NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
I was listening to Sean Hannity the other evening on my way home. He was discussing the President's speech [nothing new...just the same old class envy promoting, rich baiting, big government pushing stuff he loves to dish on and on about!]
Then I checked my emails....alot of the usual, several pleas for donations to 'help fight the LEFT'. We get numerous, unsolicited phonecalls for donations to various republican/conservative organizations to do the same thing.
Over the past few years I've joined several online organizations, Americans for Prosperity, As A Mom, the 9/12 group etc. as well as Real Conservatives [hands down favorite]
I have attended rallies, TEA Parties, Beck's 8/28 etc.
I have emailed and written my elected officials and from their vague responses have come to the conclusion that they have the enthusiasm of potted plants.[unless they're running for reelection. Then they pump it up a couple of notches and might have a flower]
I was raised to "OBEY the RULES" and have, for the most part, done just that.
My husband & I married as teens and against all odds [we were told] through hard work, determination, some pure stubborness and a good sense of humor got ourselves through school [college for him, High school & college for me & we had 2 kids!]. We have been very blessed and successful and have shared our success with others.
Our children have grown into responsible, productive members of their communities and wonderful parents as well.
Over the course of our married life, we have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes to the federal, state and local governments. We also pay sales taxes for the things we purchase as well as some of the services we buy. I won't lie and say we enjoyed it but we DO pay it!
My mind wandered back to the last big political campaign [2010] and the 'promises' we heard from all who were vieing for our support and our votes. They were all going to CUT CUT CUT! I remember being promised $!00 BILLION!!!!! We're getting $38 billion???????? I'm sorry, that is NOT even a "good start".
Those whom we elect to Federal office have decided to remove themselves from our presence as much as possible. They remain in the rarified atmosphere of our Nation's Capitol, surrounded by only like minded individuals, lobbiests and a gnatlike cloud of sychophants who buz around telling said officials how very wonderful and brilliant they are. After awhile, they actually BELIEVE all of that nonsense and, truth be told, do not GIVE A RAT'S ASS about any of the peasants who keep them in office.
It is really a very ingenious system...............the producers [work + earn $ = pay taxes]
the polititians [collect taxes + use it to secure dependable voting blocks of non producers= promise more responsibile spending to producers]
The realization came to me like a BOLT of lightening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Somewhere along the timeline continuum of my lifetime, I stopped being a tax payer
and became--------------------------------
AN ENNABLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those already firmly ensconced inside the beltway have shown these freshmen whipper-snappers just exactly how much power they REALLY have........YEAH!!!!!!!!
I then had an idea that might work but only if there are enough of the American People out there willing to do it............what if We the People decide to withold their funding until such time as they show us REAL spending cuts?
The definition of Insanity is repeating the same exercise over and over and expecting a different outcome..................................WELL?????
Congress keeps spending because we keep sending them the money & they borrow against FUTURE taxes yet to be levied against us, the "hapless, passive, sheeple" and our children and grandchildren in perpetuity!
The reason Federal officials needed to reside in DC was because of the limitations of distance 200 years ago. It is long past time to 'upgrade' the residenct requirements of Federal Senators and Congressional Reps. With the advent of planes, trains and automobiles, travel is no longer an issue. Communication is also not an issue with computers, faxes and phones. There is no longer ANY reason for these people to live in DC MOST of the time. They need to live within their districts, hire staff from their districts and be accessable to their constituants more often than not.
All the better to keep our eyes on them, my dears!
When travel to DC is necessary [no more than a few times a year for BRIEF periods] it will be at the expence of each individual sen. or rep. , no more freebies.
They work for us.....we decide their salaries, raises and pensions, not the other way around.
I am, like the man in the movie,
I can't think of any other way to get their attention!
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@ Kate Ball:
"...Repeal of the oppressive Income Tax and replacement of same with a National Sales Tax on goods and services, to be proscribed by statute only, as the first order of business at commencement of each two year session of congress, at a rate not to exceed ten percent;"
This, taken from the Declaration of the INDEPENDENTS found throughout this site, addresses the problem you so eloquently described.
What most folks don't realize on the first reading of it is that a national sales tax (not the "value added (VAT) tax" variety, puts the power of the BOYCOTT straight into the hands of WE, the People (the TAXPAYERS). It would give us the immediate ability to protest, through the Power of the Purse! That is why it is commonly refered to as the "Fair Tax".
For more information on this, CLICK HERE:
for information courtesy of REAL CONSERVATIVES Member, Michael Norbury
courtesy of REAL CONSERVATIVES Member "Marilyn",
I love your idea for a march to DC in 2012, Edie. The time to begin organizing is now.
Sadly, that beautiful city has become a cess pool of corruption and any kind of "CHANGE" seems to be an insurmountable task but it wasn't corrupted in one election cycle and cannot possibly be cleaned up in one either. Maybe the defiance displayed by the 'old dogs' who wish to keep the 'Status Quo' is a desperate attempt to keep something they have become comfortable with and to resist becoming accountable, once again, to the American People rather than their favorite special interest groups.
I totally agree with you. Bring all politicians home to their constituents to face the music 90 percent of the time, and they might accept that WE have the power. But by the next election we also have to put enough conservatives into the House, Senate, and the Presidency to make a REAL difference (if we haven't already booted out enough encumbents through Impeachment or Recall to do it earlier!). We need to bring all politicians down to our level and put them on term limits, Soc. Sec., Medicare, and NO pensions! Any politician who doesn't follow the Constitution in office should lose the job immediately! That includes judges, and every politician from the President to County Council members. We should also start organizing for a two-million person March to Washington, D.C. by September 11, 2012 to show that Conservatives are active and ready to fight for our freedom and our Constitution!!
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