NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

First, my take on yesterday’s encouraging House vote to repeal ObamaCare. It was refreshing to see the House vote in favor of the American people- as opposed to supporting Barry Obama’s spread-the-wealth socialist agenda. And yes, we all knew it wouldn’t go any further- since our enemies are still in control of the Senate and White House. However, conservatives should not press for alternate slivers of legislation to fix the woes of ObamaCare. There is simply too much wrong with it- and passing a few improvements would only serve to empower this catastrophic illness. We must eventually repeal ObamaCare and start over. Moreover, if the newly divided Congress does nothing more than fail to pass further legislation of any kind, I believe America will be the better for it- as in the medical directive “Do no harm.” In the meantime, maybe the antidote for poisonous ObamaCare lies in our judicial system.

And looking ahead to 2012, there will be unprecedented vitriolic discourse during the next protracted Presidential campaign- a raging enmity between right and left with scant middle ground. Those on the left who are now thoroughly disenchanted with Obama will even pick fights within their own liberal ranks. Count on it. Therefore, it is my fervent hope that the more conservative among the Taxed-Enough-Already will now unite with the more moderate among us and select our 2012 Presidential standard bearers as soon as possible- meaning our preferred ticket of two. Our choice for Vice President is no less important than our critical choice for President. Moreover, we simply cannot afford to repeat the Republican circus we saw in 2008. This time let the Democrats squabble among themselves- not that Barry and Hillary weren’t entertaining.

Neither is it wise to suppose a pair of well-intentioned TEA Party third-birds will become sufficiently airborne to do more than divide the anti-Obama vote.

And unfortunately, much of the 2012 Presidential outcome will depend on fundraising. The TEA Party friendly Republicans will be outclassed by the Obamacrats for two reasons. First, the continuing effects of a lingering recession painfully prolonged by Obama’s insane economic policies will hamper political donations from America’s conservative grassroots. Second, you can bet that foreign donations in large amounts will again pour into Obama’s coffers. It is therefore important that the Democrats spend as much money as possible fighting each other- and that we spend our own money fighting the Dems.

And in the dirty-trick department, the Dems will still reign supreme. Look no further than Jerry Brown beating Meg Whitman for proof of that sad reality. All the more reason to get our vetting out of the way early- and keep up the pressure on the kid from Kenya to finally produce his birth certificate!

Finally, I also fear that the current economic pressures weighing heavily on America’s middleclass will take a frightening toll on TEA Party momentum. We must keep this train moving, folks. We’re on a steep uphill climb- and this is no time for our old locomotive to grind to a screeching halt.

On the positive side of American politics, the new House will surely wield its power of the purse strings to slow or perhaps even stop the Obama juggernaut. And though it may be wishful thinking, I still hope for a few Dem Senate defections sufficient to strip pompous Harry of his majority leadership power. And yes, the majority of the American electorate is finally wide awake- thanks to none other than Barry Obama himself.

And perhaps no other issues irritate the American middleclass more than our shrinking economic opportunities and the waning of our individual liberties. Red China seems to put a face on both.

Watch the news last night? Catch Michelle’s hideously appropriate red dress? As President Obama continues to cozy up to the Red Chinese, that ruthless and conniving communist government has no intention whatsoever of relaxing their iron grip on the Chinese people, whose human rights are in dire short supply. Also, the Red Chinese have taken advantage of their cheap (nearly slave) labor to produce and export an avalanche of shoddy goods- which gullible Americans buy to save a buck, unwittingly robbing American workers of their jobs. To make matters worse, the Chinese are using their soaring profits to buy up natural resources around the globe- a mammoth undertaking that makes the scrap metal shipped to Japan prior to WWII look like chump change. The Red Chinese wisely favor gold and silver bullion to scrap iron. All that smoke and mirrors at the White House yesterday? Made me sick. Trade deal, my foot, Barry! And how about the interest paid to China on the federal deficit?

And just for the record, I was called a “ranting lunatic” this week- a timely and effective left-handed compliment, considering the current full moon.

Well, back in the twentieth century we survived the Great Depression, several wars and Jimmy Carter- not to mention numerous other calamites. Guess we can land on our patriot feet one more time- Janet Napolitano, Eric Holder and the rest of the king’s idiots notwithstanding…

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on January 21, 2011 at 7:56am

This outlines the planned takeover of the entire U.S. Of A.  This week the EPA took over the coal mines in West Virginia, last month they took over the permits for the operation of chemicalplant, refineries, and other industries throughtout Texas.  Obama has begun the second phase of his rule by fiat; using the different governmental agencies to begin the take over of all businesses.  It's time for the states to stand up and demand that the government follow the constitution.


This past July, we had the pleasure of sharing a summer barbecue with a
refugee from Cuba.  Our dinner conversation was starkly different than most.


This refugee came to the  United States as a young boy in the early
1960s.  His family was more fortunate than most as they were able to bring a suitcase and $100 when they fled Castro's newly formed revolutionary paradise.

Our dinner consisted of all-American fare: hamburgers, potato salad,
watermelon and fresh ears of sweet corn.  This is a menu shared with
family and friends nationwide, while celebrating the birth of our beloved
America on the Fourth of July.

We began with a simple discussion about our country and the direction
it has taken since Barack Obama came to power.  We shared the usual
complaints about the sour economy and liberal social engineering emanating from the rulers in Washington.

But then he said it.  The sentence came naturally.  I assume it was
unplanned.  But it carried the weight of a freight train.  "You know when
Castro took power, none of us knew he was a Communist."

We sat stunned.  He continued, "Yes, we all thought he was a patriot, a
nationalist.  Before the revolution he didn't sound like a radical."

The comparison at this point was easy, and I interjected, "You mean
just like Barack Obama?"

He responded, "Yes, just like Barack Obama."

He continued, "We were all shocked as the government just continued to

grab more power.  First they said the revolution is over, so please turn
in your guns.  We all complied."

"I remember my uncle saying after it started, 'Castro will only nationalize some of the big industries, he will never come and take our family hardware store.  'But that is exactly what happened, Castro started with the sugar mills and the large industries, but they eventually came and knocked on the door of our family hardware store.  My family had run this store for generations.  They said we now own the hardware store, you work for us.  And that nice, large four-bedroom home you own, it is now our property also, and you can move yourself and five children into two rooms of the house because others are moving in with you."

The lesson learned from this discussion is a lesson most Americans
refuse to hear.  Political leaders can lie about their agenda and once in
office they can take totally unexpected turns.

If you had asked us three years ago if we thought General Motors would
be nationalized, we would have never believed it.  We could never
contemplate a country where the rule of law, the most fundamental building block of a justice society would be evaporating just like it did in Castro's Cuba in the early 1960s.

But the news of injustice keeps increasing.  Black Panthers are not
charged with wrongdoing by the U.S. Department of Justice because their crimes are against whites. The bondholders of GM are stripped of their
assets without due process by the government.  Governmental leaders are bribed in full daylight only to have all investigation of the crimes
stifled by the Attorney General.  The  U.S. borders are overrun with crime
and illegal activity and the leaders in D.C. act as if it is important to
protect the lawbreakers while the innocent are killed and overrun.  When
local communities attempt to enforce the law, they are ridiculed and
threatened as racists and bigots.  They are sued by the very
administration entrusted  with enforcing the law.

Without the rule of law the U.S. Constitution is a sham.  Without the
rule of law our beloved America is swiftly becoming a country where only
the well connected and politically powerful will be safe.  As Michelle Malkin has so eloquently explained in her recent book, a culture of corruption has replaced honest government.

The only way this problem will be fixed is by massive citizen action.
All honest citizens that want to be treated equally must come together and
demand that the favoritism, the bribes, the uneven enforcement of law end
now.  And yes, it can happen here.

May God save the United States of America!

Yitchok D

Comment by Sandra on January 20, 2011 at 11:19pm
As always as good read. If only we can gt this all back on track. We have to keep going, you sure can tell they are worried about the TP people... Time we spin it back on them and do like they do. Thanks as always.






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