NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
AS a kid, I could fix anything with a basic set of tools...sometimes with just a screwdriver and a pair of pliers. Throw in a hammer and some nails, and I could even make things. It was known as “Yankee Ingenuity”.
Bikes, cars, etc....were all repairable. Things lasted. When my t.v. went on the blink, a well-placed slap of sufficient force, at the right angle, or a strategic jiggle of its rabbit ears, would usually restore its performance to normal...I could "lose" myself under the hood of my '57 chevy. It was pure bliss.
I was self-sufficient and other words, a Free Man.
We operated under the knowledge that we lived in a “Free Country”. “It’s a Free Country” was a phrase uttered on the lips of anyone who dreamed and had higher aspirations, A.K.A ambition. The sky was the limit, and we went to the moon...and came back, alive.
Our internet, in those days, was a modern anomaly in the phone systems we fondly remember as “Crosswires”. That was when so many people would be calling the same number at once, (as in radio station dedication line) that we could communicate with each other over a busy signal. A massive party line.
Many an epic relationship was formed in those times through that medium, and many of our progeny today owe their very existence to that phenomenon. I met my wife of forty five years on crosswires. Our children and then again, grandchildren, would never have sprang into their present state of being were it not for our meeting via crosswires. It was Kismet...and Magic.
Nowadays, we warn our children of the dangers of meeting predator strangers over the internet, who have no fear of being exposed. Today, they have “rights”, and if caught, their first demand is for a lawyer. Their right to come and pee in your bathroom has been upheld by a supremely Kangaroo court. In happier days, we trusted each other. And there was no such thing as Gender Identity. We were sure our moms were girls, and dads, boys. No more.
We had rights. And our votes counted. They reflected the collective will of our society. And we abided by what we perceived to be the will of the people. The majority ruled. We counted each vote, which was written physically on a paper ballot. When there was any doubt about the results of a given election, we could demand a recount, and have the actual votes cast, before us, in written form. There was no room for error...and no opportunity for fraud. We could each return to the specific precinct from which we cast our votes, and have locally appointed officials prove to us, with the real physical evidence, that their count was fair and honest.
But these days, cars can now drive themselves, with the proper programming.
We can no longer be "lost", in the sense that we voluntarily just want to be left alone. We are now tracked by GPS devices linked to eyes in the skies that watch our every move. We have lost our right to be lost.
The programmers are in control, not any longer the lone, sole voter, voting his/her conscience.
Consensus has been replaced with an algorithm.
Traffic now flows according to a pre-designed plan.
Individually, we are no longer relevant. The “masses”, of which we are merely a part thereof, is the dominant species.
...and, nowadays, it takes esoteric knowledge, i.e. programming knowledge, to hold an election.
Without that knowledge, we are at the mercy of those who have that knowledge.
In the name of speed, or efficiency, we have forfeited our right to vote to geeks. We had trusted that our duly elected authorities would have given themselves sufficient oversight over those geeks to guaranteed the integrity of our elections, and ultimately be accountable to We the People. We were wrong. Dead wrong. We no longer are governed by Law, but by men.
Mankind cannot be trusted to do the good. When given the opportunity and the means , human nature rules, and the Liberty of others is no longer a given, respected force. Uncle Sam has been dispatched to some obscure retirement home, and has been preempted by Uncle SIM...and your phone can track your comings and goings, your whereabouts and your propensities, anywhere, anytime.
No more Bill of Rights:
We used to have a Free Press. Guaranteed by the first amendment. Today,the Press has been seized, and is no longer free. Freedom of speech has been seized by political correctness, PC, and the people who arbitrarily dictate its terms. The deliberate act of omission has become an art form in and of itself. In the journalistic world of tomorrow (today) truth, when spoken or printed, is immediately pounced upon, and suppressed. Welcome to 1984...Back to the Future.
Religion and morality have been literally aborted by supreme court rulings. We have been ordered to no longer sanctify human life and to shut up and stop praying over it. Existence itself has been nullified by a jury of Nine. We therefore are no longer beings, We are merely another species called “human”. Just animals who walk upright.
We now assemble at our own peril, of potential lone wolf terrorists who could kill massive numbers of us with a single c-4 charge. “What difference does it make?” has become the anthem of the collectivists, to whom individual lives are no longer relevant, except their own lives. If they can silently condone the mass slaughter of the innocent unborn, and vigorously advocate their right to kill them in the womb, there is no more any humanity. And their souls are damned. They are “elite”. in their own minds’ eyes. A law unto themselves, judging the desperate gladiators with a thumbs-up or thumbs-down from the vaunted bleachers of an ancient colosseum where there is no law, only man’s collective whims.
We no longer see the inherent value that CASH ( ...THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ) lends to our Liberty, in that the ANONYMITY it confers upon our most vital transactions guarantees automatic checks and balances upon a government that has become excessively over-reaching, and far too nosy. Why have We, the People vaunted the I.R.S. to a heightened image of undeserved power, allowing them to invoke fear of them in the hearts and minds of Free Men? When did they become the Master instead of the Servant?...and the same goes for the F.B.I., and other such agencies of government, like the E,P.A? Shall we, as so says the motto "In God we trust", trust in Him?...or, ignoring God, trust government?
Our right to defend ourselves, guaranteed by the second amendment, is being challenged. It is worthless, anyway, in the face of an organized force determined to single us out one by one. In the absence of a well regulated militia, a well trained, well equipped mercenary force can subdue any populace in very short order.
The second amendment was carefully crafted and must be taken literally, not theoretically. It is not enough just to be armed, individually. We must also be organized to the point where we at least recognize tyranny, and be prepared to confront it when it is discovered. Local militias were ordained by the Forefathers. They expected us to vigilantly organize ourselves, each succeeding generation, to protect the precious Liberties they fought so hard to vest in us. They must be taken at their word. We must have “ well regulated militias “ in order to effectively defend ourselves from tyranny. The possession of arms is the natural consequence of having a well regulated militia. But the mere possession of arms, by itself, is not enough.
An honest electoral process, with physical paper ballots, and absolutely accountable to the people at every level and at all times, is an institution which has until recently diminished the enthusiasm for a well armed militia. When that honest electoral process is destroyed, we must be prepared to restore it quickly, with honest, countable elections or we will find ourselves wishing, vainly, for a militia which won’t be there anymore....
...and there will be nowhere to turn.
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For more insight into the
aforementioned voter fraud
Postcards to voters ran unlimited money under the table and 40,000 plus people NEVER reported a single dime to the campaigns they worked for. Mccarthy's office has known about this since March and he NEVER fixed the FEC law and NEVER told campaigns to report these people who stole elections across the country. Today I called Rorbacher's office and they told me they wouldn't discuss postcards to voters - WHY???? They just lost their jobs and it was all done by people spending unlimited money and NEVER reporting their donations. The repubs again sit back and allow the dems to cheat. It is how Abrams won the primary and is so close in Georgia. It is what caused the huge mess in Florida YET only 3 FEC complaints against them and 1 lawsuit in the 9th circuit. WHY doesn't Ronna McDaniel even answer the phones at the RNC and why DOES TRUMP KEEP HER ?????? I talked to a man named Darrows - the current NH repub state rep who was running against a dem with ZERO dollars and had to borrow a truck to get to voters YET unlimited money in postcards, stamps and materials put postcards into EVERY registered dem and independent household. Darrows was the last repub hit and I warned him the Friday before the election. he texted me Tuesday night - the postcards arrived Monday and he LOST in a totally repub district because someone wrote that the voter was very important and they went out and voted because of a decorated postcard - nothing else! The dem now controls NH future and he brags he never spent a dime when in reality he cheated his way to victory. WHY won't the repubs hold the dems accountable?????
The postcards have already been sent into Mississippi to remove Hyde Smith. Their goal was a run off for the senate seat and postcards for Nov 6th accomplished this goal. They wrote the postcards as they watched and celebrated the seat they won on Nov 6th. Watch in 2 weeks - if the dem wins it's because the repubs refuse to stand up and call out the dems when they cheat! And do the repubs really believe that Hyde Smith can win when she has NO phone number or address to go volunteer for her????? Where's Desantis and Scott - silence yet they are in the pickle in Florida because this group illegally helped key races throughout Florida.
Can the election system survive - NOT when repubs are scared of their own shadows.
We NEED every single person across Florida knocking on doors for the next 4 days to GOTV for Desantis or this state turns socialist!!! There are republican and NPA voters who NEED to be contacted and asked to go vote!!! Osceola County - there are over 40,000 Trump republicans who haven't voted and need to be pushed to the polls! Orange County has thousands of repubs and NPAs who need to hear a positive message about Desantis! The repubs are only ahead by 64,000 early and vote by mail ballots and there are 650,000 NPAs who no one knows how they voted who will decide this unless we get more Desantis voters to the polls. A friendly face asking for a vote will make up the difference!
PLEASE contact Sean Kempton
Regional Field Director for Desantis campaign
Sean is located in South Florida but promised me if people email or call him that he will get you into contact with a Desantis field director in your area who will get you walk lists in your area!
So just call or email him, tell him that you want to walk and the area you need and then he can put you in touch with a person who can help you! Make sure that they give you ALL repubs. Also ask for NPAs who are not in households with dems!
This race along with Scott are too close for comfort and it will take ALL of us working TOGETHER to save Florida from the grips of Gillum!!!! EVERY last vote counts and there's no guarantee those NPA votes are for Desantis and Scott so let's get every last vote to the polls!!!!!!
Copy, paste and send this to EVERY person you know in Florida - it's not enough to vote - if you don't want to be paying reparations under a Gillum run state, knock on as many doors as possible!!!
The Gates Foundation is pulling out their money for the Marzano teacher evaluation system that has left all of our children testing more than learning. The test scores never increased so Gates isn't wasting their money on a failed program!!! The next Florida governor will determine the direction our schools take - do you trust the school system with Gillum in charge??? It's going to take the people of Florida knocking or we hand the state to the corrupt dims!!!!! Gillum is cheating using postcards to voters to run unlimited money under the table to get his win - we MUST win this!!!!!! Every door knocked keeps these 2 races from ending in disaster!!!!!!
That IS the world we live in.
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The Unborn
...let them BE !
"The Fox, Golden Gate and Mohammed's Daughter"
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