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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 25, 2013 at 5:37am

Obama is inane, studip and inarticulate

Without his teleprompter, Obama’s mediocrity is on full disply.

More examples

Posted by Ted Belman @ 10:20 pm

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 24, 2013 at 12:37am

‘Filth’: Here’s How Snubbed Members of Knesset Are Responding to Obama’s Jerusalem Speech

Heres How Snubbed Members of Knesset Are Responding to Obamas Jerusalem Speech

President Barack Obama waves after speaking on at the Convention Center in Jerusalem on Thursday (Photo credit: Saul Loeb /AFP/Getty Images)

Now that the applause has died down from President Barack Obama’s address to students in Jerusalem, Members of Knesset are coming out with their criticisms, with one lawmaker calling Obama’s speech “offensive to Netanyahu” and another saying it contained “filth.”

That’s no surprise, considering that in his speech, Obama encouraged the Israeli students to push their political leaders to “take risks” for peace. This, even though the Israeli public went to the polls only two months ago to democratically elect their leaders.

Editor’s note — We’ll be discussing this story and all the day’s news during our live BlazeCast from 12pm-1pm ET…including your questions, comments & live chat:

Obama said: “And let me say this as a politician — I can promise you this, political leaders will never take risks if the people do not push them to take some risks.  You must create the change that you want to see.  (Applause.)  Ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary things.”

And he added this: “That’s where peace begins — not just in the plans of leaders, but in the hearts of people.”

Member of Knesset Miri Regev of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud-Beiteinu party called Obama’s speech “offensive to Netanyahu.”

“I was surprised by his words about a Palestinian state, that he didn’t mention the word ‘Jerusalem’ and that he said, ‘Leaders must bring peace,’ as if Netanyahu doesn’t want peace,” she said.

Regev slammed Obama’s decision to sideline the Knesset in favor of a speech to more left-wing students. She said Obama should not have “gone over their heads.”

“I thought Obama arrived with a greater understanding of the diplomatic process between us and the Palestinians, but I see that he hasn’t changed his stances, not about settlement construction and not about two states for two nations, and decided that the young people must influence their leaders to put public pressure on the government so it will implement [Obama’s] agenda,” Regev said.

Moshe Feiglin, a hawkish Likud lawmaker, said Obama’s speech contained “a lot of filth in the middle.”

Though he praised Obama for acknowledging the connection of the Jewish people to the land of Israel, he suggested Obama’s call for peace was naïve, saying this: “When Obama talked about forcing us to make peace, all I could think about was baby Adele, who was injured by stone-throwing near Ariel last week.”

Three-year-old Adele Biton is now fighting for her life after being critically injured when Palestinians threw rocks at the car carrying her, her sisters and her mother. Police say the rock throwing caused their car to swerve and slam into an oncoming truck.

Heres How Snubbed Members of Knesset Are Responding to Obamas Jerusalem Speech

Adele Biton is fighting for her life after Palestinians threw rocks at her mother’s car, causing it to slam into a truck (Family photo via Israel Hayom)

Her parents are asking the public to pray for Adele, who has already undergone two head surgeries.

Economy and Trade Minister Naftali Bennett took Obama to task for criticizing the building of Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria/the West Bank and his push for a Palestinian state.

“A Palestinian state is not the right way,” Bennett said. “The time has come for new ideas and creativity to solve the Middle East conflict.”

“Anyway, a nation does not occupy its own land,” he added.

Ayelet Shaked of the Jewish Home party which supports Jews’ choice to live wherever they want, including in Judea and Samaria, called Obama a true friend of Israel, but added: “At the end of the day we would have to absorb the tragic and destructive results of the formation of a Palestinian state.”

“That is why the nation chose a government that does not include support for a two-state solution in its guidelines, and the U.S. president, for whom democracy in a guiding principle, must respect that,” she said.

Left-wing politicians supported Obama’s address. For example, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni of the Hatnua party called it “important and inspiring.”

“It is our job to implement our Zionist vision as is reflected in his eloquent words for the young people of Israel – those who were in the Convention Center and those at home,” she added.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded diplomatically, in a written statement:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanks US President Barack Obama for his unreserved support for the State of Israel.

Prime Minister Netanyahu shares President Obama’s view regarding the need to advance a peace that ensures the security of Israel’s citizens.

Netanyahu referred to the satirical sketch show Obama mentioned in his speech, Eretz Nehederet, which means “A Wonderful Country.” Netanyahu said he “agrees with President Obama that we have an eretz nehederet.”

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 21, 2013 at 4:41pm

The Audacity Of Incompetency, Insecurity, And Non-Transparency

Obama Illegal Assault Weapon Executive Order SC The Audacity of Incompetency, Insecurity, and Non Transparency

There is a reason the American people don’t want to relinquish their guns.

There is a reason why the American people fear their constitutional rights are in jeopardy.

There is a reason why the American people fear their quality of life and the future of their country is at risk.

The reasons are numerous, but it all comes down to one dismal reality: The American people do not trust this administration!

An administration immune to criticism and accountability (in conjunction with a complicit mainstream media that refuses to objectively and critically cover events and developments that may place this president in a bad light) is producing a climate of fear and paranoia across the nation. Unfortunately, at least half the population is either too indifferent or too enamored with the current administration to care.

Tragically, the lies, the scandals, the controversies, and the incompetencies are occurring at an alarming rate. The official response following the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi is a prime example of the politically motivated lies and deceptions promulgated by this administration (and recited verbatim by a biased media that may as well be on the government payroll).

The Obama administration repeatedly told the American people that the Benghazi attack was a spontaneous response to an offensive video posted on You Tube. Now we know this was a planned terrorist attack on ’9-11-12′ against our embassy in Libya. Increased security requests made by U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens (who was killed in the attack) fell on deaf ears, and
the identities of the survivors have yet to be disclosed. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham was finally granted permission to meet with a few of the survivors, and he reports that these survivors are fearful of speaking out (as they were told by the government to keep silent) regarding the events of that tragic day.

This administration recklessly placed politics before responsible leadership as they strategically fostered and enabled a failed foreign policy to become just another critical public exemption leading into the most important presidential election of our lifetime.

Many other disconcerting examples of ‘truth spinning’ abound that support the utter lack of transparency by which this administration operates. Some of the most troubling fabrications offered by our Commander in Chief include: the costs and conditions of government-sponsored healthcare, the administration’s hand in the sequester, the promotion of decreases in government spending and debt reduction, and the extent of government-funded health services provided by Planned Parenthood (specifically the lie that PP provides mammograms).

More troubling are the recent special reports detailing the curious decisions (a few via executive order) that seem to pit the government against its own people, including:

• The creation of a civilian ‘national security’ force.
• A drone program with the authority to strike down U.S. citizens.
• Proposed expansions to domestic spying in the form of personal bank account accessibility granted to multiple intelligence agencies without just cause.
• The purchase of unprecedented amounts of ammunition (and armored vehicles) by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and various other federal agencies.
• A call for a national gun registry and increased gun restrictions.
• The authorization of peacetime martial law.
• The establishment of U.S. detention centers for ‘political dissidents’ as revealed in official government documents.

Throw in the fact that our president has used the sequester as an unconscionable excuse to authorize the release of hundreds of illegal aliens (some detained for violent crimes as per an anonymous ICE source), and the alarming concern expressed by the loyal, proud, and passionate citizens of this great nation is more than justified.

Ironically, recent reports also reveal how this current White House has used intimidation in an attempt to control the media (as experienced by left-leaning journalists no less).

Veteran Washington Times reporter and Obama supporter Bob Woodward, one of the journalists threatened by the White House after he factually reported that the sequester was Obama’s idea, has quickly become one of the president’s most aggressive critics. Commenting on the President’s decision to not deploy the USS Harry Truman to the Persian Gulf due to budget concerns related to the looming sequester cuts, Woodward pined for the days of presidentially sound decision-making and reliability:

Can you imagine Ronald Reagan sitting there and saying, ‘Oh, by the way, I can’t do this because of some budget document?’ or George W. Bush saying, ‘You know, I’m not going to invade Iraq because I can’t get the aircraft carriers I need’ or even Bill Clinton saying, ‘You know, I’m not going to attack Saddam Hussein’s intelligence headquarters,’ as he did when Clinton was president because of some budget document?…Under the Constitution, the president is commander-in-chief and employs the force. And so we now have the president going out because of this piece of paper and this agreement. ‘I can’t do what I need to do to protect the country.’ That’s a kind of madness that I haven’t seen in a long time.

It seems the president himself is not immune from the paranoia perpetrated by his own administration, based on the recent revelation that Obama has his own personal ‘food taster.’ It seems the president fears that the same type of deceptive tactics applied by his own administration will be directed back at him.

What have we become? Is our president for us or against us? Despite ideological differences, I never thought we would reach a point in which such a question would have to be asked.

This is America 2013 – The Audacity of Reality.

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  2. The Audacity Of Obama’s Arrogance (I wrote this in 2010, but I think it appropriate...
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  5. Video: CNN Hammers Obama For Hypocrisy On Transparency It’s nice to see a network such as CNN absolutely...
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 21, 2013 at 4:35am

Obama Might Have to Dig Up His Tree in Israel

- Sooner than later.

President Obama and Israeli president Shimon Peres at a magnolia tree planting ceremony earlier today. Photograph: Amos Ben Gershom/GPO/EPA

6pm ET update: A tree, gifted by Barack Obama and planted in the garden of the president's official residence on Wednesday, has not – contrary to earlier reports – been dug up. In fact, the tree remains in place, for now.

Tests will be carried out on the tree by the ministry of agriculture, required of all plants brought into the country, in the next two to three weeks. According to the Israeli president's office, it is possible that the tree will need to be removed for those tests to take place.

To comply with the Israeli ministry of agriculture rules, the roots of the magnolia tree brought by Obama's entourage on Air Force One were covered in plastic before it was planted on Wednesday.

If the tree passes its inspection, the plastic will be removed and the tree will be replanted.

Earlier report:

After the earlier indignity of the presidential limo breakdown, there are now reports of another snafu to hit Barack Obama's visit to Israel.

The tree brought as a gift to Israel by Obama, and planted earlier on Wednesday, is now said to have been dug up.

The Times of Israel quoted the Israeli news website Ynet saying that the magnolia tree, planted by Obama and Israeli president Shimon Peres, had not undergone the requisite checks.

According to the Times of Israel:

Ynet is reporting that by order of the Agriculture Ministry, the magnolia tree brought from the US by the president and planted by Obama and Peres earlier this afternoon is being dug up. Really.

Plants cannot be brought in from abroad "without undergoing a check" by the ministry, the report quotes the bureaucrats as saying. If this were April 1, we'd assume this was a wind-up.

Maariv quoted Ayelet Frish, a spokesman for the Israeli president's office, as saying there was no diplomatic gaffe and that Israel had been aware of the Obama's plans to bring the tree on Air Force One in advance.

According to the LA Times, Obama said at the tree-planting ceremony: "It is an incredible honor to offer this tree to this beautiful garden, and to someone who is champion of the Israeli people and a champion of peace ... And we're very good gardeners."

The Blaze said Obama went on to say: "I'm sure this tree is going to do great."

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 21, 2013 at 4:33am

He's bold-face lying in Israel - with a crap-eating grin on his face!

Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes does a preview of the Occupant of the Oval Office's trip to Israel--only it's not the Israel that exists today. The video is entitled "The President's Trip to Israel, The West Bank & Jordan." A map of the area is shown in very general terms at least three times and it is a depiction of a nation already divided into at least two states and Jerusalem is nowhere to be seen as part of it. The map specifically identifies Judea and Samaria, known also as the West Bank, as a separate entity. The new White House map of Israel does not include Jerusalem. The White House video by Rhodes was published on March 15. But there is much more to the story.

The Occupant has landed safely in Israel and is making his way to meetings with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Simon Perez. A good deal has been written about the prophetic undertones of this trip--that he is entering Jerusalem during similar time frame as did Jesus Christ, his symbol is a donkey and Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. If he is crucified and resurrected there may be some Biblical significance to this trip, but it is obvious that this president has no similarities to Jesus Christ, although some leaders, even Christian leaders, have tried to make it so. The purpose of the Occupant's trip is to do an end run on Netanyahu and take the case of dividing Israel to Israeli citizens.

The Financial Times reports that he has his work cut out for him--"one poll last week showing that only 10 percent of Israelis view him favorably." There are too many memories that make this president one of the most anti-Israel, pro-Islam in the history of America. Beginning early in his first term, he sent his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to APAIC with the message--either support a two-state solution or we will back off pressure on Iran to end its nuclear quest. To this day, the Occupant is pressing a worn out and ineffective position: "Now is the time for the Iranian government to take immediate and meaningful steps to reduce tensions and work toward an enduring, long-term settlement to the nuclear issue."

So here you have the Israel visit in a nutshell--an attempt to undermine Netanyahu as Israel's leader, charm Israelis into accepting the White House map, and giving Iran incentive to back off its threatening nuclear aggression. He will visit just enough holy sites to make people think he cares about Israel's religious heritage when he said in his June 2009 Cairo speech that Israel was born out of the holocaust--a clear belief that Israel has no traditional heritage in the land. I'm sorry. There is one Biblical type and shadow that comes to mind with this visit--Daniel 11:38-39, "But in his estate shall he honor the God of forces...and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain." Enough said.

- Bill Wilson -

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 20, 2013 at 9:01pm

Hussein, continues blowing our money in Israel.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 20, 2013 at 5:34pm

Video: BREAKING: Forward Movement In The Obama Identity Fraud Case

March 20, 2013 By NewsEditor

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