“The Woods Are Lovely Dark And Deep…”
My fellow Americans! When in the course of your human events it becomes bleak and black as the depths of eternal Hell- when things get so damn dark and dank that you feel the commie bugs crawling up your spine- when you think all is lost and that you cannot possibly go on- remember that you are an American. There is no greater privilege on Planet Earth, whether you were born in the United States- or have sought refuge here from foreign soil.
And though it seems the American Dream is currently under attack from every quarter, some dreams are just too tough to die. Consider the Sleeping Giant in every American:
When Darkness gathers around you
And there is no light along the path, look inward.
See the giant that lies sleeping in the forest of your soul.
There the morning is bright.
Birds sing sweetly-
And as the giant sleeps in sunshine, he dreams.
He dreams of the greatness that awaits-
Greatness just out of reach-
And he reaches with arms outstretched.
Suddenly the giant feels your eyes upon him.
He can no longer sleep.
He rises.
Birds become silent,
And as his terrible battle cry rends the silence,
The animals of the forest flee.
His arrows are tipped with fire,
And lightning flies forth from his outstretched fingers.
He roars!
An explosion of light descends upon the darkness,
And darkness cannot withstand a light so bright.
Light spills onto the path before you.
He roars again with deafening intensity!
Lightning bolts strike the dark forms as they flee.
He speaks.
The words shake the very earth beneath you.
You hear these words rumble like thunder through the forest,
“Reach for thy dreams!”
My friends- my fellow patriots! We must now reach for our patriot dreams with all the might we possess. And if our strength is not sufficient for victory, God Almighty will lend his divine fury to lay waste the remaining obstacles before us. Moreover, I promise you that as long as a faithful band of Christians remains to possess the land, the vast armies of Heaven will come to our defense if necessary- and defeat the legions of Lucifer.
Someday we’ll all sit down together on the peaceful sandy shores of Jordan- and speak in reverent tones of the miracles we witnessed in the latter-days. We will recall how we held the line against the enemy- and how we shrank not from neither duty, nor danger. We will again find things to laugh about- and shed tears of joy together as we consider the mercy and power of God Almighty. We will share our stories of triumph from a time when all seemed lost- a time it seemed the very jaws of Hell had gaped open to receive us.
So lift up your heads- and be not shaken. Ye shall yet be borne on the wings of eagles- run and not be weary. Ye shall walk and not faint. Fear not- for those who are with us are many more than those who are against us. Nevertheless, we shall labor as though all success depended upon us- and pray as though all depended upon God.
The legendary American doctor Thomas Anthony Dooley wore a gold Saint Christopher’s medal- and on the back thereof were inscribed these words of Robert Frost, “The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have many promises to keep- and many miles to go before I sleep…” He also wore a back brace- so he could keep working as he was dying from cancer.
My dear patriot friends, the woods are indeed lovely dark and deep, but we do have many sacred promises to keep- and many troubled miles to walk before we sleep. I pray we shall all be equal to the ominous task at hand- and that it shall be written that the precious gift of liberty was preserved on our watch.
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God be with you and those you love.
Fighting for Freedom to be Free.
May God be with you my friend, and keep giving you the courage in the wisdom to keep the fight all the way to victory.
Fighting for Freedom to Stay Free.