NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

House Must Use Its Subpoena Power To Uncover Obama’s Past Now!

So neither John Fitzgerald Kennedy nor Martin Luther King were perfect men. So What? Know any adults who lived a perfect life? Anybody but Jesus? I don’t. Moreover, these men were not murdered because of their imperfections- and neither were fall guys Lee Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray the lone assassins- if Ray was involved at all. Both Kennedy and King were assassinated because they were a threat to the global establishment- and there’s no doubt in my military mind that Lyndon Baines Johnson was mixed up in, meaning involved in, both killings. So was FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover…

I have already written extensively about the murder of President Kennedy- especially the testimony of Lyndon Baines Johnson’s longtime paramour. 

Here’s more from Prison Planet: “The night before the Kennedy assassination, Lyndon Baines Johnson met with Dallas tycoons, FBI moguls and organized crime kingpins- emerging from the conference to tell his mistress Madeleine Duncan Brown that ‘those SOBs’ would never embarrass him again. Though Brown first went public on her 21-year relationship with Johnson in the early 80s, to this day her shocking revelations about how he had told her the Kennedy’s ‘would never embarrass me again’ the night before the assassination are often ignored by the media who prefer to keep the debate focused on issues which can’t definitively be proven either way (or at least can be spinned and whitewashed).”

The five video clips to which I originally referred have now been scrubbed from YouTube, ostensibly for copyright infringement. The interview with Madeleine shown in one of those banned clips was moving and explicit. Make sure you carefully watch this one, in which she quotes LBJ coming out of the secret meeting in Texas the night before JFK was killed: “He was so angry. He had a violent temper… He grabbed me by the arm, and he has this deep voice, and he said, ‘After tomorrow those SOBs will never embarrass me again. That’s no threat. That’s a promise.’ And it startled me…”

And from an informative article “Who Killed JFK?” on the Teknosis site: 

“The night before Kennedy was killed, a party was held, at the Dallas home of oil millionaire Clint Murchison, where there was a secret meeting of about 25 men that took place to discuss the assassination and the cover up of JFK the next day. At this meeting was some very powerful men, H. L Hunt, Lyndon Baines Johnson, John Mc Cloy, the director of Chase Manhattan Bank and Chairman of the CFR. He was an agent of the Rothschilds and a high-ranking member of the Illuminati, who control the Federal Reserve, who wanted Kennedy dead. On June 4, 1963, JFK had stripped the Federal Reserve Bank of all its power to loan money to the U.S. government at 10% interest, by signing Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve.

George Brown (of Brown and Root) controlled all the big Military contracts, and he offered Johnson lucrative kick backs to have Kennedy killed, so they could continue to keep the Vietnam war going for as long as possible. And Earl Campbell the brother of Charles Campbell who was the Deputy Director of the CIA who was fired by Kennedy over the Cuba invasion and the Bay of Pigs, which nearly ended up in a nuclear confrontation with the Russians. The CIA wanted JFK dead because he had threatened to get rid of their corrupt Nazi clandestine organization and shred it into a thousand pieces. Also included at the meeting was Richard Nixon, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover (33 degree illuminati freemason), and Texas Governor John Connally. Johnson appointed Hoover Director of the FBI for life, not only to help cover up the JFK murder, but to make sure that there would never be any investigation into his involvement in the assassination.

George H. W. Bush and Richard Nixon joined Hoover that night in Dallas at the Murchison gathering on November 21, 1963 before Kennedy arrived the next day, according to alleged Kennedy co-conspirator and spotter Frank Sturgis. Sturgis’ explosive revelations about Bush and Nixon is also confirmed by a living witness who worked for Clint Murchison at the time of the assassination. Incredibly, not only did the witness collaborate their meeting prior to the assassination, but also a second gathering involving the alleged co conspirators (including the assassins and their spotters) who toasted and celebrated Kennedy’s death as they watched television reports the next night. George Bush had worked for Clint Murchison in Haiti, and was also a business partner. At the time George H. W. Bush was the head of Zapata Oil, and in charge of the CIA invasion of Cuba.”

In regard to Dr. King’s murder, please attentively watch this video from Forbidden TV, accompanied by this statement: “It’s truly amazing that most Americans still think that the ‘lone nut’ James Earl Ray was the killer of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In 1999, through the tireless efforts of Martin Luther King’s family, it was proven in a US Court of Law that? The United States Government was responsible for the triple-redundant plan that assured King’s assassination on April 4, 1968...”

Yes, seventy witnesses in that civil trial. And did you catch the video’s reference to the co-conspirators- including J. Edgar Hoover?

Fast-forward to present-day and all the unanswered questions piling up in the twenty-first century. From the demolition of the Twin Towers and Building Seven to the seedy mysteries of Obama’s clandestine past, it seems both the US Government and the lamestream media still dole out truth to the American public on a need-to-know basis- and in their view, we just don’t need to know.

The repetitive patterns of governmental and mainstream media behavior emerging from the past are key to understanding our present predicament- and the need to uncover truth while those hiding it are yet in power- or even still alive, for that matter. Obama’s simple plan, for example, is that he will be long gone from American politics by the time the swamp gas from his miasmic past begins to bubble from Washington’s political muck.

The latest skinny on Neil Abercrombie’s quest for Zero’s birth certificate is that the White House will neither comment on, nor become involved in the Governor’s recent tilting at windmills. Moreover, it seems Neil can’t uncover what he was so sure he could find- and is now spouting some dribble about something “written down” in Hawaii’s archives. My guess is that he actually found the long form that was issued in 1961 after the family supplied the pertinent birth information according to Hawaiian law at that time- and that it states Barry was born in Kenya, as many of us have maintained all along.

I do not condone the release of classified information by WikiLeaks or any similar organization. However, at a time when apparently all the stuff we need to know is either classified or otherwise suppressed, what choice have we? Ignorance, subservience and poverty?

Barack Hussein Obama is about to run for re-election with an anticipated war chest in excess of a billion dollars. We can’t wait for Zero’s equivalent of the Zapruder film to become public domain. The new Republican-controlled House must use its mighty subpoena power to uncover the secrets of Obama’s past now- and not render the verdict of James David Manning null and void.

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Comment by Sandra on January 23, 2011 at 5:43pm
As always a wonderful read! I wish they would, just seems that Soros and the ilk will not let that happen. This crap needs to be settled and soon, we also must put pressure on our states to vet people properly too! If they had the last time, maybe the mess we are in would not of been as bad. McCain would of been a issue to, maybe not as bad, guess we will never know. Thinking back, doesn't it all look like a set up? Young vs older candidates? I hope we get one to run that is a true American and not the ones we have thus far! By the way, do you know that Mitt Rommey is not really eligible either for the same reason zero wasn't! His father is foreign born! Not to mention did we forget what his socialized medicine has doe to Mass! Bankrupted them... We need to follow the money and who is supporting these people. Most so far are CFR and globalist and do not be fooled by Newt either! Time to see the upcoming political spin as packaged propaganda! Spin to sell a lousy choice for us... Thanks again for an excellent read and I still say, the writes such as yourself will be the ones in the future history books that replaced the spin media and that people depend on reading for the truth.
Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 23, 2011 at 11:42am
Comment by Bruce Graves on January 22, 2011 at 10:28pm
Great post, Rich.






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