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PHILIP SCHNEIDER's Blog – January 2010 Archive (39)

TEA PARTY movement being guided by several groups including Freedom Works.

Tea Partiers Go Big With Fundraising Campaign to Rival

By Jake Gibson


Eyeing the success of and other grassroots groups, the conservative-minded FreedomWorks, which has been at the frontline organizing tea partiers into a half-million strong membership, has announced ambitious plans on the fundraising front.

Eyeing the success of and other grassroots groups, the conservative-minded FreedomWorks, which has been… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 26, 2010 at 2:11am — 3 Comments

The Media . . . . don't count on them to tell the truth !

The last couple of years all of us patriots have felt the change in the media. At first we thought we had missed the stories but after so much had passed under our radar we started looking for the answer.

Well, our feelings about the media were right just like our feelings about Obama are right. We were/are being lied to and we're in the process of doing something about it RIGHT NOW!

Each of these liberal democrat, secular progressive, challenges to our liberty and freedom have to be… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 25, 2010 at 7:19pm — No Comments

Sixth grade kids can spell it but Obama needs those ever-ready teleprompters to do it, EXTEMPORANEOUS

President Barack Obama, accompanied by Education Secretary Arne Duncan, speaks to the media after a discussion with 6th grade students at Graham Road Elementary School in Falls Church, Va., Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2010.

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)…


Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 25, 2010 at 6:21pm — 1 Comment

A possible 2012 presidential candidate? Keep your eyes and ears open for others.

1. Sen. John Thune Eyed for President in 2012

A new figure is emerging as a possible Republican presidential candidate to challenge Barack Obama in 2012 — South Dakota Sen. John Thune.

“For those in the GOP who aren’t giddy about a second Mitt Romney run and aren’t sold on the viability of Tim Pawlenty, Thune represents a mainstream conservative alternative,” Politico reports.

Republican strategist Mark… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 24, 2010 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Brown result proof of sunami or blip on radar?

There is obviously lingering doubt about the continuing strength of the "TEA PARTY" phenomenon that even FOX contributors are still questioning the "LONG TERM COMMITMENT" nationwide of those who have already made plans to change the "normal" way our government does business. The "TEA PARTY" movement is much more than one candidate, or one senate seat, or one election cycle, or even one supreme court decision, middle America has had it! . . . . and they won't rest until there is a positive long… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 23, 2010 at 9:01am — No Comments

During your research save the " tid-bits"

It's all in the wording you see.

No matter what side of the AISLE you're on, THIS is FUNNY and VERY telling!

It just all depends on how you look at some things....

Judy Wallman, a professional genealogy researcher in southern California , was doing some personal work on her own family tree. She discovered that Congressman Harry Reid's great-great uncle, Remus Reid, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889. Both Judy and Harry Reid share… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 22, 2010 at 12:18am — 3 Comments

A Brit takes down "The ONE".

Barak Obama and the CIA: Why does President Pantywaist hate America so badly?

If al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the rest of the Looney Tunes brigade want to kick America to death, they had better move in quickly and grab a piece of the action before Barack Obama finishes the job himself. Never in the history of the United States has a president worked so actively against the interests of… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 20, 2010 at 8:14pm — 3 Comments

Has it really happened or is there still time?


Born 1776, Died 2008

It does not hurt to read this several times.

Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law, St. Paul , Minnesota , points out some interesting facts concerning last November's Presidential election:

* Number of States won by: Obama: 19 McCain: 29

* Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000 McCain:… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 17, 2010 at 2:58pm — 3 Comments

Democrats honing their campaign of "Dirty Tricks" in Massachusetts in run up to November elections.

Despite a slow start trying to save Scott Browns political opponent, The Democrat [cheating, lying, stealing and more despicable subhuman things] machine has come alive. Scott Brown is responding with a resolve unseen in recent campaigns by conservatives. It is refreshing to see the democrats answered in an easy to understand format. Scott Brown will suit the democrat "machine of personal destruction" in a court of law and the court of public… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 17, 2010 at 11:57am — 4 Comments

Federal Government out of control . . . . what do you do?


Here are some Texans doing just that.

GATHERING at the Texas state capitol. Protesting usurpation of STATES RIGHTS.


January 16, 2010…


Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 17, 2010 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

Sheriff needs our help, illegal voters protesting. Lets ride . . . .

Thousands Protest Arizona Sheriff's Immigration Efforts

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Jan. 16: Protesters yell while marching down 35th Avenue in protest against Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

PHOENIX — Ten thousand immigrant rights advocates marched in front of a county jail in Phoenix Saturday in a protest that was aimed at Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's immigration efforts and was marked by a clash between a… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 16, 2010 at 11:56pm — 3 Comments

Obama lied, he can't be trusted, what is this news, INTERPOL can't be busted?

Obama's Secret Vault

by Chuck Norris


On Glenn Beck's Jan. 7 show, he was rightly puzzled regarding the exact purpose of President Barack Obama's Dec. 16 signing of an executive order "DESIGNATING INTERPOL AS A PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION ENTITLED TO ENJOY CERTAIN PRIVILEGES, EXEMPTIONS, AND IMMUNITIES."

Beck spoke for a host of other government watchdogs when he said on the air: "We've been asking ever since it was signed: Why? Who can tell… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 14, 2010 at 12:35pm — 2 Comments

Michael Steele and the RNC . . . . . are they the reason the TEA PARTY succeeds??

Michael Steele Has Lost the Support of His Party

Tuesday, 12 Jan 2010 07:29 PM

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By: Ronald Kessler

Michael Steele was supposed to drive the Republican Party out of the wilderness. Instead, he is driving the party to distraction.

The latest flap involves the release of the Republican National Committee chairman’s book, “Right Now: A 12-Step Program for Defeating the Obama Agenda.” Steele failed to inform Republican congressional leaders… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 13, 2010 at 1:58pm — No Comments

Newt Gingrich describes current political landscape

What’s Going on in Massachusetts?

By Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich

" With one week to go, who will win the special election in Massachusetts to replace the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D) is still anybody’s guess. But before a single vote is counted, we can be sure of this: The Massachusetts race is already telling us a lot about how unhappy Americans are with the liberal, big government agenda in Washington.

On Monday, Scott Brown raised an… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 13, 2010 at 1:43pm — 2 Comments

In the year 2010, (white) Senator Reid calls it "negro talk"


The revelation of Senator Harry Reid's comments referencing "negro talk" is just indicative of the true sentiment elitist liberals, and indeed the Democratic party, have toward black Americans. The history of the Democrat party is one of slavery, secession, segregation, and now socialism. It is this new aged socialism born from the Johnson Great Society programs that have castigated blacks as victims… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 11, 2010 at 7:39am — 1 Comment

The United States 'Tea Party' has an anthem.

Ray Stevens’ Song ‘We the People’ Becoming Anthem of Tea Party Movement

Thursday, January 07, 2010

By Pete Winn, Senior Writer/Editor

Pop and country artist Ray Stevens. (Photo courtesy

( - Grammy Award-winning music artist Ray Stevens has recorded a song and video that is fast becoming the anthem of the Tea Party Movement.

“We the People” is about… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 8, 2010 at 2:36am — No Comments

Some of Obama's past begins to emerge


I knew there had to be a Paul Harvey version to this story. See the white guy in the white suit? Now see the blond in the white dress? See the guy in the middle hmmm-m-m. This picture was taken June 9, 2005. It seems Obama has known these two phonies for awhile, at least from the time he was a Senator. They are getting all the press now as being party crashers and the secret service is… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 8, 2010 at 2:09am — No Comments

IF YOU FLY read this:

How to Recognize and Fight a Terrorist on a Plane

by Randy Plante


The attempted bombing of Delta/Northwest 253 on Christmas Day was not the first from the Islamic terrorists nor will it be the last. Since I am a pilot, I have had people ask what can a passenger do onboard an airplane to help thwart a terrorist attack. Having personal experience with a few events myself, as well as reading articles and hearing stories from other crewmembers, I can give you… Continue

Added by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 5, 2010 at 11:20am — No Comments

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