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999 Just An Upside-down 666? Another “Hope And Change” Ruse?

Yesterday under separate comment I offered this unkind assessment of Herman “The Godfather” Cain: “Not only a ‘good ole boy,’ he's a pompous condescending windbag- a bigger rhinoceros than Romney or Gingrich.” However, upon overnight reflection as to whether or not I was too harsh on Herman, I came to the unalterable conclusion that I didn’t go far enough.

But first my unbridled opinion of Mitt Romney. True, Mitt isn’t conservative enough for me- and since I’m a great admirer of Ron Paul, my Constitutional objection to the former Massachusetts governor comes as no surprise. Nevertheless, I’ll tell you this about Romney without slightest reservation. He is an honest and honorable man. He is also a devout Christian. Anyone who says otherwise is either uninformed or a liar. Take your pick. And although it’s not saying a Hell of a lot, he’d be the best President since Reagan. I also believe Governor Romney will be the GOP nominee- like it or not. Moreover, despite my comment about Governor Christie earlier this week, my best guess (to accommodate the TEA Party) is that the GOP ticket will be Romney-Bachmann.

But make no mistake. My dream ticket would probably be a father and son duo- namely Paul and Paul. But we all know that ain’t gonna happen…

Now more on Cain. The 999 thing is in my view an upside-down 666- simply another globalist dispensation of “hope and change.” The main reason is the proposed institution of a 9% national sales tax:

1. If you think the expansion of the Infernal Revenue Service under ObamaCare is glaringly hazardous to yer health, just wait until the IRS is empowered to collect a national sales tax. They will give tax evasion a whole new meaning! (And please remember that the IRS is most certainly a globalist collection agency.)

2. Remember how our various state sales taxes have increased? Do you really think Congress (or the globalists) will stop at 9%?

3. Do ya really want to give a corrupt Congress yet another tool to rob ya? Give the international banking (crime) syndicate another knife to slit yer financial throat?

4. Do you really want to add a national sales tax to kill jobs and discourage commerce? In addition to state sales and use taxes already imposed on most American consumers, many of our municipalities also impose LOCAL sales taxes- also often disguised as luxury taxes. Ya think ObamaCare is a job-killer? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Just how much taxation can the American consumer and our sputtering economy bear?

5. A national sales tax would unfairly target the nation’s working poor- whose growing numbers are already plagued with significant malnutrition and starvation. Also, a national sales tax would increase Food Stamp dependency, either directly or indirectly. (Cain, unless I missed something, hasn’t said if he would tax foodstuffs. Nevertheless, in New Jersey for example, while food purchased in supermarkets is exempt from any sales tax, the Garden State’s sales tax still takes a bite out of family food budgets indirectly.)

6. Federal agencies already harass our family farms- and unfairly favor their foreign competitors. Do you really think these ruthless bastards (for want of a more appropriate appellation) won’t be hounding and/or arresting local farmers for failing to collect national sales taxes at their local fruit and vegetable stands? And ya think the raw milk debacle was unwarranted?

I probably missed a few things, but you get my unavoidable drift. But one more zinger! Herman said in the last debate that when he worked for the Fed, those financial pirates weren’t all that bad. That’s like saying Lucifer wasn’t all that bad before he enticed Eve with forbidden fruit!

Finally, there’s been a lot of talk about the GOP pushing Romney down our throats, but it seems to me Mitt is currently mainstream America’s preferred alternative to Barry “The Undocumented Kenyan Usurper” Obama- and that GOP mouthpieces like Newsmax seem to be touting Cain just a tad too much. (Sadly, my revered Congressman Paul is pretty much at the bottom of that mainstream heap- though Ron does poll much better among conservatives.)

So is 999 just an upside-down 666? Another version of globalist “hope and change?” I report (or perhaps arrogantly pontificate). You, my dear friends, must decide…
Richard Allan Jenni
Ocean City, New Jersey
Real Conservatives

Views: 149


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Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 15, 2011 at 11:23pm
The TRUTH about Obama's war on Libya
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 15, 2011 at 10:59pm

This is great stuff, folks! Please don't miss this one!!!


Comment by Darlene Littlejohn on October 14, 2011 at 2:33pm

I forgot to "Follow" this and I wanted to.  I voted for Romney in the 2008 primary, but the more I find out about him, the less I trust him.  He will not be my choice for 2012.  That said, if he gets the nomination, I will work to get him elected - but then, I would work to get almost anybody elected over Obama.

I agree with Raya about the national sales tax (Fair Tax) but only if the IRS is eliminated.  However, I could live with a Flat Tax.

From my good friend Allan: Darlene, whatever the connection between ObamaCare and RomneyCare, the latter was never intended to be a national program.  What about Romney saying in his book that Romneycare was a blue-print for the nation?  Was Gov. Perry lying about that?  It seems to me that one of them was lying.

About the voter fraud... iCaucus, along with other organizations, are researching this.  Will it help?  I don't know, but I hope so.

Actually, I will hold my nose if I vote for either Romney or Paul.  But, this discussion is about Romney, so I will let it go at that.  And, YES, to everything that Kathryn said.

This is from the Democratic National Committee: Well Do You Know Your Romney?
I have not researched it all, but what do you think?

Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 14, 2011 at 8:50am

You might think only Alex Jones of Prison Planet would say such things about the Federal Government inflicting fake terror on the American People- but please listen to Judge Napolitano, one of the few real treasures on FNC.   

Comment by Kathryn Ball on October 13, 2011 at 11:13pm


Hi All!!!

I still have not decided who is "THE ONE" that can fill the shoes of the founders, because THAT is exactly what we NEED.

My "GUT" tells me that Romney & Perry are both too "SLICK"....both appear to be much too easy fits for the inside the beltway crowd.

One of the problems I have with Romney is that the very same advisors who assisted him with "Romney Care" in Mass. sat in with the group that was advising the Obama administration when they were crafting Obamacare. Sorry, that makes my skin crawl!

I love much of what Ron Paul has said ....UNTIL he said that he thought it would be just FINE for Iran to have Nukes in one of the debates.................DO NOT TELL ME HE DID NOT SAY IT!!!!!! I HEARD HIM!!!

I find myself getting pretty disgusted with the "Republican Elites" and some of the statements that are coming out of their mouths these days.....Actually, I am MORE than FED UP with snotty, snobby, elitist DOLTS who sit on their lofty perches and try to tell me how I should THINK and WHO I should vote for!!!!!!

NONE of these people have been touched by the financial meltdown the rest of us [especially those of us in "FLY-OVER-COUNTRY"] have experienced. These are the "EXPERTS" the sock-puppet-press turns to for reports on the "PULSE OF THE PEOPLE"...........They don't have the first CLUE where to even LOOK for a 'pulse', much less to be able to assess the viability of that pulse!!!

The TEA Party has been reported to have 'dissapated' and gone away and the "OCCUPY" wherever/WHATEVER group has become the new darling of the democrats, their praises being sung by the likes of Schmuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, ALGORE, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Jessie Jackson Jr to mention just a few. They have been joined in 'solidarity' by such glitteratti as Susan Serandon, Michael Moore & Harry Belefonte [so very sad about him....used to love his music].

Having attended TEA Party Rallies, I was shocked because I never ONCE witnessed anyone DEFECATING on the back of a New York City squad car, never saw people running around naked, there was NO POT SMOKING-not EVER, and there were no 'public couplings' in front of God and the rest of the assembly [a fire hose would have come in handy, kind of like with dogs!!!!!]. The smell of FECES never permeated the TEA Party Rallies because people were defecating in plastic bags and placing them in public waste receptacles.........CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHERE THE EPA IS WHEN WE NEED THEM?!?!?!?!?!?

I know you are probably thinking that I have wandered far afield of the topic.....please bear with me for a little bit longer.........a short time ago, the governor of North Carolina made a statement [which she later said was in "JEST".....R  I  G  H  T  !!!!!!!!!] about suspending the elections........

Is it POSSIBLE that these protests [with their paid protesters] will not only continue but ESCALATE to the point that there is so much civil unrest and disobedience that Obama might do just THAT?!?!?! What a fabulous excuse to "SUSPEND" the next election.........."just until order is restored, you understand".

Guess that would make all of our arguements/ discussions etc., MOOT!!!!!!



Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 13, 2011 at 9:34pm

Can't argue with that, Paul Arnold Browning- my good friend! As Sandie often says, "I'll hold my nose if I vote for Romney!"



Comment by Paul Arnold Browning on October 13, 2011 at 9:18pm
For me it is Paul or No one. I don't trust the lot of them.
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 13, 2011 at 5:03pm


Call it a simple joke or part of a more calculated attack campaign on GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, but a curious statement by President Barack Obama‘s during today’s press conference is making headlines.

(Related: Henry responds to Megyn Kelly over Obama’s ribbing)

The quick quip was prefaced by a question from Fox News’ Ed Henry. “I wanted to get your first reaction to the Iranian terror plot,” Henry said. “What specific steps will you take to hold Iran accountable, especially when Mitt Romney said last week, quote, ‘If you do not want America to be the strongest nation on earth, I am not your president. You have that president today.’”

Obama’s response, “I didn’t know you were the spokesperson for Mitt Romney,” brought laughter from Henry’s peers. Watch the incident unfold, below:

Again, this very well could have been something that came organically and in the moment. But some politicos are claiming that the president’s re-election campaign is setting its sights on Mitt Romney...

Obama’s joke may be indicative of an assumption within his campaign that Mitt Romney will end up being the inevitable 2012 Republican candidate for the presidency.

Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 13, 2011 at 3:11pm

Ben Johnson, The White House Watch

A former Democratic governor of Indiana says a petition to place Barack Obama on the state ballot during the 2008 Democratic presidential primary is not his, raising the question of voter fraud. Former Governor Joe Kernan, a Democrat, replied, “No, not at all,” when the South Bend (Indiana) Tribune asked if the signature, which helped qualify Obama for the ballot, belonged to him.

Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 13, 2011 at 2:38pm

Ray- We agree to disagree. I would like ONLY a flat tax- for all the reasons cited. 


Michael Norbury: "Very true, it will give the Feds authority over every single transaction that takes place likely requiring a Federal ID Card to make sure everyone is paying their taxes."


I believe Federal enforcement of a national sales tax would be a bigger nightmare than what we have now.






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