NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Historians Will Call This Midterm Election “The Obama Referendum!”

It is indisputable that Barry Obama was a British citizen at birth by virtue of his father’s Kenyan birthright- and also became a Kenyan citizen in 1963 when that nation gained independence from Great Britain. Moreover, through the birthright of his step-father Lolo Soetoro, Barry later became Indonesian citizen as well when he went to school in Indonesia as a child.

On the other hand, there has been no legitimate legal documentation forthcoming which would justify the widespread assumption that Barry is an American citizen- or born on Hawaii’s beautiful island of Oahu.

Indeed, all the anecdotal evidence points to an opposite conclusion. It seems the entire country of Kenya believes Barry was born there. Indeed, Sarah Obama, second wife of Hussein Onyango Obama and more properly called Sarah Onyango, has been widely quoted as saying that she was in the delivery room when Barack was born in Kenya.

And yes, Barry has all the earmarks of an illegal alien. He has failed to produce a valid American birth certificate. He has used multiple Social Security numbers. He has close familial and political ties to a foreign country. His past is shrouded in secrecy- and no expense has been spared to keep it that way.

Nevertheless, the dispute over Barry’s birthplace is secondary to the Constitutional impact of his father’s British birthright. It was just such a circumstance that the founding fathers desired to prevent- namely a foreign national siring a son who would eventually become a US President and be under a foreign influence- especially that of Great Britain. This may be one of the reasons Barry made a show of returning the bust of Winston Churchill.

There has been recent conservative pressure on LTC Terry Lakin’s defense team to change their defense strategy- and focus on the British citizenship of Barry’s father- rather than on breaching the apparently impenetrable firewall protecting Barry’s birth documentation. I think that shift would be wise.

However, there is a more serious issue confronting us here- namely ruthless political interests being allowed to virtually amend the US Constitution at will to facilitate their nefarious schemes. In that regard, plans for a New World Order are real. Political meddling by the international banking cartel is real. The steady erosion of American liberty is real.

Obama’s strategy to circumvent truth has been consistent. Like all of our slick politicians, he continually lies to the American people with an air of pious sincerity- and repeatedly promotes a particular falsehood until enough gullible folks finally believe it. And be assured that my constant references to Lyin’ Lyndon as I rail on the perfidy of Bald-faced Barry are no accident.

Moreover, the mainstream media, including the duplicitous pundits at Fox News, continues to smugly sidestep the issue of Obama’s Constitutional eligibility with a flip comment that Barry was born in Hawaii. That would include Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, Greta Van Susteren and Newt Gingrich.

And speaking of Gingrich, I regard Newt an extremely intelligent political luminary who is flirting with a run for the Presidency- but also as a man with a hidden agenda in whom Americans would be foolish to place their blind trust.

There are those who think this eligibility issue is a distraction from the upcoming election. A resounding no! The upcoming election is unquestionably a national referendum on the Presidency and policies of Barack Hussein Obama- and all truth contradicting Barry’s long litany of lies is relevant to the swaying of voter opinion against him.

Moreover, it is naïve to think that most Americans vote the issues. They just don’t. Most folks vote their gut feelings toward a candidate. And since the November election is a referendum on Obama, most folks this year will be voting on their gut reaction to Barry. The entire sum of his negative baggage is relevant- including his obvious lack of Constitutional eligibility.

Also, it is virtually impossible for one person to effectively address the vast array of Congressional and gubernatorial races across America on an individual basis. However, there is one seething pot that all these races have in common: Barack’s failed Presidency and his ineligibility for the office.

It is my opinion that continuing to hammer the Obama administration is the most cost-effective way to win in 2010- and again in 2012. The Dems, on the other hand, must focus on the character assassination of individual candidates- such as Edmund Jerry Brown’s recent attack on Meg Whitman. And by the way, advocating Jerry’s return as Governor of California is tantamount to calling back Jimmy Carter for a devastating rerun of his Peanut Presidency…

When historians look back on this spectacular midterm election, it will no doubt be called “The Obama Referendum.”

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Comment by Sandra on October 4, 2010 at 5:09pm
Excellent, Excellent and Excellent..... So well stated. Thank you!






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