NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

As 2010 winds down, we have many conservative blessings to be thankful for. Chief among them is our resounding victory on 2 November- which should buy us the whole of 2011 to prepare for the inevitable cataclysmic havoc yet to come- as our Real Conservatives’ Uncle Sam so appropriately pointed out.

Said Sam, “I pray that our industrious preparations throughout the New Year will sufficient to meet the hard times yet ahead- and that each of you will do those things necessary to keep your families fed, clothed and sheltered throughout the terrible storms which are sure to come- and surely I speak of more than simply the weather. It is my humble opinion and fervent belief that your hard work prior to the November election will reap twelve more months to prepare for what lies ahead. See that ye do not squander that opportunity on lesser pursuits.”

Let’s also hope the GOP and its Taxed Enough Already components are not irretrievably damaged by the bitter power struggle certain to erupt over the 2012 Presidential race. I believe the mudslinging of 2008 will be mild in comparison to what's coming- much of which will be fomented by the Obama administration to distract the electorate from Barry’s failed presidency…

In that regard, I don’t believe one bit of that “Comeback Kid” crap oozing out of Washington. The White House entourage more and more resembles an overflowing septic tank in sore need of a honey dipper…

My greatest fear for 2011 is a possible devaluation of our currency. And if OPEC decides they want a stronger currency in payment for their oil than the foundering US Dollar, the lackluster Carter years- or even the Great Depression for that matter- will seem like a walk in the park. By the way, I heard that Mexican banks would rather not accept US Dollars for deposit. Imagine that!

Also regarding our currency, remember that the Federal Reserve is having the US Treasury print those fiat Federal Reserve Notes like there’s no tomorrow. Our economic graves are being dug with our own printing presses. And Heaven only knows what billions of bucks the Fed creates electronically! 

Let me remind you that the traditional ratio of gold’s value to that of silver is 16 to 1. That means gold is either presently overvalued OR silver is undervalued. If you have a mind to invest in ANYTHING right now, other than your emergency food supply and other household items, may I suggest junk silver coins…

I really am NOT a big fan of China right now- and have no interest whatsoever in stimulating the Chinese economy. Buy American- or do without. If you must purchase foreign goods, may I suggest German and Japanese items. At least they are generally made well- and their governments still seem to champion the American values we apparently no longer appreciate. Ironic, huh? Our former WWII enemies!

Guess I’m not being too optimistic- but you really need to get ready for the bottom to drop out of our false economy. A jobless recovery is an oxymoron- and Obamanomics are just plain moronic…

I’m not expecting the new Congress to accomplish much, but perhaps the conservative newcomers will sufficiently drag their feet to minimize the legislative damage- not that Obama’s executive orders won’t be a greater threat. Can anything good come out of Washington? I think not!

Look for greater strife along our southern border- as the globalist elite continues to press for a North American Union. A real commander-in-chief would bring our troops home from those fruitless foreign wars to protect our vulnerable homeland from the relentless drug-trafficker led invasion from Mexico. Sure, I feel for the peasants in Afghanistan and Iraq- but I’m presently more concerned about Texas and Arizona.

Speaking of Afghanistan and Iraq, by midsummer our domestic outcry against such mindless bankrupting of our treasury and the flagrant misuse of our military will reach a fever pitch. Unfortunately, Obama will get the message only in time to make himself look better in 2012- and our southern border will still be a hideous x-rated sideshow… 

And has the water been turned on for the Central Valley farmers? Are California, New York and New Jersey still bankrupt? Does ObamaCare still hang like a Sword of Damocles over the greatest healthcare delivery system in the world? Is Terry Lakin still headed for Fort Leavenworth? Do we still have a Kenyan-born Brit residing in the White House? Is Harry Reid still a US Senator? Are we drilling in ANWR yet? Have I even scratched the surface of our national dilemma? How in unholy Hades did all this happen in America?

Chicken Little was right. The sky IS falling! Our federal government is so unbelievably bad, it makes a strong case for anarchy…

PS: I am certainly not advocating anarchy- only observing that our federal government has become so dangerous and corrupt that the government itself "makes a strong case for anarchy…" If "that government which governs least governs best," truly we have reached the point where the present federal tyranny seems to be systematically fomenting and promoting rebellion- apparently by globalist design as an excuse to impose martial law.

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Comment by Sandra on December 29, 2010 at 11:22pm
What a wonderful article, I miss these! What a mess we find our selves in today, we can not afford to take our eyes off of DC again! The future of all the children are at stake big tie, NWO has got to be stopped dead in it's tracks...  You can bet they do not like all the attention they have been getting over the past year and just maybe it has slowed them some... We have to continue to wake people and educate the young. Lord knows the schools are not.  We now have the Wal-Mart tell on anyone policy, school kids will be asked to do the same, tell on your family and etc. Very scary times and very close to not being free... Thanks for a wonderful read...






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