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Gingrich Now On The Scrapheap Of American Political History!

I now confess to have once given Gingrich the benefit of my doubt, because I had NO doubt that Newt is more intelligent than I am- or that he is better schooled in the schemes and dreams of American politics than I’ll ever be. Nevertheless, when I recently heard him chortle that Barry was born in Hawaii, the last straw fell with an unmistakable thud upon my overburdened patience.

I’ve long felt that Newt has a hidden agenda- hidden as in Barry’s birth records. If I had to guess at a motive, I suppose it would be a mixture of his lust for political power and his need for public approval. Those drugs seem as addictive as crack cocaine- which I’m told requires only one hit to get ya hooked.

Why would a man so familiar with America’s Revolution and Constitution seem so cavalier about Obama’s obvious ineligibility for the Presidency? Putting aside the whole of Kenyan testimony that Obama was born in Africa, how can this respected former Speaker of the House not care that Barry’s father was never an American citizen- or worse yet, that Barry’s father was a citizen of Great Britain- the tyrant from whom we so painfully gained our independence?

The answers to these provocative questions lie hidden in plain sight.

I now refer you to a video presentation entitled “The Real Newt Gingrich” by John Mc Manus of the John Birch Society. If any of you harbor reservations about JBS, consider that for as long as I can remember, this fine patriotic organization has warned against our membership in the United Nations. Moreover, one of the earliest clarion warnings about the global conspiracy was the JBS book “None Dare Call It Conspiracy” by Gary Allen- perhaps surpassed only by Cleon Skousen’s classic of that era, “The Naked Capitalist.” The video segments are: one, two, three and four.

And after having watched this informative video presentation by Mc Manus, I have no doubt whatsoever that Gingrich is both a globalist and a traitor. Strong words? Take the time to watch the video yourself.

In particular, I was shocked to learn that Gingrich campaigned for Nelson Rockefeller in 1968. I vividly remember the Republican Convention of 1976- and the unforgettable confrontation between Nelson and my beloved hero at the time, Ronald Reagan. Say it isn’t so, Newt…

Mere membership in the infamous Council on Foreign Relations should be sufficient to exclude Newt from true conservative circles- although the term “conservative” has become far too inclusive, as Mc Manus points out.

I also see a striking resemblance between Gingrich and the whole of Fox News- common threads which I perceive to be part of a globalist agenda. And yes, I now understand why Newt is so welcome on FNC- and why I’ve never once seen Alan Keyes featured on Fox. Please correct me if I’ve missed something so momentous. My imagination?

Yesterday I watched Fox coverage of the murder of David Hartley by Mexican pirates on Falcon Lake. I was dumfounded by Shepherd Smith’s attempt to portray David’s wife Tiffany as a possible murder suspect- despite an eyewitness account that their jet skis were being pursued by three pirate vessels- and despite additional credible testimony that Tiffany was in shock after seeing her husband shot in the head while they were caught in a hail of pirate gunfire.

From Pamela Dickman of the Loveland Reporter-Herald on 2 October 2010: “Crouched in the seat of her Jet Ski, Tiffany Young-Hartley tried to pull the body of her husband, David, from the waters of Falcon Lake on the Texas-Mexico border after he was shot by pirates… ‘You could feel the bullets,’ said Tiffany on Friday, the day after her husband, David Hartley, also formerly of Loveland, was killed. ‘You could feel them shoot by you…’ ”

I’m not trying to paint a connection between the Fox reporting on this story and what I perceive to be their globalist agenda- but it’s not the first time I’ve been taken aback by a media bias that’s anything but fair and balanced. It’s just that the Fox modus operandi seems so similar to that of Gingrich.

While the urgency of the midterm election presently owns center stage, all REAL conservatives need to look ahead to 2012. If Barack Obama isn’t burned toast quite yet, he will be by the morning of 3 November. However, replacing Obama in 2012 with a slick “conservative” operator like Gingrich would be infinitely worse than the current globalist plague we now endure.

As for Fox, I wish we had a more reliable way to stay abreast of the tumultuous events constantly unfolding around us. Moreover, my internet capability suddenly vaporized for two days last week, and I felt horribly isolated.

So there you have it! I’ve tossed Gingrich high atop the smoldering scrapheap of America’s political history- but if Newt digs deep enough through the miasmic rubble, he might enjoy a long conversation with Lyndon Johnson.

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Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 6, 2010 at 4:56pm
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – In a three-way swap that may be unprecedented in U.S. history, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is set to become Vice President of the United States, Vice President Joe Biden will become President of Afghanistan, and Afghan President Hamid Karzai will be traded to the Minnesota Vikings.
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 6, 2010 at 1:53pm
Atlantic City's a mess. The promises of casino gambling were empty- simply pushing many of the poor into Pleasantville- and doing little to help Atlantic City itself. Moreover, the percentage of casino winnings that go to relieve taxation in the Garden State is miniscule- compared to Pennsylvania, for example.

Also, Atlantic City's mayors have a bad habit of getting arrested- from Nucky Johnson on down the line...

And maybe Christie should take over Camden as well. Single street corners there are rented out by drug kingpins for thousands of dollars a week each to drug dealers- with a violent death guaranteed to anyone who wants to muscle in on the action.
Comment by Adrianne Knobloch on October 6, 2010 at 10:59am

Follow link for nice surprise, perhaps join in!
Comment by Adrianne Knobloch on October 6, 2010 at 10:59am
Rich, when the only choice is death, I would not call it choice and I would not call it a vote. I would call it trash.

I won't vote for death. I won't vote against interest. I will not vote against nation, I will not be part of the perpetuation of the false and fear loaded irrationale that says "at least it's better than ...." it is not better and no pretense will make it better.

A Dem win is our loss. A GOP win is our loss.

And we are out of time.

As for Christie vs. Corizine, all we did was toss Corizine and his line of pay to players to replace them with Christie's line of pay to players.

For all the hoopla no one seems to notice, Christie has NOT saved a dime in the net difference. His 2% limit on real estate taxes was 1.) optional and 2.) baloney. Tell Irvington about his 2% limit when they just got hit w/ a 13% increase all to pay the social services of the illegal invasion.

Christies spending cuts are being spent on his masters' pet projects.

And tell me, how can one be consistent when screaming against nationalization of industry like cars and health care and not be screaming over Christie's dictatatorial grab of Atlantic City business?

Gov't taking over private industry is outrageous, and it is not any slower a death or less painful because the guy doing it is wearing a red hat.

Constitutionally speaking, Christie is a disaster. Because Corizine was too, does not make Christie any less awful. They BOTH stink.
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 6, 2010 at 10:26am
But people don't quite get it yet- at least not in great enough numbers- and voting third party this election is tantamount to tossing your ballot in the trash. For the time being I'll choose slow "Death by Republicans" to buy us a little more time- as opposed to a shotgun blast to the head the Dems are offering. As for Christie, would you rather have the guy he beat? Surely another term for Corzine would have been the absolute death knell for the Garden State.

Comment by Adrianne Knobloch on October 6, 2010 at 9:56am
Christie is a nightmare. He refuses to nullify Healthcare, he refuses to nullify the Pilot program of cap and trade, how do you like the look of the windmills on the jersey shore? He refuses to toss illegals off safe harbor, this last issue the one that has doubled our taxes, out NJ citizens out of work and bankrupted our state.

He is after his bosses' and his own political payback, because citizens happpen to be against unions TOO does not mean he guts them for US, he guts for his RINO/globalist bosses and allows it to APPEAR he does for us.

That guy, more and more of his supporters are turning against him, his anniversary is Jan. 19, 2011? DOn't be surprised to see a recall notice with his name on it JAn, 20.

Your comment, " ...Republicans will make huge gains Republicans will make huge gains Republicans will make huge gains ..." is quite true.

Please DO NOT make the mistake that this translates into gains for a Sovereign USA, Constitutional governance or her citizens.

Nov. is still a Hobsons Choice: Vote for Death by DEmocrat or vote for Death by Republican.

Both is a vote for death, the "logic" that death by GOP is somehow "better," is false.

If people really "got it," they'd be voting 3rd party.
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 6, 2010 at 8:30am
Speaking of "the road that conquers DC (going through) our own State Houses," Republicans will make huge gains in the number of GOP Governors among the 37 Governor's mansions up for grabs in November- which will set the stage for reapportionment of Congressional seats that will be more favorable to the Taxed Enough Already Party.

Moreover, the antipathy of federal government meddling in the affairs of our states is the exercising of States' Rights- and for this reason I see the shift to Republican governors as important as the massive shift about to take place in Congress.

Yes, look at the difference Chris Christie is making in New Jersey- and as a Republican, he's infinitely better for the Garden State than the Democrat Jon Corzine.

In any case, there's no love lost between me and the GOP- and we will either take full control of it- or simply, for all practical purposes, replace it.
Comment by Adrianne Knobloch on October 5, 2010 at 11:01pm
Rich, in NJ we are taking contol of our state in 2011, we are after 119 of the 120 Legislative seats, so that by 2012 we will have the power and people in state to nullify DC's dictates and spending, toss the bad judges and marginalize the globalists right out of our state. We can't do it for other states but if we lead the sovereign state road, other states will follow, collectively yet independant and sovereign, we shall overthrow tyranny, the same way as our founding fathers did, sans bullets.

The road that conquers DC goes direct to our own State Houses.
Comment by Sandra on October 5, 2010 at 10:55pm
Thanks JW, I am very aware of her.... I read he Supreme Court has HC on the docket and three other items, so it isn't over yet?
Comment by JW on October 5, 2010 at 10:48pm
P.S. Beware Kathleen Sebelius...The number 1 most hated woman in Kansas and soon to be calling the shots on alot more than health care.........






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