NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Apparently the Obama crowd figures that if they parade their nefarious litany of lies long enough, all that putrid bunk will eventually pass for truth. And notwithstanding their indefatigable efforts to paint Barry as a bona fide natural born US citizen, that crusade is now far beyond nauseating- Hawaii’s Governor Neil Abercrombie being the latest participant in this international freak show.

Personally, the more these lies are told, the more I’m convinced Barack was born in Kenya- and surely I’m not alone. Moreover, the anecdotal evidence of Barry’s African birth is overwhelming- especially if you accept the testimony of Sarah Onyango, the woman commonly but erroneously referred to by the mainstream media as President Obama’s grandmother.

Far more important, however, is the indisputable fact that Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was both Kenyan-born and a British citizen (never US)- which in itself, as our founding fathers clearly intended, makes our presidential imposter ineligible to be a US President. Small consolation indeed to LTC Terry Lakin!

Perhaps the lynchpin of the liberal establishment’s “evidence” that Barry was born in Hawaii is comprised of those two 1961 birth announcements. I am convinced that relatives in Hawaii, upon receiving news of Barry’s Kenyan birth, forwarded the appropriate information to the Aloha State’s Department of Health and thereby secured a legal birth record- which was perfectly legitimate at that time. Back then you didn’t have to be born in Hawaii to receive a local birth certificate- and undocumented  information provided by relatives was sufficient to obtain it. And there is no doubt whatsoever that Hawaiian birth announcements of that era were then automatically generated by government officials and sent to local papers. I have recently seen these two birth announcements touted as “legal ads” ostensibly purchased by Obama’s relatives- which by some stretch seems to present them as legal evidence of Barry’s purported Hawaiian birth. However, I see no family conspiracy lurking here- just the understandable desire for their kid to have a US birth certificate!

Should Barry’s Hawaiian long form be released, I believe it will reveal that the recorded birth was actually in Kenya. And just imagine if you misplaced your birth certificate and tried to obtain a driver’s license with a decades-old birth announcement!

Another liberal argument against the Birthers is that President Obama has more important things to do than show us his birth certificate. No doubt we ALSO have more important things to accomplish than continually rehash the details of the most horrific fraud ever perpetrated by an elected official in America! And just imagine scolding your local Division of Motor Vehicles about them wasting your time by demanding more than a birth announcement as proof of your birthplace!

And yes, the sum total of the Obama administration’s lies in regard to diverse subjects is so overwhelming that the continued haggling over Obama’s birthplace has indeed become a distraction from more serious threats to our national security. However, the incandescent (if not incendiary) fact remains that proper vetting of Obama, especially regarding the eligibility issue, prior to the 2008 election would have prevented the wholesale rape of the American people by a cabal of Chicago thugs and international tyrants.

And yes, even the brain-dead rhinoceros John McCain would have been a significant improvement over our notorious King Teleprompter.

Not since the dismal administration of James Earl Carter Jr. has the American citizenry been pushed so close to absolute economic chaos. Not since the dark days of Lyndon Baines Johnson has such raw sewage spewed forth from the White House with apparent impunity. Not since the horrible years of World War II has our precious national security been at such alarming risk!

Something will happen. Something’s gotta happen. We just can’t go on like this. Maybe the new House of Representatives will actually choose to represent the American people instead of self-interests and special interests. Maybe a few good Democrat Senators will embrace the Taxed Enough Already, tightly pinch their flaring nostrils and become nominal Republicans- and thereby put an end to both the Democrat majority and Harry Reid’s insanity. Maybe truth will actually prevail- and the Kenyan imposter be brought to justice.

And maybe our Southern Border will finally be sealed by US troops brought home from Iraq and Afghanistan. Maybe Congress will finally put an end to the Federal Reserve’s reign of terror. Maybe the American people will again prefer goods made in the good old USA instead of Chinese junk. Maybe. Just maybe!

I was gonna wait until the New Year to unleash my latest tirade against globalist tyranny- but Governor Abercrombie set me off… 

So where WERE you born, Barack? Take a break from your golf game and tell us the truth. And please don’t feed us that line about a stable in Bethlehem!

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Comment by Bruce Graves on December 30, 2010 at 7:36pm

Hello Richard,

I thank you for the help when I started my blog. You and any of your readers are welcome at I was totaly in agreement with you until you said maybe good things will happen. I might have said something similar until I read about the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) a couple of months ago by G. Edward Griffin and saw his presentation, "The CFR and The Quigley Formula".  Obama and George Soros are supporting the CFR and its goals. If they fail, others just as bad will replace them. Here is my post to my blog:


The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the most powerful, and secretive political group in the United States. Its 4,000 members include Presidents of the United States: (Hoover; Eisenhower; Nixon; Ford; Carter; Bush Sr.; Clinton; Bush) Henry Kissinger, members of the State and Defense Dept, heads of banks, large corporations, oil companies, newspapers and television, universities, Rockefeller foundation, Ford foundation, labor unions and other power centers. Its purpose is to create a New World Order, (a world government) based on collectivism, and to do away with the sovereignty of the United States! Treason, if you will. The people running our country are determined to destroy it in favor of world government.


The New World Order would have the globe divided into five major pieces. Individuals would no longer be free. The state and the elites of our population would be all powerful, backed up by a world court and a world police force. One of the goals is to reduce the world population to approximately 2 billion people, either by killing or by letting disease do its job. Individuals do not matter. If they have to be eliminated for the greater good of the state, so be it.


Hitler (twice Time’s man of the year) and the Communists (now called Socialist Democrats) had similar systems, which eliminated millions of people. They operated quickly by brute force, while Fabian Socialists in the CFR prefer to dominate the world slowly, secretly, and very gradually over time, by boring from the insides of organizations, and taking them over, like worms in apples.


One thing I like very much about G. Edward Griffin’s research and presentation is he quotes his sources and shows their words from their books, indicating their intents and reasons for what they do. In this presentation he shows a lot of Professor Carroll Quigley’s actual words.


The elites are organized by hierarchal circles. A very few are in the top circle and the secret society started by Cecil Rhodes of Rhodes scholar fame. In a brilliant move, the secret society did not give itself a name, which makes it difficult to talk about. Below the top leaders, in the second circle are the men in the top circle plus the second group, in the third circle are men from the second circle plus the larger third group, and so on. Each level is unaware of the existence of the level above it, or how the level above it operates. The historian Professor Carroll Quigley developed the Quigley Formula to illustrate how the secret society within the CFR works. Bill Clinton was a student of Quigley at Oxford and acknowledged Quigley in his acceptance speech. Round table groups, and front groups were formed to penetrate into media and government secretly so that no one is aware of the insidious takeovers. The CFR started out as a front group for J.P. Morgan and Co., now Rockefeller’s consortium in New York. World bankers administer the group. In 1954, the Bilderberg group of 100 world leaders was formed. The trilateral commission, led by David Rockefeller, was formed in 1973 from leaders in the USA, Europe and Asia. At one point the plan for world domination was for the UN groups of dictators to take over America and the trilateral commission of 300 members to take over the world. There is a hodge podge of American and British secret groups not having self-evident names.


Most CFR members are not members of the secret society but go along with it. Rigged elections on voting machines are the ultimate, where the people “vote” for the CFR position. Republicans call for war in the Middle East and advocate for more power to the UN. Democrats call for peace in the Middle East and advocate for more power to the UN. The CFR gave away the Panama Canal.


The changes are to happen gradually over a generation or two so that nobody notices. The controlled news media will have blackouts on certain events, and people will end up focusing on non-issues, such as celebrities’ lives, fashions, sporting events, new cars and new homes. The age-old differences between Democrats and Republicans and Left and Right won’t matter because the top party leaders have the same goal: world domination and population control. The people might believe world peace is the goal but it is not the real goal of the CFR. When they wake up to the fact their freedom is gone and they are just excess population it will be too late.


This is all illustrated in the Jason Bermas DVD, “The Invisible Empire”, produced by Alex Jones, and with G. Edward Griffin as a speaker, which I have attempted to summarize here.

Bruce Graves

Comment by Sandra on December 30, 2010 at 5:40pm
WOW, I am stunned, another goodie! Glad you decided to write another. I
heard Obama eligibility will brought out on Jan 7th? Guess that means
the governor of Hawaii will come out in support of it...
I am sure it will not include a non-bias agency to verify anything. Our country
failed to vet him in every state! Nancy Pelosi it is said submitted a
fraudulent vetting forum also. Darn will we ever get out of this mess...

Good one, thanks...
Comment by Raya @ REAL CONSERVATIVES on December 30, 2010 at 2:11pm



All of the obfuscation on the birth/legitamacy issue can be summed up with a qote from Shakespear:


"...Methinks the lady doth protest too much"








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