NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

To Take Back America, We Must Once Again Issue Our Own Currency!

Which threatens our liberty more- big government or big banks? Thomas Jefferson wrote, “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around (the banks) will deprive the American people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

Today I’ll highlight the need to reform America’s money and banking- but first some background information about money in general.

Money is simply a medium of exchange. It provides a convenient means of exchanging a certain measure of one’s wealth for a certain measure of desired goods or services without resorting to bartering. For example, it’s much easier to buy some farming supplies with currency and coin than offering the storekeeper a few dozen eggs or the hens that laid them.

In addition to using physical currency and coin to transfer units of individual wealth, we also use the internet, checks, credit cards and debit cards- all these deposits and debits being essentially electronic in nature. Most of America’s money supply now consists of fragile entries on vulnerable electronic ledgers.

Perhaps the first law of money is that the bad drives the good from circulation. For example, when US silver-clad copper coins began replacing the 90% silver variety in 1965, folks started hoarding the latter. Likewise, paper currency forced genuine gold and silver coins from circulation. In other words, folks hoard coinage with INTRINSIC value when worthless replacements enter the marketplace. This begs the question, “What’s the intrinsic value of any positive electronic bank balance?” Answer: zippo!

I should also interject here the influence of inflation upon our coinage. When the market value of the gold and silver content rose significantly above the face value of our gold and silver coins, it was wiser to hold onto those coins for their intrinsic value rather than exchange them for goods and services.

There are some who advocate a return to the Gold Standard, but this is both unnecessary and unwise. Once again, the words of Benjamin Franklin: “We have no poor houses in the Colonies, and if we had, we would have no one to put in them, as in the Colonies there is not a single unemployed man, no poor and no vagabonds… It is because, in the Colonies, we issue our own paper money. We call it Colonial Script, and we issue only enough to move all goods freely from the producers to the consumers; and as we create our money, we control the purchasing power of money, and have no interest to pay.”

And again, Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy also defied the international banking cartel, and although both were assassinated, both did the right thing for America. The problem is not script, but who issues it and in what amounts.

US currency is presently issued by private interests- just as Jefferson warned. Federal Reserve Notes are issued by the international banking cartel’s Federal Reserve- although they presumably pay the US Treasury to print them. The bankers then lend that fiat funny money at interest to American families, businesses and all levels of government. When the bankers want to bubble-up our economy, they print more. When they want to shrink or burst the bubble, they print less. Their lowering and raising interest rates has the same effect.

And modern technology has made the problem even worse. The Federal Reserve can now create money literally out of thin air by means of electronic deposits- and I’ve no doubt whatsoever that these ruthless international bankers do exactly that. This explains why cries to audit the Fed are in vain.

The solution to our monetary crisis is to put the Fed out of business, preferably seize their assets to pay off the national debt- and begin PRINTING our own currency again. The new US Dollar would be printed only in sufficient quantities to facilitate the needs of commerce- so as to not cause inflation. The additional currency would enter the national marketplace by using it to pay a portion the federal government’s expenses- and thereby reduce taxation. Needless to say, absolute fiscal responsibility in Congress would be necessary for such monetary reform to have lasting benefit to the American people.

Above all, we must recognize that monetary reform is a matter of grave national security. More than any other means, the international banking cartel uses the monetary power of the Federal Reserve System to destroy our liberty.

Jesus Christ is known to have demonstrated physical anger only once during his mortal ministry- when he drove the moneychangers from the temple. It is now time to follow the Savior’s example and drive these modern-day moneychangers from the hallowed temple of our liberty. We cannot take back America without reclaiming our Constitutional mandate to issue our own currency.

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Comment by Sandra on October 3, 2010 at 6:18pm
Lou is a good man, however he needs a closer look if he does run... Ron Paul I like too.
Comment by JW on October 3, 2010 at 5:18pm
Essay Seven

TYRANNY is almost impossible under the American Constitution…..but not quite. James Madison, the most learned of and penetrative of the Constitution-makers, saw a loop hole through which his famous checks-and-balances could be invaded and perverted to evil uses. Madison wrote in The Federalist number 47:

“ The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, or whether hereditary, self-appointed or elected, may justly be pronounced the very definition of Tyranny.”

Madison meant, of course, that one-party control of the White House, the congress, and the Supreme Court, along with that of the State Governments,

Spells dictatorship.

Has such a thing ever happened in the years between Madison and now ?? Could it possibly happen in the foreseeable future of the United States of America.? The answer to both questions resides in another subject in which Madison wrote brilliantly in the Federalist Papers. Better than anybody else, Madison understood what we call party politics better than anybody else, probably because He was franker than anybody else, Madison understood what we call “ party Politics “ and what He called “ Faction .“ As a philosopher and not merely a political economist, Madison had the habit of looking deep into Human nature for the rules that govern OUR political behavior. He saw that man was, of course, a political animal. But Madison saw beyond this early truth; saw that man is also an economic animal. Therefore, wrote Madison in more than one place, partisan politics is basically this---the rich against the poor.

Had He stopped here, He would have been guilty of an oversimplification. Indeed, had he stopped here, Madison would have stood cheek by Jowl with Karl Marx. It was Marx, writing a generation after Madison, who proclaimed that this rich --- poor cleavage had but one solution: Communism. Marx was saying in essence that the inevitable strife between classes and masses could only be resolved by Majority Rule { Democracy }, by tyranny, that is, in the name of the proletariat.

Life, luckily, is never so monstrously monolithic. Over- simplification itself is untruth. In order to understand the nature of tyranny, which the brainy Madison could read like a book, we must clear our minds of sentimentalism

and be lucidly honest.

Wealth or “ property “, to use Madison’s term, is not the only political barrier between men, but it s the best and basic one. It is the sign of rude wealth in a nation when the main division is frankly between “ those who hold and those who are without property”, as Madison wrote in The Federalist # 10. In decadent societies a number of artificial barriers show up.

We find partisan groups formed by the church, the military, the courts, the foreign - born and the foreign - influenced. But if society is free and vigorous, such subdivisions are of minor and sometimes negligible importance. All that really counts in a body politic that tingles with health and growth is the fundamental difference between persons who already have a degree of economic success and those who are in the process of achieving it.

But it is intellectually slovenly, or at worst down right dishonest, to say with the Marxists that this difference calls for a fight to the finish, or that it’s only resolution is in dictatorship under majority rule { Democracy } of the masses. The purpose of civilized government is to avoid tyranny, not to welcome and accept it as the “ easy way out “. To be sure, the problem is not self - solving. It is intricate and perplexing. Madison among other sharp intellects found it a fascinating study in human nature. In The Federalist #’s 37 and 41 he wrote:

“ As there is a degree of depravity in mankind which requires a certain degree of circumspection and distrust, so there are qualities in human nature which justify a certain portion of esteem and confidence. Republican government presupposes the existence of these qualities in a higher degree than any other….If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal control of government would be necessary.”

How then to untangle the Gordian knot of human traits without slashing it to useless bits with the Marxian sword? In order to preserve and not destroy the free nature of man in political society, a tripartite method is essential:

!. Protect the poor. This is best done by pioneering and safeguarding lanes of opportunity. The only cure for poverty is the incentive and the chance to find a cure that is not, as Communism is, worse than the disease. This protection of the poor man’s chance to get rich is among the first duties of what the Constitution calls, “ a republican form of government,” meaning a form that is fully representative, embracing the minority as well as the majority of citizens..

2. Protection of the rich. The term, of course, is relative. All men are possessed of some property, real or personal, which to them is precious. It would be clearer to say protection of riches, although the idea is forbiddingly impersonal and therefore inhuman. The Constitution declares that people who hold property in whatever amount should be “ secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures.”

3. Protection of law - and - order in the political community. Both rich and poor require a measure of stability in order to co - exist, not in a fixed or frozen pattern, but in the lucid atmosphere of “growth and change“, not,

“Hope and Change“. To prevent a bullying majority or a transient authoritarian from upsetting the social order, the Constitution wisely distributed and limited the powers of sword, purse and popular demand.

How well have we maintained these protections in the years since Madison? Have WE been eternally vigilant of OUR politico - economic liberties? Have we called out enough: “ Watchman, what of the night?” Let’s see:

James Madison’s America gave protection to the poor by being literally a “land “ of opportunity. So long as the great western spaces were open to settlers, and so long as the Federal Government was strong enough to send in the Cavalry to the aid of the pioneering poor, the first phase of the tripartite protective system was in good working order. The cavalry, of course, gave military coverage only, much as the navy did to the American merchant ships at sea. There was no thought of sending cash surpluses to the frontier farmers, who would have regarded such things as bribes and insults. All that government tried to do, or was permitted to do, was to keep open, by land and sea, the lanes of opportunity to economic accomplishment.

When huge western tracts of land got smaller, and all the choice land was gone, the spirit of American enterprise took other forms, There commenced to rise in the middle of the 17th century the business and industrial structure which made America the double wonder of the world. Not only was this country free, as many poor countries have been; but the U.S.A. was also wealthy, by any measure. The wealth, like the land before it, was acquired by persons who clearly deserved it. Wealth became theirs by reason of their adventurousness, which sometimes brought them “ luck “, and by their inventive and adaptive genius, but most often in all probability by their intestinal fortitude. These latter qualities show in the records of every county in the nation but are too rarely taught to our children.

In any event, the cavalry and the navy, which had done nobly as a Federal protector of the American poor will soon, if not already, be turned into it’s adversary. The Federal protector has gone out of date and been replaced by a competitive system over which Congress and the Supreme Court preside. Again, the re - writer historians and other anti - Americans managed to smear the picture and disrupt the focus. But for close to a century after Madison’s death in 1836, the example of American opportunity was the greatest show on earth, and the poor of other nations swarmed here, legally, and clamored for citizenship in OUR man - made Edenic paradise.

With the freedom of poverty to erase itself, there went an equal regard for the persons and property of the relatively wealthy. “ There are various ways in which the rich may oppress the poor…” wrote Madison in 1821 while He was an ex - president in virtual retirement. “ on the other hand, the danger to property holders cannot be disguised,” and he listed a few dangers: “ agrarian { confiscation } laws { 2nd Amendment anyone, and private property } and other “leveling the playing field” schemes……the cancelling or evading of debts and other violations of contract. We must not shut OUR eyes to the nature of man, nor to the light of experience.”

For many decades after Madison the Federal powers as limited in the Constitution were put to their proper use in protecting wealth and wealthy persons. In the Early Republic { again, not Democracy } the Constitutional right to levy duties { taxes } on foreign goods was employed by Congress to the benefit of American manufacturing. In the middle Republic the interstate commerce laws were helpful to railroad magnates and other internal builders of the American empire. Not until Madison was dead did the detractors and down - pullers make any number of persons believe that anything was wrong with lawful protection of both rich and poor.

The 3rd of the triple safeguards is the one which keeps the whole intact and permits poor and rich to co - exist, to be in constant flux without being in destructive conflict. The idea of suppressing the minority or wealthier groups is Marxian and has no place in America. “ No free country,” said Madison, “ has ever been without parties, which are a natural offspring of freedom.” In an audacious bit of writing, poetic in it’s imagery, he likens freedom to air; politics to fire. Could anything be more absurd than to abolish air to put out a fire? This is what one - party Communism does, but Madison bravely welcomes partisan politics as the alternative and, under freedom, the inevitable.

Yes, but suppose with Madison long gone the cleansing flame of partisanship goes out? We should remember that the checks - and - balances will not work unless the two party system works too. It worked well in the early and middle years of the nation. Except for the very brief span called the era of good feeling { the roaring 20’s }, there was always political competition. The House the senate, the White House and the Supreme Court were never in the same hands.

Are all these old protections still in working order as you read this?

It would be magnificent for the country if every American could give a well informed answer to that question. No question is more important to OUR liberties. The Madisonian safeguards are the best ones ever devised against the Marxian traps.

Well, it may be significant that some strange things began to happen in the centennial year of Madison’s death. In 1936 the Democrats, who already controlled the House and Senate by large majorities, carried the presidential election by 46 states to 2, an unhealthy and dangerous imbalance. The very next year the triumphant President sprung a slick one for adding Justices to the Supreme Court { loaded with his Marxian leanings no doubt } and giving the Supreme court far more power than enumerated in the Constitution. This same President went on to break the “ Gentleman’s Agreement “ that limited His tenure to 8 years { no honor among thieves, ay.? }.One way and another, the America of James Madison lost more and more of the protections it gave to economic flexibility, { How can you have flexibility in a rigged economy? } and more and more freedom it gave to political differences.

The Constitution, of course remains substantially as it was written. But do people pay attention, especially those We send to D.C. to represent us?

So does it work as well as it did? The Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court are still there. But have they fallen “into the same hands”? If there is any reason to answer yes, then WE had better look to OUR liberties. For this would be, he said, “ THE VERY DEFINITION OF TYRANNY!”
Holmes Alexander...1964..How to Read the Federalsit
Comment by Sandra on October 3, 2010 at 5:07pm
Exactly Teresa, They know how to fool most of the people. Our job is to educate the others we know. I have said a very long time, the UN needs to be shut down and shipped out. They really have no legal standing in giving orders to us. In fact the troupes they allow on our soil is also illegal and against out constitution. Hopefully, those that are here stay on the military bases and get what ever training and then get out of here? This election IMO, is the most important one of our lives! Choice is Freedom or Communism!
Comment by Teresa Smith on October 3, 2010 at 4:49pm
Sandra, your right, Newt is a globalist he is a fake. I think he wrote his books and is talking the talk in case he runs, but he will lead us into the New World Order, They all will! We have to be ever so careful who we choose. We must insist we get out of the United Nations, no ifs ands or buts, it is imperative, to our Republic.
Comment by Sandra on October 3, 2010 at 3:00pm
PS; They will NEVER allow the Fed to be audited!
Comment by Sandra on October 3, 2010 at 2:59pm
Well put JW, we need to start selling Ron Paul before the next election. He is NOT perfect however he is better than the RINOS and Newt is one f those... any are also globalists, and CFR card holders... All they have been doing is exporting out jobs etc.... The Fed is also for the most part controlling other countries $$ as well... People have got to wake up and smell the roses! We cannot afford to sleep again on politics... The trust has been misused and greed, power and all corruption has reared it's ugly head!
Comment by JW on October 3, 2010 at 12:40pm
There is a documentey on the Federal Reserv on You Tube called, " The Money Changers"..It's about two hours long but is very well worth the time if you want to fully understand how the FED controls everything in this counntry...If you're not a Ron Paul fan you should be because he hates the FED too and wants to audit and then abolish it.......GO Ron Paul...!!
Comment by JW on October 3, 2010 at 12:37pm
Comment by JW on October 3, 2010 at 12:37pm
Great article on Fractional Reserve Banking....I'm not an Old Hickory fan but he did hate the 1st Bank of America{central bank} and did destroy it althoug it almost cost him his life, twice....
Section 8 Clause 5 of OUR beloved Consitution clearly spells out who is to control the purse strings in America..Not some private institution that's beyond the reach of government, answers to no one, and is immune from prosecution.....WE should send these Obamunists packing along with Fedzilla...If WE could accomplish the abolition of the FED OUR monet problems would dissappear almot overnight and Congress would have their rightful place back..........
Comment by Sandra on October 3, 2010 at 11:32am
An Excellent article! It is amazing that most the people do not understand that the Federal Reserve is NOT a government bank, and it is a privately held bank! When they did away with the "Glass Seagal Act", that allowed the banker crooks carte blanc! (sp) The bankers will fight tooth and nail to not allow the Federal Reserve to be audited. The people would then find out how much has really been stolen from them. I guess I am one of very few that does not use online banking or bill paying period! They are planing to do away with checks in the next few years too. Thanks for a very informative post as usual from you...






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