NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Governor Schwarzenegger about to pass Cap & Tax in California

Schwarzenegger favors raising the state's renewable-energy mandate to 33 percent and bringing in more energy through wind, solar, and geothermal sources, but he has yet to take a stance on the bill. The EPA is running my state of California. Anyone who lives in California, please call, write, fax, e-email, the governor and tell him California cannot afford this Cap & Tax. California is one of the most taxed states in the Nation. This will drive more businesse's out and leave the rest of us to pay more taxes. Not even counting what it will do to our already skyrocketed unemployment. First they let the EPA cut our water off to our farmers in our Central Valley who provide 53% of our food. Their crops are dieing, the people who were farmers have to get hand outs from the state. Now, they want to impose Cap & Tax on us. Help!

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Comment by christopher e. savard on September 13, 2009 at 9:45pm
AhhNold" what happened to you man?,,this guy is on the Milton Friedman is in the first video that automatically plays Ahhnold is tough ting the Genius of Milton Friedman,What a sell out this guy is ,But then again Look who he has to work with a bunch of Koo'k's and nattering naybob union rudy's
what a shame,now Ahhnold is just another Stateist punk..Still like his Movies they are so cheesy there entertaining in a weird way............................We'll Take Cooks Car!.."He won't be needing it"

Good evening good citizen's...From what is being allowed to be left of, Detroit..CES
Comment by Elizabeth Parella on September 13, 2009 at 11:37am
You are so right, Linda! I feel for you and for all Californians with a runaway state government, the believers in the possible hoax of global warming, and the federal government's push for all kinds of onerous taxes through Cap & Trade (Cap & Tax as you rightly call it!). There are many, MANY of us throughout the nation who do NOT want Cap & Trade to pass...and we have been putting pressure on our so-called representatives to stop this onerous step based on Al Gore's belief that global warming is manmade.

Did you see Joe Bastardi's view on global warming and its fallacies on Fox News? He showed a graph which denotes that the temperatures are COOLING and NOT warming. This, of course, is a mite too inconvenient for the "powers that be" who have been fooled into believing the pundits of the so-called Green Movement. And we'll not even mention the environmentalists who want to save the beetle in the desert or whatever the heck needs saving, so the farmers in California cannot get the water they need to grow crops! What IS this nonsense!!!

Thanks to your work, Linda, and those of us who will NOT let our country be hijacked by the crazies, we WILL WIN these battles. It's scary to be sure....we don't KNOW we'll win, but we all feel that COMMON SENSE will prevail.

Earth is a constant state of flux with storms, rising and falling seas, extreme wind, the Santa Ana Winds, and all manner of Nature's goodness and wrath. Would the environmentalists have saved the dinosaurs? LOL This is all part of EVOLUTION....from the Dinosaurs to the present time. It's the Darwinian survival of the fittest....the weak species will pass, and stronger species will take their place, and so on for time in memoriam. What would be the consequences of interfering with Nature? Alas, no one speaks to that issue. When will the country wake up to the EPA's efforts which will destroy our foodstuffs for the benefit of an endangered beetle or lizard or whatever the heck they want to protect at the peril of the PEOPLE?
Comment by sandy west on September 13, 2009 at 11:35am
California is usually the beginning,most states seem to follow suit,I swear to god these people want to bring all the industry down and also make us a third world country.
Before this is done no one will be employed and we will all be living in tents and starving with all the other laws they are putting into effect,such as the water cut off....This is just plain madness!






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