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Reverse Obama's Executive Orders, Top ten list

Creating the Candidate

- Bob Lunsford  Friday, August 26, 2011

Remember how Newt Gingrich was effective and chosen because of the Promise to America? For the next president, the man/woman will win if he/she promises, like Gingrich with his 100 promises to America, to do the following.
  1. Abolish the EPA
  2. Abolish the NEA
  3. Do away with the Federal Reserve
  4. Go back on the Gold Standard to stabilize the monetary system
  5. Restore the entire intent of the Constitution and keep it intact
  6. Guarantee that American Citizens have “standing” before the courts
  7. Promote government workers to be productive and not merely “managerial”
  8. Educate people that government is separate from religion but religion is not necessarily separate from government
  9. Force the FCC to investigate the media to ascertain and enforce that they are “fair and balanced” and not in some “foxy” way
  10. (Whatever else that is required to put the country back on course and undo the Obama madness)

A decisively Conservative winner would promise to do as Obama did with his day-one executive orders!

These listed items need not be accomplished in the order given. Some may be done simultaneously, wherever possible and they should be done by Executive Order­as Obama did when he entered office. We then should also pass them as laws and make them permanent. This may have to wait a couple of years so America can see how the country grows after those leaching entities are deposed.

If a candidate promised to reverse Obama’s Executive Orders as well as promising to accomplish the items on the list above, this would be the icing on the cake for many in deciding to vote for the Conservative Candidate.

IF a candidate made such promises, Conservatives, Independents and many Liberals would flock to the candidate. The candidate need make no other promises, either. Remember “The rent is too damn high”?

People are tired of “politics as usual” and know what we have today is not the Politics of our parents and grandparents. We know and miss America’s successes of the past. And we all know that “new” is not always better.

The political machine of the past won wars and allowed America to stand tall in the world and become the magnet for all those who wanted to excel in life for themselves and their families. This is not what we have today. Many other countries in the world are just as attractive today but not because they are better but because they appear more-stable and not visibly changing into something that makes “hope” as much or more important than “change.”

America has always been indeed the country of Hope, especially for those who had/have no hope to better their lives. In past decades, this hope was the great magnet for others in the world. Memories of this are still alive in people’s minds here and around the world. However, this changed since the last two years of George W. Bush­when the Democrats took over Congress. You know, the people who actually hold the purse strings. Not the president. Bush was not to blame and Obama cannot point the finger of blame or beat his proud chest if any significant change to the positive takes place because Congress alone signs bills that address the economy or planning the budget.

Resulting loss of hope as regards economic stability and jobs has come to be the “black cloud” that overshadows all America and is also the source of some agony for those who have traditionally invested their hopes in America.

What we see in the media today are potential candidates who are doing the same old thing in politics. They are making some promises whether verbally or by their mere presence and past reputation. But they are also busy comparing their potential to that of their same-party “opponents.” This just tickles the Democrats pink, to see the Republicans shooting the toes off their fellow-party brothers and sisters. Do you see the Democrats doing this to each other? In no way! They are the Party of Unions, they are proud to be unified in their simple-minded/single-party way, and love to point the finger at Republicans and Conservatives and imply that we are party of confusion, the party of instability and people that can’t get our story straight and, by extension, only fools would support the Republican candidate. This has become part of the Left’s political strategy.

Democrats and Liberals are busy defining Republicans and Conservatives. They are famous for dictating the important questions in debates and telling us on the Right what is in fact important. They are happy to see us take all this in with differing opinions among ourselves. For the Left, it is Party First. For the right, it is principle first and every one on the Right wants to be more about doing what is right. The Democrats know this and ignore it because what they are about is what counts to them and what counts first is Party and Politics and not the country.

For the health of our country, what is needed most on both sides is to put “politics” aside and do what is best for the Country!

Democrats and Republicans all think that they are already working for the best of the country. But, are they? Are they promoting the general good and welfare of the country or are they promoting a person or political philosophy? In many regards, both sides­every political animal­is promoting their philosophy and the person that they think can win over more voters to their side. However, many voters are increasingly tired of this nonsense. It was what kept some voters at home in 2008 and accounted in part to the Democrat win.

Again, consider the premise and list of items at the beginning of this article. IF someone bypassed the traditional, political promises of elections in the past half century or so and promised to get the country back on track by demolishing those particular items, and perhaps some others equally important, things that have brought America to her knees, this person would immediately get everyone’s attention. If that person is believable and trustworthy and not merely a talking head or rhetorician, someone who has a proven track record and the experience to speak to problems and the solutions to them­then that person would become the person to pick for the literal salvation of the country.

Consider again the premise and list above. Now imagine what many non-political people would decide given what we see on the political scene today and what is masquerading as our government as we speak. Aren’t people looking for a person who we all can see has the brass to make promises and see them done regardless of political opposition and rhetoric?

Enough of this political gamesmanship! This is fodder for the MSM and the media at large. Where they do not see blood, the media will either make it bleed or produce something that they can make into a story. Or they will magnify an idea into a story which, in other quarters, would be called an outright lie.

Where is this person, the political miracle? Are we waiting for the MSM and General Media to “discover” him/her or should we bypass the media and go looking for him/her? Do we already know someone who could fill that bill and do what is promised as can be seen from that person’s experiences in history? Is that person already on the scene and is awaiting recognition and acknowledgment?

We need to think and look around for the person who is bigger than society, in a sense, but is more-particularly bigger than the ordinary Republican, Democrat AND the media. A person who is less concerned about the “news makers” because he/she makes his/her own news. A person who does not live with a wet finger in the wind. A person who already knows where he/she is going and sees nothing or no one that can stand in the way of that goal.

Do we wait for that person to emerge or do we find him/her and cause that person to appear? We Americans are people who do not like to wait. We want it and we want it now! However, if we do not make the proper plans and see them through, we will not get what is best for America. First is the required vision to know decidedly what and who is best for the country. Once that person is found, we need to unify behind that person, provide support and encouragement – and sufficient funding.

We Conservatives need to redefine our determination and motivation and do what is right for America. Talking about it is part of the process but it should not be seen as the final process to end all processes. It is a good step in the right direction. But, as the Tea Party Movement made clear in the 2008 election, a win is just the beginning.

Democrats have the old socialist philosophy of “It did not work before but it will work next time.” This means that they do not give up. If we who are Patriotic Conservatives want and expect to win over the “never give up” philosophy of the Democrats, we must be just as determined to never quit and hold tight to the idea that the job is never over as long as there is a Left and a Democrat Party as we know it today.

If we are for the country and we consistently win our elections, many on the Left will see that they are not on the Right side and switch over. This is because basic American philosophy is to go with the winner. Once the momentum has changed, then we will more often become the winners but this can only be sustained by continuing effort and successive wins.

As for the Washington scene, once we grow apathetic and assume that our representatives will do their jobs, depending on them to be responsible people and responsive to their constituency, we lose! However, they work for us. Through time, though, they have reversed the rolls and this also must be changed.

Democrats are the Party of Change which is part of the definition of Liberal. They change the view of the definitely bad to “Well, there’s something good in it” and when they see something good, they say, “Well, there’s no doubt something bad in it.” They are not about absolutes. They want change for the sake of change and not strictly for a long-term betterment.

Democrats and Liberals consistently strive to be the ones to get the credit for change and this goes along with their mindset that they only are intelligent enough to do it right. But, even in this they are wrong. As long as they rewrite history and the media is on their side, this is what people at large, those who are not willing to study out the political situation, is given and this will always be the perception. Keep in mind that the key word for Democrats and Liberals is Reception Perception is all too often a tool for deception, however.

Is there any one solution to this problem? Or, is the solution just encouraging someone and not be too quick to jump to quell someone’s ambition because we have already chosen “the one” that we love and prefer? Let’s keep an open eye for the someone who is a good and true American and not in the self-promotion business. We already have enough of that.

We must be unified but, most of all, we must be solidly unified behind one person and discourage doing the Left’s and Democrats’ bidding by dividing the vote. In fact, the mark of a true patriot may well be that when a potential candidate sees that he/she is not on the Republican ticket, that the potential candidate’s support will be put behind the Republican and encourage their supporters to NOT take votes away from the Republican ticket­as the Democrats always hope.

For those who do not agree with the Republican’s plank and actions, there is a remedy for this, also. It is not going off on a tangent with a Third Party Hero, it is making corrections in the Republican Party. If the Republican Plank is to be truly Conservative and preserve the old landmarks, then the Republican Party may require redefinition and thus reacquire the traditional norms and standards but primarily and ultimately to stand solidly more behind the Constitution. This alone would improve and strengthen the Republican Party and make it more acceptable to most good Americans.

The Republican Party cannot please everyone but if the Party is willing to make the attempt and, most of all, show that the Republican National Committee is listening to We the People, the show will be over for the Democrats.

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