NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

You’re a good man, Brother Santorum- and thanks for bailing out. My best to you and your family, especially precious little Bella…


Let’s hope Romney can recover from the GOP food fight that nearly eclipsed America’s real menace, namely the Kenyan traitor. And whatever the purest conservatives among you may think of Mitt, he’s our only hope to send Barry back to Nairobi.


Let me address the “establishment candidate” issue.


The establishment is not the Grand Old Party, although the GOP has assuredly been strongly influenced by it.


The establishment is a vast and vicious secret combination composed of the international banking cartel and its affiliate mega-corporations. This includes the military-industrial complex- about which Ike sternly warned us. It also includes their favorite tools of anarchy, namely the Mexican drug lords, international commies, union thugs and Muslim extremists.


The establishment, for example, brought us the Kennedy assassination, the Vietnam War and the 9/11 debacle. The establishment has brought us endless wars- frazzling our military families and bankrupting our national treasury (a spendthrift Congress notwithstanding). The establishment wants a New World Order- and insists on our acquiescence and servitude. The establishment has, perhaps worst of all, brought us Barack Hussein Obama- the great Kenyan imposter.


Who was the GOP establishment candidate? Well, there was quite a parade. Cain, Perry, Gingrich and Santorum all took their turn- anybody that the Kenyan fraud could easily beat this November.


And consider this. If Romney was ever the establishment candidate, why did he have to spend forty million bucks of his own last time around, running against the tired old man who gave us Barry Obama by default?


Establishment Presidential election strategy will thrive on the racial divisiveness. The rich will be pitted against the poor. Union bosses against non-union workers. America’s working men and women against the entitlement crowd. Evangelical Christians against Mormon Christians.  Even men against women. Any ruckus they can stir up to distract us from America’s most prominent “clear and present danger,” namely Barack Hussein Obama.


And by the way! I share Sherriff Joe Arpaio’s utter frustration. Obama is an undocumented alien worker if there ever was one! We’ve never seen a valid birth certificate, unless one of the Kenyan offerings is authentic. Barry apparently uses a phony SSN- and even his college records are sealed.


But I forgot. The lamestream media is controlled by the establishment. They also control the Democrat National Committee. (Ask Hillary Clinton about the DNC the last time around.) They presently control our DOJ- and you will get no justice from Eric Holder. (However, while the establishment through their POTUS puppet has tried their best to pack, humiliate and intimidate the Supreme Court, I believe unconstitutional ObamaCare will be struck down.)


It amazes me how a sitting US President (and it pains me to call Barry by that title) can openly commit treason against the American people- and be completely  unchecked by a duplicitous Congress! The most flagrant example to date was probably that recent “off mike” comment to the outgoing Russian president. Heaven help us if this monster gains a second term!


And does the establishment still influence the GOP? Certainly- but not so much now with the advent of the Taxed Enough Already. For example, I do believe Wisconsin’s Paul Ryan is an honest and honorable man…


In closing, America, we are in the fight of our lives. If Barry Obama can’t win the election honestly, he will lie, cheat and steal his way toward a second term. An unrestrained Obama would terminate what remains of American liberty and prosperity. Think gasoline and food prices are high now? The planned tax increases alone will devastate American families. No, this is not a time to relinquish all hope, roll over and play dead. Time to fight the establishment! Time to rock and roll!

Richard Allan Jenni

Hobble Creek, Utah
Real Conservatives

Views: 189


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Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on April 11, 2012 at 11:27am

Thanks, all of you, for your heartfelt comments.

Once again, I dearly love Ron Paul- but he doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell to gain the GOP nod. As for Gingrich, if he isn't Mr. Establishment, I don't know who is. Moreover, I just don't trust Newt.

For better or worse, the GOP Presidential candidate will be Romney. Personally, I hope Wisconsin's Paul Ryan will be the running mate.  Any better suggestions for a VP? Please don't tell me Governor Christie- although Jersey voters would probably turn out in record numbers and vote the GOP ticket just to get rid of Chris. (Actually, I happen to like Christie, but he's got incurable "Hoof in Mouth"  like Joe Biden...)  


Comment by Beverly Huffman on April 11, 2012 at 10:25am

Lets hope the republicans recognize this is a second chane to restore America, We must draw a clear line in the sand between the right and the left, Romney is too closely aligned with Obama, Gingrich has the accomplishments, the experence an the reforms behind him, it is time to let the Conservatives in the gop take control of the out of control truck headed off the final cliff..we need leadership that knows how to get things done. My prayers go out to Rick Santorum and his family, this was a difficult decision to make, but a wise decision on behalf of his little girl who needs her daddy now.

Comment by Chaplain Thomas Gilbert Cole on April 11, 2012 at 10:20am

If I presented "documents" as the resident has to the United States Air Force, I most assuredly would not have received a Top Secret Security clearance!

Comment by Worried Grammie on April 11, 2012 at 9:21am

I agree with all you said, Richard, however there are huge red flags with Romney.  If it is actually true that there are going to be imminent arrests of a bunch of the dark cabal.  Have you read the Financial Tyranny articles on David Wilcock's site?  Have you heard Drake on freedomizerradio?  I pray this is all true, and the corrupt ones globally are going to be removed.  Have you done any research on the over 300 global bankers that have resigned or retired in the last couple of months?  There is a lot more at play now than the battle between Romney and Obama.  Because of Romney's dubious relationship for years with the Bush cabal, I fear he has been chosen as the one to oppose Obama deliberately, and that Obama will win and will be our absolute dictator.  Just think about the FDAA and the EO he signed on 3/16/12.  Everything is set up for him to rule by fiat.  Then think about the racial divide being perpetrated by all media over the Martin/Zimmerman shooting, the outright threats of violence by the Black Panthers, and the support the OWS have gotten from the left.  I fear we are in for a really violent summer and a rally nasty election season.  If there is enough violence, all Obama has to do is declare martial law and there won't even be an election in Nov.  God be with us!!!






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