREES......their responsibility is to allocate funds. In order to maintain their JOBS & therefor their POWER, they CONFISCATE INCREASING percentages of the wages of the productive members of society to redistribute to the NON productive members who VOTE [SERIOUSLY I the ONLY person who has a problem with this?!?!?]

Keep in mind that the number in DC is 525.....................that leaves a couple hundred MILLION of US who, IN THE UNLIKELY EVENT THAT WE HAD MORE THAN TWO BRAIN CELLS TO RUB TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COULD ACTUALLY DECIDE TO STOP FUNDING THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!

We all know what they are doing and we keep FUNDING their BULLSH-T!!!!!!!! They have intimidated all of us to be so freaking afraid of the IRS that we wouldn't DARE not pay our taxes..... WHY THE HELL NOT????

OBVIOUSLY, it worked for Charlie Rangle & Tim Geithner.....SERIOUSLY, if enough of us simply decided that we were no longer going to fund the garbage they spend our money on.....what do you think they can do to us????? JAIL??????? REALLY????????? I don't think so.

Money is the one and ONLY thing these cretans understand. The more I hear/read the more I am ready to never pay another penny in taxes again..............I'm actually ready to go to jail but I also believe that if there were enough of us, there would be NOTHING they could do to us.

It is long past time that we continue to be COWED by our government.............THEY WORK FOR US, not the other way around.

I think we should "DE-FUND the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT"!!!!!






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