NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.


Obama throws the Dalai Lama out the white house back door with the rest of the garbage!!!

96834730, AFP/Getty Images /AFP

Just kiddin . . . . I wanted to show everyone how easy it is to be tricked by the media.

Gotta question what you read, gotta watch carefully what you see, and gotta keep yourself buried in the cradle of the Constitution in case somebody tries to make changes…

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 20, 2010 at 12:30am — No Comments

With the TEA PARTY prodding the country's conscience, conservative leaders commit to our founding principles

Finally the constant working by patriots across the nation to find a way forward has produced a "Document" of intent.

Conservative leaders commit to our founding principles

The Heritage Foundation invites you to join the nation's top conservatives in pledging your allegiance to the principles of the

American Founding.

» Join your fellow…


Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 20, 2010 at 12:04am — 3 Comments

Republican National Committee recognizes they don't own TEA PARTY

The Republican National Committee has pulled off the Web a site that

some tea party leaders saw as evidence the GOP is trying to "hijack"

the grass-roots conservative movement.

The decision to pull off…


Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 17, 2010 at 11:39pm — No Comments

"Green House gases" have become the laughing gases of the masses. EPA has yet to start laughing!

UPDATE 1-Texas to challenge US greenhouse gas rules

Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:35pm EST …


Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 17, 2010 at 3:56pm — 1 Comment

Choosing between Religious "dogma" or scientific "proof" . . . . I'll take "dogma" every time.

From: The Daily Bell

When Do the Lawsuits Begin?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 - by Staff Report

Al Gore / Getty Images

The academic at the centre of the ‘Climategate' affair, whose raw data is crucial to the theory of climate change, has admitted that he has trouble…


Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 17, 2010 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments

More on the principles of the TEA PARTY and current conservative politics

Nation’s Top Conservatives Will Sign Philosophical Declaration of War against Big Government

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Fred Lucas, Staff Writer

President Ronald Reagan and First Lady…

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 17, 2010 at 10:33am — 1 Comment

How's our new senator Scott Brown doin . . . . here he is explaining to 'good ole JOE' how to try a terrorist

Sen. Scott Brown thinks Vice President Joe Biden was “off base” when he suggested Sunday that the Massachusetts Republican get his facts straight on the legal procedures for military tribunals.

“It was insulting,” said Brown, who frequently jabbed the

administration during his Senate campaign for giving suspected

terrorists legal representation.

On CBS's “Face the Nation” last weekend, Biden shot back that… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 15, 2010 at 4:29pm — 2 Comments

Which is it Mr. president?? Is it that, "YOU LIE" . . . . . or is it that, you are just, "NOT BELIEVABLE" ??

Posted: February 12, 2010

11:00 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Jay Rockefeller

Republican Rep. Joe Wilson created waves that left Washington rocking for…


Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 14, 2010 at 1:30pm — 6 Comments

Obama got his Nobel for doin nothin, Napolitano got her win for . . . well read on.

DUMB ASS winner of the year

Tough to pick a

winner in the current administration, but it's hard to argue with



Yes, Janet Napolitano, DEMOCRAT from Arizona, for…

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 12, 2010 at 12:30am — 1 Comment

The truth says otherwise Mr. Obama . . . . unless a picture is NOT worth a thousand words.

But in the Obama world, the democrat world, lies are a functioning part of their system of governance. Until a lie is challenged, there IS no lie. If you don't want to lie, then hide it like the Obama legacy . . . . no birth certificate, no school records , no entry to his past. Nice president we got.…


Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 11, 2010 at 2:04am — 1 Comment

There's a lot to like about President George Bush and Laura, What a wonderful act of kindness and comfort.

From unknown sender:

I sent my cousin in Fayetteville , N.C. (retired from Special Forces) that picture of Geo. W. visiting the wounded at Ft. Hood .. I

got this reply:

What is even better is the fact George W. Bush heard about Fort Hood, got

in his car without any escort, apparently they did not have time to react,

and drove to Fort Hood. He was stopped at the gate and the guard

could not believe who…


Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 9, 2010 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

New Orleans just voted themselves another disaster, here comes another Landrieu unbelievable!

New Orleans elects first white mayor since 1978

Sun Feb 7, 2010 12:42am EST…


Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 7, 2010 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Us peasants get scolded for spending excess while President Obama enjoys the surf at Waikiki Beach Hawaii

At a town hall meeting in Nashua, New Hampshire, Obama gave the American people a lecture on weathering the financial storm: "When times are tough, you tighten your belts. You don't go buying a boat

when you can barely pay your mortgage. You don't blow a bunch of cash

on Vegas when you're trying to save for college."

Excuse us? Does Obama really believe families suffering hardship and

misfortune are buying boats and taking… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 5, 2010 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Michigan vies for title of, "Most Dysfunctional State". Will knock out previous California

Michael Moore Seeks Million-Dollar Refundable Tax Credit (from Program He Trashed) to Cover Costs of His Anti-Capitalist Movie

Thursday, February 04, 2010



Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 5, 2010 at 1:13pm — No Comments

Justice Thomas explains simply why the Supreme Court is right and Obama is wrong.

Justice Defends Ruling on Campaign Finance


Published: February 3, 2010

WASHINGTON — In expansive remarks at a law school in Florida, Justice Clarence Thomas on Tuesday vigorously defended the Supreme Court’s recent campaign finance decision.

And Justice Thomas explained that he did not attend State of the Union addresses — he missed the dust-up when President Obama used the occasion last week to… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 4, 2010 at 12:22am — No Comments

Is this article "smoke and mirrors" ? If there ARE training camps, where are our spy satelites and drones?

Americans in Yemen, Including Ex-Prisoners, Put U.S. on ‘Heightened Alert,’ Report Says

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

By Fred Lucas, Staff Writer

( – U.S. officials say a “significant threat” could come from American citizens, some of them ex-convicts, who traveled to Yemen. The threat has put federal law enforcement on “heightened alert.”

“Most worrisome is a group of as many as three dozen former criminals who converted to Islam in prison, were… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 3, 2010 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Obama giving our "INTERNET" away.

Obama Surrendering Internet to Foreign Powers

Sunday, 31 Jan 2010 06:41 PM

Article Font Size

By: Bradley A. Blakeman

Without the ingenuity of America’s brightest minds and the investment of U.S. taxpayer dollars, there would be no Internet, as we now know it today.

Now, the Obama administration has moved quietly to cede control of the Web from the United States to foreign powers.

Some… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 2, 2010 at 11:20am — 3 Comments

What IS the TEA Party movement, how do we keep it pure?

Patrick Henry in the Virginia House of Burgesses, 1765

“Caesar had his Brutus, Charles I his Cromwell, and George III… …may profit by their example. If this be treason, make the most of it.”

The Tea Party Movement in 2009 set a precedent that hasn’t been seen since the original Tea Party. The last time so many Americans gathered to tell their government that they were dissatisfied with the direction it was going they were… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on February 1, 2010 at 2:26pm — No Comments

Larry Kudlow needs your help . . . . . should he or shouldn't he run against Schumer?


Many New Yorkers agree: it would be difficult to find a federal legislator as bad as US Senator Chuck Schumer. Schumer is personally responsible for much of the bad policy that led to the economic melt down of the United States. He stands firmly in favor of health care reform that is bad for New Yorkers. He supports a tax on banks that is poison for the Empire State. And now, petty bully Schumer is… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 31, 2010 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Enter YOUR OWN ( values and choices ) in one of those " POLLS " Here's your chance

John Zogby (born 1948) is an American political pollster and first senior fellow at The Catholic University of America's Life Cycle Institute. He is the founder, president and CEO of Zogby International, a polling firm known for both phone polling and interactive, Internet-based polling.

Ask Someone You Know To… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 31, 2010 at 11:21am — 1 Comment

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