NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

When Our Votes And Laws Don’t Count, Is There A Peaceful Solution?

Had a great Fourth with friends and family on Plymouth Place- also rode some surprisingly good waves. I especially enjoyed a spectacular fireworks display launched from a barge officially moored off 9th Street. Due to the angle at which 9th intersects our coastline, however, the best vantage point for the fireworks has long been our little beach at Plymouth.

But alas, I awoke this morning to the same old reality of an undocumented criminal usurper in the White House- who is most likely a British subject, and not likely an American citizen. No surprise there. That last birth certificate had to be a joke- right, Barack? U. K. L. Lee?

Yesterday one of my more observant readers commented, "It's hard to believe that someone with all those professional connections produced such an amateurish long-form, unless they set him up because he double-crossed them or he has outlived his usefulness to them."

Sounds reasonable to me. Barack’s Muslim sympathies often seem to outweigh his marching orders from international banking cartel- which is surely a quick way for Barack to outlive “his usefulness.”

Also, here’s more detailed info from The Daily Pen on those two (infamous?) Obama birth announcements from 1961: “In early 2009, researchers discovered announcements of Obama’s birth in two separate Honolulu-based news papers. An investigation of the procedures used to publish birth announcements reveals that the information used by the news papers came directly from the Hawaiian Department of Health’s bi-weekly birth registration lists. These birth announcements are typically published for registrations over a two week period and do not contain the location of the birth. The announcements always assume, without exception, that the parents are married, despite the fact that the ‘1961 Vital Statistics Report of the U.S.: Vol. 1 – Natality’ reveals that of the 17,616 births in Hawaii in 1961, there were 1044 illegitimate births in which the father was not identifiable. An average of three per day!”

But Obama’s ongoing crime spree goes far beyond Constitutional ineligibility. The war in Libya, for example, is now well beyond the 60 day limitation without Congressional approval. Also, Barry apparently used the Map Room in the White House to solicit campaign contributions. Yeah, I know- “It’s only the law Barry’s breaking- and what difference does the law make anymore?”

From Newsmax: “President Barack Obama’s staggering second-quarter fundraising total- which some say could reach as high as $75 million- is expected to smash records and turn heads. But it also is drawing scrutiny from those who object that some of Obama’s fundraising techniques are questionable, and possibly even illegal. reported Friday that election law experts are questioning the legality of a presidential video, filmed in the White House, in which Obama dangled a raffle for a dinner with him and the vice president, in return for a campaign donation.

Title 18, subsection 607, states it is unlawful for the president ‘to solicit or receive a donation of money or other thing of value in connection with a federal, state, or local election, while in any room or building occupied in the discharge of official duties.’

A 1979 Justice Department ruling found that presidential fundraising in the White House is legal, but only when it occurs in the residential portion of the historic mansion.”

And in a depressionesque economy for an entire quarter where generally less than one fourth of polled probable voters, according to Rasmussen, strongly approved of the President’s job performance, where’s all that campaign money coming from? Foreign interests supporting an alien President?

In a nation now ruled by corrupt politicians and elitist interests, burdensome taxation of the American “peasantry” without legitimate representation either in our federal courts or in Congress raises the question, “Who in their right mind can tolerate federal taxes- especially when our tax money is so wantonly wasted?” And if something so basic as a sitting US President submitting a fraudulent birth certificate is totally ignored by both our “in the tank” federal judiciary and our pathetically corrupt Congress, what reasonable recourse have we?

The Obama reign of terror is apparently immune to criminal prosecution. Are not Congress and the federal judiciary complicit? And when our votes and laws no longer count, is there a peaceful solution to tyranny?
Richard Allan Jenni
Ocean City, New Jersey
Real Conservatives

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Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on July 5, 2011 at 5:32pm
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Comment by Raya @ REAL CONSERVATIVES on July 5, 2011 at 5:22pm








Comment by Jim Delaney on July 5, 2011 at 4:00pm
Like Beck took the lead in the August 26th DC gathering last year, could REAL CONSERVATIVES, an established site with a solid following, spearhead some sort of event/action in DC to take our patriotic opining to the next level? No, I'm not speaking about bloodshed or occupation to gov't buildings (yet), but I am speaking about bringing together advocates of and speakers on civil disobedience and nullification and the constitution. A clarion call to the feds that enough is enough. I may also prove to be informational for those no doubt many gov't types who may never have read the Constitution. My concern is that our merely preaching to the choir on patriotic/conservative sites, while  therapeutic, falls far short of being constructive engagement. Right now I feel like our hearts and minds are in the right place, but that we are needlessly spinning our wheels. Any suggestions?  
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on July 5, 2011 at 3:04pm
Thanks. Annette. It is my personal opinion that our founding fathers, most notably Washington, Adams and Jefferson, still labor for us from beyond the veil through the power of God.

Also, I have been amazed at the national dissemination of my own writings and the power of little Real Conservatives. Nevertheless, you are exactly right. The Obamanites can shut down the internet anytime they want. In my darkest moments I fear this pervasive tyranny is like a pernicious cancer that has spread too far to save our Republic without resorting to armed rebellion and/or military coup. I thank Almighty God for the loyal and noble men and women of our military.    
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on July 5, 2011 at 2:52pm

"I feel so desperately powerless." Despite all my patriotic bravado and incendiary rhetoric, I feel the same way Jim. And yes, I'm afraid both questions were "purely rhetorical." Thanks for commiserating. Nevertheless, I pray that our collective communication across (thousands of?) patriot groups throughout America will somehow inspire sufficient action(s) "to take back our country" short of bloodshed. 
Comment by Annette Akerman on July 5, 2011 at 2:51pm


I think Jim Delaney has a good suggestion from the stand point that we MUST become organized; however our organization cannot be handled on an Internet basis.  This has to be handled among neighbors, friends, organizations we belong to, and done in person so we know whom we can trust. My suggestion is to do what they used to do in AMWAY.  Make a selection of 5 (NO MORE THAN 7) people and have a password each of them will know.  They in turn will have the same number of loyal trusted friends and each will have their own password which ONLY that small group will know.  If something happens 1 person can notify everyone in his group, and from there each person with their own password will know to inform his group immediately.  This lends itself to safety and rapid dispersement of information as well.

I have no doubt we are being monitored in many places, so a simple password shared with only a select small number, and each from there expanding out from that group allows for a safe and rapid spread of information.  It is just a pity that our country has to resort to anything like this for the safety of our citizens. 

It appears, Richard, our forefathers knew this day would come with their many quotes on the subject, and the 2nd Amendment.  One of the newest Executive Orders gives homeland security to take our guns!  Now is the time to prepare, and prepare well.

Comment by Jim Delaney on July 5, 2011 at 2:24pm

I'm sure the question you pose in the last para, that being "are not Congress and the federal judiciary complicit?", is purely  rhetorical. Re your second question, that being "is there a peaceful solution to tyranny?", that, I'm certain, is rhetorical as well. I simply do not see an easy way forward if we are to dislodge these neo-Marxists from our Republic. We can't talk/opinionate them out of power. We'd best get organized. If I knew more about the internet and computers, I'd gladly lead the organizational effort. Perhaps REAL CONSERVATIVES can take the lead in this effort to link patriotic groups around a more coalescing, activiist agenda to restore the Republic. This could include marches on DC and all manner of genuinely activist efforts to take back our country. I feel so desperately powerless.






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