NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

We Need to Stop Bitching & Whining & Start Working to Save This Great Country


Some of the things I've read on this site recently have been rather disturbing and conspiratorial in nature. I have been hearing panic from people I've always considered to be sensable, rationale thinkers and to be honest, that gives me more cause for concern than things I've heard in the past.

There is no question that 53% of the American People voted for a clever illusion in the last presidential election. P.T. Barnum, himself, would have been mightily impressed by the smoothe talking [reading], attractive, enigmatic man who had won the Democratic nomination for the Presidency of the United States.

The fact that much of his background remained a mystery didn't seem to bother the throngs of people who were swept away by HOPE & CHANGE & YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!!!! People even fainted at his speeches.

There was information out there for those who cared to look but even the main stream media was swooning, comparing him to the messiah and having thrills running up their legs! Obviously, they would be useless when it came to finding information about this man's past, his associations and his true political loyalty.

He was elected, he is ALL of our president at least for a bit less than 2 years.

Many of the things he has pushed through congress are, in fact, clearly unconstitutional....the biggie being health care. It is currently being faught in the courts and will most certainly end up in the hands of the Supreme Court. The way that body stands right now, it would appear that the decision will rest with one single justice, Justice Kennedy. However, that will not necessarily be the final say as to weather or not the Federal Government can FORCE the citizens of the states to purchase what it deems ACCEPTABLE health insurence. The states have another option to loosen the choke hold that the federal government has placed around their throats, that option is called "NULLIFICATION" Our Founders were so much smarter than the current batch of looser lawyers who serve in Congress who think they are SO SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of the blogs I read tonite addressed the issue of our military "siding " with the polititians rather than the me, our wonderful military do not risk their lives for the likes of Barney Fag, Nazi Pelosi, Harry Ried & BHO. They do what they do for not EVER doubt that!

The ugliness that is our federal government did not just happen overnight. It took one hundred years of careful crafting by people who hate freedom and our way of life. We are as much to blame as they are because we sat silently while they infiltrated our schools with Godlessness, when they replaced real history with politically correct gobble-di-gook, when they taught our kids that sex without marriage was perfectly fine and taught them the proper way to put a condom on a cucumber [frankly---that has never prevented a pregnancy or an STD!] Little by little they chipped away at our values and we just excused it as some 'little thing that really wasn't important"........REALLY!?!?!?

They started to divide us.........there was no possible way for their plans to succeed if "We the PEOPLE" were united so they began their campaign to create distrust between the 'CLASSES'.......the RICH were GREEDY and obviously came upon their wealth by abusing the poor.......then on TOP of THAT, planted the seed that those dirty rotton rich bastards NEVER paid their FAIR SHARE of their taxes, creating the "idea" if redistributive justice" by calling their ideas FAIRNESS.

When I grew up, I was told by my parents that I could be and DO anything I wanted as long as I was willing to WORK FOR IT!!!!!! I NEVER envied someone who had more than I did, I figured out a way to EARN the money to purchase whatever I wanted.

Every single time the Progressives come up with some swell sounding "program" to HELP people, you can pretty much put money on it that it will become a tremendous burden to the producers and a means to keep the recipients in a subservient, dependent position for the rest of their lives. Johnson's "New Society" was nothing more that a method of building a dependable voting block for democrats. "You vote for ME, I'll keep the money flowing your way". The heartbreaking thing is that it has all but destroyed the black family but it did have the desired effect as 95% of blacks vote for the dems.

My reason for writing this is to say to all of you that we are stronger than they are, AND we outnumber them. To expect huge changes after one [albeit good] election is unrealistic. They have been doing this for a very LONG time. They are organized, they are connected and persistant and patient [alot like radical islamists!] They might win a few battles but we will win the war.

I read a piece in a magazine today that I know was probably written in the 70's as the author [long dead] addressed issues of "joblessness, interest rates, energy, oil, gas, war, foreign relations, faltering leadership......any one of these constitutes a problem. Put them all together and they spell disaster for our nation and for us who comprise it. Fear is so firmly entrenched in the minds of the people that it dominates every conversation and governs most business activity..............."

"That, of course is the material point of view, and many will insist, the practical. For those who are wise enough to know better, and humble enough to believe, there is a spiritual point of view, one that can be proved over the years by thousands who believe not in the domination of a man-governed world but in the domination of an ever present power called God............................................"

"When will we wake up to the truth that nothing can separate us from the wisdom and love of God's patience? When will we recognize the importance of taking that truth into our consciousness and practicing it? Nothing but our own stupidity can prevent us from seeing where our chance for survival lies: in not a man-governed, but a God-governed nation."

We, ALL of us, need to remember that this great nation was the first and ONLY in the history of this planet which grew out of the laws of God. He has NEVER turned away from us...............we turned away from Him.

I truly believe that if we turn back to our Father and follow His laws there is no question He will help us restore our Nation.

May God Bless All of You and give you the Grace, Courage and Wisdom for the battles ahead.









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Comment by Kathryn Ball on May 12, 2011 at 11:47pm

Very good to know both of you, too.

WE ARE THE LIGHT of the WORLD!!!!!!! Do not ever lose sight of that!

Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on May 12, 2011 at 4:53pm

Best argument I've heard against "political correctness".

Thanks Kathryn.

Comment by Kathryn Ball on May 12, 2011 at 3:12pm


Good point! My opinion is that Ft Hood happened because everybody has been conditioned never to "call a spade a spade" or in this case a "Lunatic Radical Islamist a Lunatic Radical Islamist".

Brigitte Gabrielle has said that "political correctness will be the downfall of the United States" and I agree with her unless more of us start using Rep Allan West's methods of communicating [straight from the hip with no mincing of words to obfuscate the true meaning of things or the intent of people wishing to do us harm].

For quite some time we have been taught from childhood on that "it is not RIGHT to judge people" REALLY? That is ridiculous! We DO make judgements every day of our lives! They are CHOICES between something we know is a good choice or NOT a good choice. We have also been taught that "DISCRIMINATION" is EVIL..... No it isn't, unless it is used as a mindless method of decision making about people or things simply because they are different than we are without giving them closer scrutiny [which is probably also among those words and actions the politically correct abhore].

Personally, I find it easier to say what I mean and mean what I say. According to my husband I don't "just call it a SPADE, she calls it a F-----g Shovel!" [I don't really use that word very often...notice the QUOTATION MARKS]

There have been times in my life when friends have told me I'm too political....maybe I am but somebody had to pay attention!

Have a Great weekend.

I wouldn't worry too much about the Brass either!


Comment by Kathryn Ball on May 11, 2011 at 10:27pm

Thank YOU, Philip!

Wayne we have GOT to trust some other people. Dear friends of ours older son was a Marine Harrier Pilot who served twice in Iraq. He continues to serve in the National Guard and assures me that the majority of our service men and women are dedicated to serving and protecting the AMERICAN PEOPLE, not the stuffed shirts in Washington DC who are all so overwhelmed with their self importance they can hardly get their over inflated heads through the doors of their offices or whatever chambers they might occupy.

They are NOT obligated to obey illegal orders and I do believe they know the difference.

Panicing and looking for conspiracy plots behind every bush is exactly what they WANT us to do because it will keep us off balance and therefor more maleable [controlable] for them.

Remember Rahm Emmanual's words...."Never let a GOOD CRISIS GO TO WASTE"! Do not think for one second that if one doesn't occur spontaneously, they won't do everything they can to create one. What could be better than to plant the seeds of suspicion of one another, of organizations we believed we could trust?

The people I have come to know AND trust here are far too smart to be led down any kind of 'primrose path' prepared by a bunch of frightened progressive-liberal-democrat-socialists. They KNOW that their ideas have NEVER worked and they are learning that there are too many educated, freedom cherishing human beings living in this country who will give their lives rather than see the country they love become yet another failed social experiment.

We love our Liberty far too well to allow these foolish idiologues who have no real world experience tear it from our grasp and deprive our children and grandchildren of a future they themselves are responsible for.

Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on May 11, 2011 at 10:26am

Thanks Kathryn. I can always count on you for clear and critical thinking with logic so sharp you can slice through a ton of liberal progressive democrat BULL SperM.

I know that if and when the shit hits the fan, you'll be there with a million other TRUE PATRIOTS to bring this nation "back to the  constitution" that GOD made.






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