NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Sometimes we need to take a fresh look at things. Take burning the American flag, for example. While I do not by any means condone the depravity of anyone who intentionally desecrates the Stars and Stripes, consider this. I have always been taught that once an American flag touches the ground, it should be burned. So when unruly radicals desecrate our flag by tossing it on the ground or by even touching it with their filthy hands, they are doing exactly the right thing by burning it! In Ocean City, as in many other towns across America I would expect, our loyal Boy Scouts have collected our worn and/or desecrated flags- and reverently burned them. And while our enemies may lack the proper respect exemplified by the Boy Scouts, it is always a good thing when these irreverent fools incinerate an American flag they have desecrated.

Now much has been made of Barack Hussein Obama bearing so many obvious similarities to monsters like Adolf Hitler and Fidel Castro- which astute comparisons I heartily endorse. However, I believe that it may be Barry Obama, despite his nefarious socialist intentions and clandestine elitist connections, whom historians will credit for saving the Republic. Shocking?

Consider this. The infamous New World Order gangsters, or whatever you choose to call them, have been on a roll since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was passed by Congress. When the private interests of Federal Reserve assumed control of our issuing our currency, we were immediately consigned to servitude and poverty- just as Thomas Jefferson warned us so long ago.

I have previously stated that our last real President, despite my abiding admiration and affection for Ronald Wilson Reagan, was John Fitzgerald Kennedy. However, poor Jack wasn’t around long after he announced his intentions to once again print our own currency and thereby squash the Fed.

I should perhaps go back a bit further and extol the virtues of Dwight David Eisenhower- who has been unfairly dubbed merely a “caretaker” President. Ike’s caring eight years constituted the heart of my growing up, and I can tell you without reservation that America has not experienced such bliss since he left the White House. Moreover, I submit that Ike carefully set the stage for subsequent progress toward racial equality in America.

For example, it was Eisenhower “who appointed Earl Warren as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Warren molded a unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Education, striking down public school segregation… Eisenhower was consistently careful to appoint to the southern districts federal judges who were solidly committed to equal rights, fighting southern senators to get them confirmed. When enforcement of future civil rights laws came before the district courts in the 1960s, they were upheld by progressive judges – Frank Johnson, Jr., and Elbert Parr Tuttle, for instance – appointed by Eisenhower years earlier. Eisenhower’s judicial appointments constitute a significant contribution to civil rights…”

Back to Obummer- uh, I mean, Obama. Do you really think we’d be better off if that old rhinoceros John McCain had been elected in lieu of Barry Obama? Yes, Sarah Palin would be our Vice President- but surely the establishment would have jammed a large cork in her mouth. And the sad truth is that the true patriots of America would in horrifically large number still be slumbering- and I seriously doubt that John would have been a real President.

But enter Barack Hussein Obama. The infernal globalists, most ostensibly represented by the evil George Soros, managed to get their man elected- not that John McCain would have disappointed them altogether. The ruthless proponents of the New World Order could now achieve their globalist goals much sooner than heretofore imagined! Push the Republic into irreversible debt. Nationalize America’s private enterprise- from the automobile industry to healthcare. Shred the Constitution! Pack the courts! Open the southern border!

Oops! They woke us up. That’s what happens when overconfident goons get a little too far ahead of themselves- when they get a bit too big for their britches.

Did the American sleeping giant awake in time?  Only time will tell- but for sure, sooner is better than later. I have been sounding the alarm about the globalist agenda since I quoted Jefferson at a town hall gathering in Magna, Utah back in the 1970s- but not until the advent of the anointed Muslim prophet from Kenya have I managed to garner anyone’s lasting attention! And most certainly others share the same complaint! So thanks, Barry- seriously. I mean it.

I still abhor everything that you, your socialist buddies and your globalist sponsors stand for. Yes, I’m still convinced you’re Constitutionally unqualified to be President- which is just one more bite of a poison apple. And personally, I suspect Neil Abercrombie found your Hawaiian birth certificate- but chose not to expose its reference to your Kenyan birth. Nevertheless, globalist tyranny neither started, nor shall it end with the likes of you. Thank Heaven for a pompous fool so bizarre and criminal- so flawed to the point of obscenity- that the American people have finally awakened to their awful state of affairs! 

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Comment by Sandra on January 21, 2011 at 10:53pm

Well you continue to come u with great articles. I suppose in time we will see just which way things are going to head. I bet the spin gets a lot worse in the months ahead. As they say, hear a lie often enough, you start believing it.  Mst f the people do not understand what freedom is, except getting paid NOT to work and taking handouts, I hope those peopel do not have to learn the hard way like they did in Germany. 

As a side not, all of a sudden getting 505 errors, when I go to read a blog? Hummm curios...

Thanks for a good read as always.

Comment by Bruce Graves on January 21, 2011 at 6:26pm
Good post Rich!






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