NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
Comment by Kathryn Ball
32 minutes ago
Dear Raya......One of the most important lessons we have [or ar least SHOULD have] learned is that unless we are and remain actively engaged with those we hire to work for us----without our careful scrutiny this country is going to fail.
Our polititians seem to have onlt ONE agenda and that is, once elected, to REMAIN in that office until they die in the event thay don't do anything to really irritate the electorate.
It is of vital import that we elect true Constitutional persons, regardless which side of the aisle they occupy.
However, the MOST IMPORTANT thing we MUST do is to return [if we haven't already] to God and His laws. Having achieved the status of the world's ONLY "Superpower" too many of us have forgotten from whence that status originated...we ceded the rights and liberties we once KNEW came from God and became arrogant and faithless as we enjoyed the fruits of living in the MOST incredible country in the history of Earth. We sat quietly as God was removed from our schools.....did you know that until 1962-3 that our government printed and distributed Bibles to ALL public schools in the nation? There was a time only a few short decades ago, when teachers who embraced Socialism-Marxism or Communism were not permitted to teach in universities....when they were permitted...they took it upon themselves to "RE-educate" students and lead them away from the values upon which Americans had lived their lives for almost two centuries.
The results are LEGION and have left us STILL in a most precarious position.......too many kids not only QUESTION even the existance of God much less honor Him & His laws. We [and THEY] have been taught "not to JUDGE" and in learning that lesson have lost the ability to use JUDGEMENT in making decisions about GOOD vs EVIL.
In the 60's the "Hippies" lived hedonistic lives, freely engaging in the use of mind altering drugs & open sexuality.....then thay went to college, became lawyers and ultimately poiltitians who have passed laws with little or no concern for the results things would have on our SOULS. The morality of America became 'relative' and something that could be stretched and molded to fit the reasoning for permitting the "anything goes" lifestyles. Our music, movies and television devolved into trash...promoting promiscuity, filthy language, rape, homosexuality and dishonesty. [a pandemic Godlessness]
We became more enamored with "stuff" and turned away from God and the principles He set out for us to live under with the ultimate goal of the spiritual evolution of the soul and the reward of Paradise.
We were given a collossal WAKE UP CALL on 9/11/2001..............our first response [other than absolute HORROR] was a brief return to God.......then our arrogance arose again....instead of putting our lives, hearts and sould back under His care.....WE announced that WE WOULD REBUILD, not with God's help but with better building materials!!! We engaged in the SAME behavior as Israel before she was destroyed. We also sent our true AMERICAN PATRIOTS into two wars with no end in site and no possible way of WINNING without changing the HEARTS of the enemy that hates us.
I love this site as it has restored my faith in at least SOME of my fellow humans in the past four years.
I honestly believe that Barack Obama is the second great warning this country has to recognise. He has so completely pulled away from the principles under which our Founders established this country that people who refuse to recognise him for who and WHAT he is must be farther 'gone' than others.
Mitt Romney was not my first choice for the successor to the current president but now that we know more about him, I believe that he is the BEST person to begin the restoration of this great nation. First and foremost, Mitt Romney is a MAN OF FAITH, consequently he is a man of principal....his personal and professional history more than qualify him to begin this nation's return to the foundation upon which it was built and stood as a BEACON to those all over the world who sought FREEDOM and the opportunities that accompanied liberty.
I believe that our work must continue....that we need to remain vigilant and hold our elected officials accountable. In order to DO that, our group needs to have lines of communication available so that we can share with not only each other but with others as well the information which will surely keep all of us on the correct path.
God Bless.
Editor's note:
...THANK YOU, Kate for your kind words in response to "...a call to arms"
It is Patriots like yourself who have inspired us all!
Kate, God bless and thank you.
Roger that, Kate!
Thank you Kate. I'm glad and PROUD to be part of REAL CONSERVATIVES along side you and glad to call you my country man.
hard hitting words that reads poetry. Obama is indeed the Anti-christ. I truly believe that. America rose to greatness because of its Christian beliefs. the left hates Christianity and has worked so hard to eradicate our foundational religion so that they can impose their NWO that will reduce the white man to serfdom and the black man to slavery. I know patriots dont want their progeny to live under the banner of the crescent moon, or big brother. So its up to us to correct what our parents did not correct. Its going to be a horrific battle because we have people flooding into this country who do not yearn to be free. they want to dominant us and ruin America. We have a duty to our children. As long as we keep in mind who we are and who were view as our creator, we will win. America is a nothing without Christianity.
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