NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Purveyors Of Misery And Tyranny Thick As A Locust Plague!

I’m pretty much a philosopher and a musician- not really a politician. I would have no interest in politics whatsoever, were it not for the steady erosion of our individual freedoms- and were it not for my fervent hope that America will once again be truly free from the tyranny of globalist designs.

Those New World Order plans to radically transform America have been best exemplified by the Democrats- ever since Woodrow Wilson kowtowed to the international banking cartel- with the infamous Rothschild agent Mandel House carefully leading him down the primrose path to treason. Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Billy Clinton and Barry Obama have only added fat to the fire. Only Jack Kennedy fought against the rising tide of global influence. I’ll excuse Harry Truman because I loved him- and Jimmy Carter because he’s apparently mentally deranged from eating too many moldy peanuts…

Among the Republican Presidents, only Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan were really noble champions of the people- and I’ll ride that horse until the shoes fall off…

Nevertheless, I’ll agree that today’s GOP is like a filthy apartment infested with roaches. But much as I hate roaches, I presently prefer the Republican Party to a Democrat brothel crawling with venomous spiders, lizards and snakes- and its liberal political whores carrying every ideological disease known to mankind.

Enter the TEA Party- more properly called the Taxed-Enough-Already Party. Our angry grassroots movement is presently decentralized. At the moment, that’s a good thing, because our decentralization make us difficult to extinguish- like brushfires raging in a thousand places to fiercely consume the bi-partisan briars which presently encumber our political landscape.

Eventually, however, our widely-dispersed wildfires will join up in one mighty conflagration that will cleanse America of political corruption and globalist tyranny. Somewhere out there is a George Washington or a Ronald Reagan who will unite us in a mighty Constitutional army.

But the Obama-Pelosi-Reid debacle which has callously caused so much damage to America in so little time must be stopped- and stopped NOW.

Taxed-Enough-Already anger, infiltration and influence within the GOP can do just that on 2 November. Moreover, I am hopeful that our transformation of the GOP will be so profound as to make third-party politics unnecessary.

The danger to TEA objectives presented by eventual third-party tactics is splitting TEA-friendly votes and facilitating resurgence of socialist and globalist influence- the impending slaughter of Dems in November notwithstanding.

I recall the ruthless struggle for the soul of the Republican Party that took place in 1976. When the smoke cleared, it appeared Reagan supporters had lost that fight- but the 1980 Presidential election proved otherwise.

We are now engaged in another such struggle- and the raucous horns of the Reagan supporters at the 1976 Republican Convention have now been replaced by the war cries of millions of Taxed-Enough-Already patriots across America.

Jack Kennedy chose Lyndon Johnson as his running mate out of political expediency. I must assume Ronald Reagan chose George Herbert Walker Bush for the same reason. Ironically, just as Johnson was largely responsible for Kennedy’s death- the Bush influence has nearly killed all the Gipper stood for.

But we’re gonna change all that. If need be, we will incinerate the GOP in one glorious conflagration- but hopefully we can rehab the old structure- rather than burning it to the ground.

Sometimes you have to do just that- bring down the entire building. When lightning struck our bed and breakfast in 2002, there was so much smoke and water damage, in addition to the existing decay of the old structure, that we just tore it down and built a new house from the ground up. Time will tell.

This year, however, our mission is clear. We must silence these shrill sirens of treason as best we can with the weapons presently in hand. Pelosi, Reid and company must be laid to eternal rest- and nary a patriot will mourn their political passing. It is counter-productive to excuse oneself from this crucial battle against tyranny by trumpeting a lame excuse that all Republicans are terrible. Balloting has already started. Our freedom is at stake. Get out the vote!

The message to globalist and socialist interests at the 1976 GOP Convention was clear and resounding- but Ronald Wilson Reagan took a while to prevail. Our similar declaration to our enemies will be thunderous on 2 November- and we also shall ultimately prevail. All whining to the contrary will only aid and abet the poisonous purveyors of misery and tyranny who are now thick as a locust plague upon our beloved and beleaguered land.

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Comment by Sandra on October 6, 2010 at 4:14pm
GREAT! I hope the trend continues! Thanks for the update.
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on October 6, 2010 at 4:09pm
Dick Morris:

Today, October 6th, is the first day this year that the Republican candidate leads in the most recent poll in ten Senate races for Democratic seats. If the Republicans hang onto these leads, they are assured of a majority!

Even more important, the Republican is moving up in all ten races even where the margin is still narrow!

The following are the polling data from the most recent survey listed on

North Dakota = Republican + 43%

Arkansas = Republican + 18%

Indiana = Republican + 18%

Wisconsin = Republican + 12%

Pennsylvania = Republican + 7%

Colorado = Republican + 5%

West Virginia = Republican + 5%

Illinois = Republican + 4%

Nevada = Republican + 3%

Washington = Republican + 1%
Comment by Sandra on October 6, 2010 at 2:13pm
Excellent and I hope the NWO can be stopped in time. They are into GMO and radiated food etc so it is buyer beware there as well.. Most don't even get that even salads are, and it isn't labeled either!






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